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Originally posted by DanceSettee:
If you want to pull a bloke...

a) wear your mankiest period knickers

b) have at least a fortnight's hairgrowth under your armpits and/or your legs/lip

c) eat a clove of garlic

d) if you want to really go for it, cultivate a cold sore.

I find it particularly effective to not change your sheets either Nod
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
if you've finished helping charli here's another one for you

Completely inappropriate crush (ex's mate) only time i will ever see him is when he is out with ex Laugh

Don't want a deep and meaningful but want to get it out my system Laugh

but again i am quite shy Blush

Take him to one side and whisper in his ear that you'd like to bump uglies, no strings attached and no questions asked so long as he doesn't tell the ex.

Then hand him a piece of paper with your phone number on and smile sweetly and walk away.

Worth a try? Big Grin
Originally posted by lucifer:
Why is it inappropriate if he's your ex's mate was my first thought. Your ex is your ex for whatever reason Smiler

it was inappropriate when it started Smiler not so much anymore but still a bit wierd,

I also think the fact we were having a cuddle on the sofa for most of ex's new years party was exactly the done thing either Laugh (when me and ex were still together)
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
Originally posted by lucifer:
Why is it inappropriate if he's your ex's mate was my first thought. Your ex is your ex for whatever reason Smiler

it was inappropriate when it started Smiler not so much anymore but still a bit wierd,

I also think the fact we were having a cuddle on the sofa for most of ex's new years party was exactly the done thing either Laugh (when me and ex were still together)

Bit weird at the time

If he's available (is he..?) & you both have elevated pulses together; no reason not to make a move. What's the worst that could happen..? The clocks stop ticking..? Been tied to a chair for 24 hours and forced to watch Friends (that's plain sick)..nah..If he didn't go for it, he'd likely be no keener to make a meal of it than you.

If he *does* reciprocate..? Quids in. Big boys an girls now..ex's would just have to take their sugar lumps - not your problem. Miss the chance and you both regret it possibly Thumbs Up
L is lubbly just as you are...don't even attempt to be someone else. Relax, smile (but not like some mentalhead) and try to resist the urge to lick him...unless asked to...

Be confident in yourself...remember that we all lubbs ya...and never, ever think that anyone is too good for you.

Ooooh...and cupcakes...maybe a lickle pressie of some of your cupvcakes would break the ice!!

Aaaaaand...if nothing works...threaten him with us lot!!!!

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