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Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

I know I shouldn't, because I know she's been horrible at times, but I just can't help feeling sorry for someone who is hated/disliked by everyone else.

The good news is that she only has to endure a few more days of being with those housemates and then she can go home and be reunited with her loved ones.

I don't hate her and never said I have. Freddie should never have got as involved as he did. He told Marcus not to get too involved with Noirin so it's ironic he didn't take his own advice were Bea was concerned.
Free Thinking
I really liked Bea to begin with, so much so, I was begining to think, I wanted her to win ..... but she's pulled so many tricks on people, with what I can only assume to be for ulterior motives.

I now find her very wearing and tiresome, & what she is reaping now, is what she has herself sewn ..... I don't feel much sympathy towards her really .... she's kinda brought this all upon herself.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

I know I shouldn't, because I know she's been horrible at times, but I just can't help feeling sorry for someone who is hated/disliked by everyone else.

The good news is that she only has to endure a few more days of being with those housemates and then she can go home and be reunited with her loved ones.

Well that shows what a decent person you are. I doubt though that Bea would have the same sentiments, morals or decency.
Originally posted by Poker Face:
I really liked Bea to begin with, so much so, I was begining to think, I wanted her to win ..... but she's pulled so many tricks on people, with what I can only assume to be for ulterior motives.

I now find her very wearing and tiresome, & what she is reaping now, is what she has herself sewn ..... I don't feel much sympathy towards her really .... she's kinda brought this all upon herself.
My sentiments exactly. She not only changed her allegiances from Marcus and co in order to avoid being nominated but she cynically created a hate campaign against Freddie in order to ingratiate herself with Lisa and co. There's a kind of justice in the fact that it's all gone pearshaped for her since her huge smirk at the eviction of Freddie. There's an air of hopelessness about her which does evoke a certain amount of sympathy but it's tempered by the knowledge that she is the sole author of her misfortunes.
captain marbles
I'd really like to feel sorry for her but as much as I try, the way she's spoken to and treated other HMs keeps getting in the way I'm afraid Frowner

Had Bea shown an iota of genuine remorse for her actions toward those she has treated so badly, I might have felt differently, but she's just so arrogantly sanctimonious and takes it all in her stride as if it's all normal, everyday behaviour.

I'm hoping she'll take up any offers of help when she leaves the house, because her future looks pretty bleak from here.

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