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Big Brother revealed that Marcus, Bea and David would face the public vote this week and with a sprinkle of tension and the added ingredient of being able to talk about nominations, it was only a matter of time before things went up like a rocket.

David put his two-pence in first, confronting Bea about her nominations. “You must have nominated me!” he yelled and in the same sentence “I’m not bothered.” Hmmm. Bea then came to the Dairy Room to talk to Big Brother about her surprise over David’s reaction. But despite the row she said that she felt “very happy” to be nominated. Hmmm and Hmmm again.

Elsewhere, some of the housemates were feeling pressure of a different kind. Rodrigo and Sophie started the vampire Task. To pass the challenge each vampire must hang upside from the church roof in the Garden. “I shouldn’t have put all this weight on.” groaned Sophie and she hung from her knees.

And if things weren’t scary enough Lisa and Siavash started the werewolf Task. On hearing the howl of the night they had to rip off their clothes off and show their inner werewolf. That’s not something you see every day and for those of you that thought this might be a welcome distraction from all the arguments, you were wrong.

David came to the Diary Room to tell Big Brother that he and Bea no longer had a relationship “I’m going to stay well clear.” he insisted but Bea wasn’t having any of it. Bea told David straight out that she had nominated him and, for good measure, she also told him her reason for doing so. David didn’t take the news too well and said her reason was ‘pathetic’ and as a result he didn’t want to be friends with her anymore.

David and Lisa came into the Living Area and began to bicker with Bea over her reasons for nominating David. And just as the sun set an argument arose in which Bea suddenly revealed that people have bitched to her about David.

Despite the ongoing bickering and the declaration of war, Bea said that she still wanted to be friends with David. However, if Bea hadn’t got the message before, she might have had an inkling when David replied ‘you have a funny way of showing it’ and stormed off.

The evening ended with a couple of ghost trains, a whole House of zombies, two very strange werewolves and a lot of storming in and out of various rooms by Bea and David. Bonzar.

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`And just as the sun set an argument arose in which Bea suddenly revealed that people have bitched to her about David`

When Bea`s in a pickle she`s an expert at involving others.

It`s also done to take the wind out of the sails of the person she`s arguing with. "I`m not the only one who has problems with you" type message.


Thanks Darlo! Thumbs Up Hug
I am glad dave said what he did to her and didnt backdown to any of the usual claptrap she spouts when in the wrong

Others have been saying etc

He was nothing but a friend to her and now thank god he sees her for what she is.

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