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DAY 76


All of the Housemates are in the Bedroom. For this week's shopping task Housemates will inhabit the Big Brother House of Horrors.

Housemates wake up to the alarm and discover the house has been redesigned for the House of Horrors task. As Housemates walk out to the Garden and find their names on gravestones, Charlie comments that he hopes his 'is in the sun'. Bea asks 'Why has mine got a crow on it?' before wondering whether it's a sign that she is up for eviction. David tells her 'You're just being silly, it's just a task.' He then shrieks 'I love this task!'


Big Brother has provided Housemates with costumes for this week's task. Werewolf Lisa, Skeleton David and Headless Horseman Marcus are in the Garden.

Throughout the task, a whistle will indicate the arrival of a ghost train. Upon the sound of the whistle all Housemates must become zombies.

As the whistle sounds, Marcus gets up, while Siavash and Charlie wander out from the Kitchen and join the other Housemates in the Garden. They stagger around like zombies. As the train makes its way around the Garden it topples off the rails due to a twig on the line, but is put back by the housemates. As the task ends, David shouts 'Thank God for that', whilst Siavash hopes that the train hasn't ruined their chance of passing the task.


Marcus, the Headless Horseman, has come to the Diary Room. When asked by Big Brother how he is, Marcus replies that he has 'been better'. He then proceeds to tell Big Brother that he doesn't like his costume as it is a 'cheap and nasty, crappy mannequin head' with a 'crap Velcro moustache and wig'. He tells BB that he has nicknamed the head 'Alfonso'.


Bea and Charlie are in the Task Room. In today's task Charlie and Bea are taking the roles of Dr Frankenstein and his monster. Dr Frankenstein will have 10 minutes to remove body parts from a corpse using the metal tools provided.

Each body part is set in a wire mesh. If the mesh is touched by the metal tools then Frankenstein's monster will receive a shock through a set of stimulator pads that are attached to her buttocks. Dr Frankenstein must remove 8 out of the 10 body parts to pass their part of the task.

Before the task commences, Charlie tells Bea to 'just relax'. Bea tells him to 'do your best, babe'. Big Brother then tells them that Dr Frankenstein can begin surgery.

Bea yelps as she receives a shock. Charlie laughs and apologises. Bea tells him the pain is 'actually not that bad', to which she receives another shock and continues screaming. Bea tells Charlie to 'just f*cking grab it and rip it out', then ponders whether the shocks are 'good for my bum muscles?' Charlie agrees that they probably are. After successfully taking out 10 body parts, Charlie deliberately shocks Bea and laughs as she screams again.


Big Brother has gathered all of the Housemates in the Sitting Room for the results of this week's Nominations. Big Brother announces that Bea, Marcus and David face eviction this week. Siavash wishes them all good luck. Whilst David claims 'I'm not bothered' he asks 'Did you nominate me Bea? You must have done.' Bea replies by saying that she is not going to talk about nominations. David points out that Bea denied nominating him in the kitchen earlier. Charlie tells David that he didn't nominate him, whilst Bea tells him that 'it's not fair to assume it's me.' David says that he is 'not going to be nice to somebody if they nominate [him]'.


David tells the other Housemates that he's glad he's found out what Bea is like now. Charlie tells him not to worry about it. David replies that he's 'not bothered' as 'nominations are part of the game'. Whilst waiting for the Diary Room, Bea tells Rodrigo that she 'didn't like the way David reacted'. Rodrigo adds that it made him 'uncomfortable as well.'

In the Diary Room, Bea tells Big Brother that she is 'surprised how David reacted only because he let everyone see'. She elaborates by saying he 'showed himself up royally'. Although she regrets being dishonest in the first place about nominating him, she thinks his reaction has proved to her that she did vote for the right person.


Charlie, Bea and Marcus are in the Garden. Bea asks Marcus whether it she would look like a 'duplicitous bitch' if she didn't talk to David about their argument. Marcus asks her to think whether she has tried her hardest, and if she has then there is no point 'banging your head against a wall'.

David is in the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that, from now on, he has 'no relationship with Bea' as he 'can't trust her'. He says that she is a very intelligent lady and knows exactly what she's doing.


Bea and David are in the bedroom. Bea apologises to David saying that she 'felt cowardly' when she didn't tell him the truth about her nominations but that she had a 'panic moment'. David replies that he's 'not bothered being up for eviction' but that he'd felt they had 'come a long way' in the house. She tries to console him further by saying that the decision took her 'ages to decide' and that their conversation about 'fake boobs' prior to her going into the Diary Room was the reason she used to nominate him. David tells her this is a 'pathetic excuse' and that the 'next time you're upset I'm not going to be there'. As he walks out of the room he mutters to himself 'F*ck you.'


David is in the Kitchen. The rest of the Housemates are in the Living Room.

