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Originally posted by Demantoid:
I don't much like Marcus (before OHG jumps to attention, it's due to his personality, not his looks), but being a loner is hardly a capital offence.

It's "life and soul" types who run around screeching about how "mad" they are, who really get on my tits.

Thats ok by me, I dont have a problem with that at all, its the snide comments about the way he looks or dresses that get on my tits, that and the downright LIES and deliberate twisting of the facts ( he lives with his mum, when in FACT SHE lives with HIM in HIS home) that get MY back up, " he looks like he smells" is another, comments like those tell ME alot more about the person posting than they do about their "target".
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I will tell you the reason for my "sense of humour bypass" Marcus looks like many of my close friends, as most of my friends are bikers, and I have been a biker myself for the past 40 years, and as such I and my friends have had to put up with EXACTLY the same sort of shallow pig ignorant attitudes and comments I see everyday on this forum,
and I will ALWAYS react when I come into contact with this "attitude" here, or in the press. or in the street, oh and dont worry I WONT be sitting next to you on a bus anytime soon,
and I will NOT "wind my neck in" ok?,
give me a house full of Marcuses anyday over the usual type of twat we have in there,

Many years ago my family had a fish & chip restaurant and about a dozen bikers walked in for a meal. As they were leaving, some people walked in and asked if we had had any problems with "those people" (a phrase I detest with a passion) so we told them that they had been ideal customers who had neatly sided all their plates and cutlery and who had been courteous & appreciative and they would be welcomed back with open arms any day of the week. I don't know why people insist on making such judgements just because someone rides a motorbike and wears appropriate clothing.

OH I could bore ya all night with similar stories, like the time I and about 15 mates prevented a major motorway pile up one night, a high ranking copper told us that without doubt we saved lives by doing what we did,
or how the Hells Angels hold a HUGE event every year "the bulldog bash" that raises hundreds of thousands for charity and get over 30 thousand people turning up, and how in the 20 odd years its been held there have been LESS arrests than at ONE V festival or suchlike,
but hey, we look like "smellies or weirdos" to SOME people,
and when I see the same kind of stereotypeing prejudice BS displayed here by SOME, note, SOME, posters, it kinda pushes my buttons.
old hippy guy
OH I could bore ya all night with similar stories, like the time I and about 15 mates prevented a major motorway pile up one night, a high ranking copper told us that without doubt we saved lives by doing what we did,
or how the Hells Angels hold a HUGE event every year "the bulldog bash" that raises hundreds of thousands for charity and get over 30 thousand people turning up, and how in the 20 odd years its been held there have been LESS arrests than at ONE V festival or suchlike,
but hey, we look like "smellies or weirdos" to SOME people,
and when I see the same kind of stereotypeing prejudice BS displayed here by SOME, note, SOME, posters, it kinda pushes my buttons.

I completely understand, OHG.
In his youth, my brother was a member of Blackpool Motorbike Club and one year parts of Fleetwood was badly flooded and the bikers turned up to help and they delivered aid to the flood victims and they tried to make sure the sick and the elderly were ok. They could get to places cars etc couldn't and they worked damned hard.
Originally posted by Mollie:
Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by wonder:
A loner does not go on a tv show. He is sitting back quietly thinking he has done enough and has it all sewed up.
He really wants to win more than any other hm, even Charlie and I think he probably will win.

He would have been out weeks ago had it been up to me.

exactly, he's now trying to fly under the radar, because he thinks its in the bag, well some of us can see through you Marcus old chap Razzer


Totally agree... did you know there is a lil bug crawling on my screen! and it belongs to you canicant!!! I was trying to flick it off hahahah

Sorry Mollie, here try this

hope it helps Laugh

Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by demonickitten:
He s the kind of weirdo that would sit next to you on the bus.

Hi DK wavey He could sit beside me if he wanted.. I think he's amusing.

In his stinky vest Eeker
I bet he doesnt stink half as much as the smokers in there with their rollup breath and nicotine stained fingers.

Laugh I agree, thankyou for pointing that out CaptVimes Smiler

I always thought Marcus was quite a chatty person who enjoyed having a laugh and a good conversation and would like to stay up in the night with people. Sadly though, tiredness makes people more withdrawn, not having a lot in common with some people on a deeper level can also. Ok he gets cranky but they all do. We might not be treated to seeing it though, but they do. Rodrigo is a moody and temperamental boy, Charlie gets aggressive very quickly, Lisa keeps herself topped up with nicotine but guaranteed if she didn't have that pillow of baccy she would be clawing people's eyes every day. Bea is a passive aggressive, two faced, psychological nightmare.

I miss Freddie!
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by demonickitten:
He s the kind of weirdo that would sit next to you on the bus.

Hi DK wavey He could sit beside me if he wanted.. I think he's amusing.

In his stinky vest Eeker

I will borrow a perfumed handkerchief from Lil ... wherever she is! Frowner Big Grin

I don't think that it's his vest that I recall, it is his breath...

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