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Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!
Agree. It seems he has a very limited vocabulary, and is not very intelligent. From what I have seen of him so far it seems that way.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!

Or fed up with it. Tis possible.

Aye, possible but in David's case? Wink
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!

Or fed up with it. Tis possible.

Aye, possible but in David's case? Wink

Honestly, Barolo? From what I saw tonight,I'd have walked away muttering those phrases too and I think David did. She was relentless.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!
Agree. It seems he has a very limited vocabulary, and is not very intelligent. From what I have seen of him so far it seems that way.

Just goes to show Bea doesn't mind who she s..ts - David with 'limited vocabulary' or the more 'intelligent' Freddie. Anyone is fair game to our Bea.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!
Agree. It seems he has a very limited vocabulary, and is not very intelligent. From what I have seen of him so far it seems that way.

Somebody (carotino, I seem to remember) posted yesterday that David had a 1st class degree in English Literature Eeker I can't see it myself, unless he stole it from the Open University when it was closed for the summer! Wink
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!

Or fed up with it. Tis possible.

Aye, possible but in David's case? Wink

Honestly, Barolo? From what I saw tonight,I'd have walked away muttering those phrases too and I think David did. She was relentless.

True. I wasn't trying to defend Bea (why would I?!) - I merely wanted to state that such expressions really irritate me! Wink
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Barolo:
I can't stand the way people (David grrrr! Mad) draw arguments to a conclusion with these expressions.

Utterly meaningless and usually indicates that the person uttering the phrase is struggling to keep up!

Or fed up with it. Tis possible.

Aye, possible but in David's case? Wink

Honestly, Barolo? From what I saw tonight,I'd have walked away muttering those phrases too and I think David did. She was relentless.

True. I wasn't trying to defend Bea (why would I?!) - I merely wanted to state that such expressions really irritate me! Wink

Oh yeah...definitely. Having said that,I've been there. Sometimes, the effort required to refute a daft statement isn't worth it. Nod
subatomic partygirl
In his defence, he was obviously bothered, and who wouldn't be. She just wouldn't let it lie and kept on and on and on and on. And then went round the house harping on about it. Like a dog (lol) with a bone.

As much as I dislike David, I did feel as if she was just relentless and he genuinely didn't want to keep on about it. I found it funny she went silent when speaking to Lisa and David came in from the garden, he just knew she was still going on about it and pulled her up on it. She had nowhere to hide and (again) did herself no favours. (just my opinion though)
Originally posted by Karma_:
Can you imagine David saying Carotino? It would Caaraaatiinooorrrr

Probably ..........he does have a rather strong yorkie accent after all.

it makes me rather sad to see all these posts pointing out how 'ignorant', 'uneducated' and 'thick' Dave is.

My guess is he left schools ASAP to start earning his way in the world ......i dont suppose he had much help at home on the academic front either.

personally I don't judge people on that score ..............bea may well have a first class honours degree but dont make her a nice person.

i actually feel very sorry that dave hasn't had the benefit of a good education can never be understimated IMO ................still a far nicer person than Bea though.
Soozy Woo
bea may well have a first class honours degree but

And as she proves, that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. She is still not intelligent, just well versed in her chosen subject with a half decent vocabulary. She is far from intelligent imho. And NO you shouldn't judge people on their intelligence, it's just Bea thinks that she holds power over people because SHE THINKS she is intelligent. Manipulative and duplicitous maybe, but intelligent.... Absolutely not. Far from it imho.

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