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I`m gob-smacked that Sophie (and others) actually believe what they have read in these magazines.
Very soon they themselves will be in the hands of agents who will put lots of spin on things.
Then perhaps they will realise that it is mostly just a facade. But one that makes money.
It`s amazing that they believe the magazines, though.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
She might make lots of money from the modelling etc once she gets out but what about in the long run?. Imo housemates such as Marcus and Freddie will benefit more from doing the show and have lots to offer.

????????????? Confused

What can any of them offer? A few manic mutterings, random rants and a load of crap to the gutter press. If anybody is sad enough to be interested in anything any of them has to say or do post BB, then I feel very, very sorry for them!

Well I certainly think what they would do is better and more interesting than seeing Sophie getting out her boobs for the lads mags. Both have big fanbases who would be interested in what they get up to outside.

Fan bases? Eeker That just proves my point re the saddos who are remotely interested in any BB contestant enough to want to be part of a fan base. I despair, I really do!

Charlie is going to have people interested in what he does outside, so what do you say to that?.

The same as I originally said. BB, when it's on, provides a modicum of interest and entertainment - when it's finished, that's it as far as I'm concerned - I coudn't give a toss what any of them get up to before they return to the oblivion from whence they came. All of them are desperate for fame; they'd have to pretty desperate to go on the show in the first place. I, for one, certainly would not consider, even for a microsecond, showing any interest in any of them once BB has run its course - why massage already highly inflated egos even more? Confused

You wouldn't like DS appreciation threads then lol, not a member but they are passionate about their former housemates there. Most normally sink back into obscurity unless they want to hang out at the nightclubs etc Big Grin.

As I said to Cold Sweat, I visited DS once and ran out of there screaming! I thought here was bad enough but the people there really are loonies! Crazy
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Of course, Kris will now get yet another BBLB appearance...

Sophie should just hook up with Rodrigo. I've seen more chemistry with those two than she had with Krap Kris, hell she's even got more chemistry with Siavash.

It would have been fascinating to have seen these friendships on 24/7 LF over the past couple of weeks. Siavash often looks to be on the periphery of the main group, but his friendship with Sophie seems to be rock solid.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by brisket:
I`m gob-smacked that Sophie (and others) actually believe what they have read in these magazines.
Very soon they themselves will be in the hands of agents who will put lots of spin on things.
Then perhaps they will realise that it is mostly just a facade. But one that makes money.
It`s amazing that they believe the magazines, though.

I agree that these articles should be taken with a pinch of salt. However, the opinions expressed by her family do support what Tom said to her face before he left.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:

It would have been fascinating to have seen these friendships on 24/7 LF over the past couple of weeks. Siavash often looks to be on the periphery of the main group, but his friendship with Sophie seems to be rock solid.

Sophie and Siavash have that banter thing going, that Kris used to harp on about, but never quite managed with anyone! Laugh
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
She might make lots of money from the modelling etc once she gets out but what about in the long run?. Imo housemates such as Marcus and Freddie will benefit more from doing the show and have lots to offer.

????????????? Confused

What can any of them offer? A few manic mutterings, random rants and a load of crap to the gutter press. If anybody is sad enough to be interested in anything any of them has to say or do post BB, then I feel very, very sorry for them!


I was going to say the same, no one wants to hear what BB rejects have to say.... The only people who do well are females with huge boobs...
Am I the only one that found it slightly disturbing that her mother was quoted as saying something along the lines of 'she uses a contraceptive so it was ok for her to have casual (not the word she used, but that was the meaning) sex with Kris' Yeah - put it about with some oversexed little oik and so long as you can't get pregnant it's ok. No wonder sti's are still rife in this 'enlightened' age.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Am I the only one that found it slightly disturbing that her mother was quoted as saying something along the lines of 'she uses a contraceptive so it was ok for her to have casual (not the word she used, but that was the meaning) sex with Kris' Yeah - put it about with some oversexed little oik and so long as you can't get pregnant it's ok. No wonder sti's are still rife in this 'enlightened' age.

Some people think the pill is all you need... Even condoms are not 100% safe...
Originally posted by Videostar:
By telling the other HM's that if they see one tabloid headline from her about her and Kris that they should punch her.

Of course she'll bloody play the tabloid game when she gets out, shes loving this Kris, pregnancy thing.

The ÂĢ signs are flashing in front of her eyes. Big Grin

I don't think so, she horified, he's dead meat.
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Videostar:
By telling the other HM's that if they see one tabloid headline from her about her and Kris that they should punch her.

Of course she'll bloody play the tabloid game when she gets out, shes loving this Kris, pregnancy thing.

The ÂĢ signs are flashing in front of her eyes. Big Grin

Shes going to get a Tresumme ad surely Laugh

If she does I'm shaving me head.... Ninja

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