Bea is talking to Lisa about the 'fake boobs' conversation. Lisa tells her that contrary to what she believes, 'he wasn't talking sh*t'. She adds that 'he has stuck up for you' and been the 'only one that bothered with you' on several occasions. Bea says that she feels he is sometimes 'point-scoring' by telling people what they want to hear, and this sometimes involves telling one person one thing and another person something else entirely. David tells her 'that's sh*t - you're talking rubbish'.

Siavash and Marcus are in the Garden. Siavash says he thinks they are 'both in the wrong' and that 'arguments like this make [him] sad to be in the house.'

Back in the Living Room Lisa tells Bea that she nominated her as the messages from home day was 'all about you - the whole day was you, you, you'. She then adds that 'some people don't like hearing the truth'. Bea mutters that she 'shouldn't have bothered saying anything' and that she was going to nominate Lisa. David says that he 'goes on face values' and that this has 'shown [him] everything [he] needs to know' about Bea.


As part of the task, Siavash and Lisa must become werewolves. From dusk until 2am, Big Brother will play the sound of a werewolf howling. Upon hearing this, the Werewolves have 75 seconds to get on to rocks that have been placed in the living room, outstretch their arms for ten seconds, then remove their costumes to reveal their werewolf suit beneath. They must also howl like a wolf until they hear the sound of birds tweeting. As a howl is played into the house, Lisa and Siavash go into the Living Room and start changing costumes. David shouts support, telling them to 'rip 'em off!'


Lisa and David are in the Garden talking about Bea. David tells Lisa that 'it's about morals'. She agrees and says that 'Big Brother doesn't take morals away - that's not in the rulebook'.

Bea, Rodrigo and Sophie joke around with the Headless Horseman, joking that they have 'killed Marcus'. Whilst Rodrigo jokingly cries that this is 'aggressive behaviour,' Sophie points out that 'murder isn't in the rules'.

In the Garden Lisa and David are talking about Bea's message from home. Lisa says that she did care about the lack of a message from Bea's mother, but that it was 'Bea's attitude after' that made her lose sympathy for her. David tells her that Bea 'ripped [his] heart out' by what she did.


David is in the bath.

Bea and Charlie are in the Bedroom. Bea asks Charlie whether he thinks she will go on Friday. He replies that he doesn't know. She agrees, saying that she 'hasn't got a clue' either. He tries to tell her that even if she does there is 'good to everything that happens'. Bea tells him that she 'doesn't want to go, but no one ever does do they?'

Sophie and Rodrigo are in the Diary Room. They joke and laugh about the argument between Frankenstein's monster and a skeleton (David and Bea), saying that 'it's hard to take anyone seriously' in these costumes. Sophie suggests 'it must bring something out in us'.

Siavash and Lisa are in the Garden. The whistle sound is played into the house and all the housemates become zombies. Rodrigo and Sophie are in the Diary Room and so walk around in zombie fashion in the Diary Room, other Housemates wander around in the Garden while David joins them, in just his pants, after getting out of the bath.


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Big Brother has gathered all of the Housemates in the Sitting Room for the results of this week's Nominations. Big Brother announces that Bea, Marcus and David face eviction this week. Siavash wishes them all good luck. Whilst David claims 'I'm not bothered' he asks 'Did you nominate me Bea? You must have done.' Bea replies by saying that she is not going to talk about nominations. David points out that Bea denied nominating him in the kitchen earlier. Charlie tells David that he didn't nominate him, whilst Bea tells him that 'it's not fair to assume it's me.' David says that he is 'not going to be nice to somebody if they nominate [him]'.


David tells the other Housemates that he's glad he's found out what Bea is like now. Charlie tells him not to worry about it. David replies that he's 'not bothered' as 'nominations are part of the game'. Whilst waiting for the Diary Room, Bea tells Rodrigo that she 'didn't like the way David reacted'. Rodrigo adds that it made him 'uncomfortable as well.'

In the Diary Room, Bea tells Big Brother that she is 'surprised how David reacted only because he let everyone see'. She elaborates by saying he 'showed himself up royally'. Although she regrets being dishonest in the first place about nominating him, she thinks his reaction has proved to her that she did vote for the right person.

so it's a load of bea when we go live to the house at 6.22 for the live nomination results then.
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Thanks darlo Thumbs Up I feel sorry for poor Dave he has been so kind to Bea, he has always been the first to give her a cuddle. Its not so much that she nominated him its the way she went about it Mad

I agree. Thumbs Up
What they did'nt show the on h/l show when Bea was so upset about not getting a message from her mom, was Dave giving her a can of his cider to cheer her up, how kind. Angel
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Thanks darlo Thumbs Up I feel sorry for poor Dave he has been so kind to Bea, he has always been the first to give her a cuddle. Its not so much that she nominated him its the way she went about it Mad

I agree. Thumbs Up
What they did'nt show the on h/l show when Bea was so upset about not getting a message from her mom, was Dave giving her a can of his cider to cheer her up, how kind. Angel
Aw did he, bless and this is how she repays him Mad

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