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Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
He should cut it...It's all wispy and looks in bad condition, and no amount of long hair can compensate for the fact he's going bald...I bet he gets "Hair envy" every time he looks at Siavash. Big Grin

Without a shadow of a doubt, his hairline is starting to 'lean back' Laugh

Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
He should cut it...It's all wispy and looks in bad condition, and no amount of long hair can compensate for the fact he's going bald...I bet he gets "Hair envy" every time he looks at Siavash. Big Grin

Without a shadow of a doubt, his hairline is starting to 'lean back' Laugh

NodIt's starting to go wavy....Waving him bye bye.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
He should cut it...It's all wispy and looks in bad condition, and no amount of long hair can compensate for the fact he's going bald...I bet he gets "Hair envy" every time he looks at Siavash. Big Grin

Without a shadow of a doubt, his hairline is starting to 'lean back' Laugh

NodIt's starting to go wavy....Waving him bye bye.

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
He should cut it...It's all wispy and looks in bad condition, and no amount of long hair can compensate for the fact he's going bald...I bet he gets "Hair envy" every time he looks at Siavash. Big Grin

Without a shadow of a doubt, his hairline is starting to 'lean back' Laugh

NodIt's starting to go wavy....Waving him bye bye.


Big GrinMr L developed waving hair years ago....Wavy hair which don't fit him any more...Either his head has grown or his hair shrunk in the shower.
HEHE, here we go AGAIN, not so long ago some of the, erm, shall we say, more "shallow" Marcus bashers were saying that "he looks like he stinks" and going on n on about his supposed lack of personal hygene,
and NOW cause he is doing a bit of "grooming" the SAME people take the plss, Like I have said before by ALL means criticise for proper reasons, but this constant picking at EVERY TINY little thing he does only makes your argument and point of view seem childish and based on nothing other than spite,
and the 'dig' about going bald is, to ME, the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped, going bald is NOT a thing that we have ANY control over, so "taking the piss" is LOW, IMO, would you take the piss if he was blind or disabled in some otherway?
cause a person has NO say or control in the matter, but its ok to attack bald people, cause baldies dont have feelings,
and I seem to remember some of the more 'avid' Marcus bashers ranting on and on and never missing a chance to have a little snide dig about him living with his mum, comments like " truly pathetic a grown man of 35 still living with his mum"
COURSE when it eventually comes out that his mum lives with HIM and NOT the other way round, do these "nice decent upstanding shining examples of purity virtue and impecable morality" make posts saying they take back their nasty ill informed remarks? I WONT be holding my breath waiting,
seems this "odious unwashed foul mouthed pervert, is looking after his mum, like a kind caring DECENT son would,
But that doesnt quite fit in with their stereotyped image does it?
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
HEHE, here we go AGAIN, not so long ago some of the, erm, shall we say, more "shallow" Marcus bashers were saying that "he looks like he stinks" and going on n on about his supposed lack of personal hygene,
and NOW cause he is doing a bit of "grooming" the SAME people take the plss, Like I have said before by ALL means criticise for proper reasons, but this constant picking at EVERY TINY little thing he does only makes your argument and point of view seem childish and based on nothing other than spite,
and the 'dig' about going bald is, to ME, the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped, going bald is NOT a thing that we have ANY control over, so "taking the piss" is LOW, IMO, would you take the piss if he was blind or disabled in some otherway?
cause a person has NO say or control in the matter, but its ok to attack bald people, cause baldies dont have feelings,
and I seem to remember some of the more 'avid' Marcus bashers ranting on and on and never missing a chance to have a little snide dig about him living with his mum, comments like " truly pathetic a grown man of 35 still living with his mum"
COURSE when it eventually comes out that his mum lives with HIM and NOT the other way round, do these "nice decent upstanding shining examples of purity virtue and impecable morality" make posts saying they take back their nasty ill informed remarks? I WONT be holding my breath waiting,
seems this "odious unwashed foul mouthed pervert, is looking after his mum, like a kind caring DECENT son would,
But that doesnt quite fit in with their stereotyped image does it?
Oh, for goodness sake. I am a Marcus fan. You really are reading too much into this. The OP was an observation.. NOT a criticism. It was as much an observation about those watching LF as much as anything(prepared to watch people sleeping or doing mundane things) Yes, I amused that Marcus combed his hair for so long, but as someone earlier pointed out, it is probably therapeutic. Perhaps this thread was trivial, bit it was not mean or spiteful. Just an observation Hippie. By the way, Good morning Big Grin .

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