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Has anyone seen the video footage of those sick circus trainers hitting the poor elephants on Sky News? The ****ing thing screamed out in pain. Mad

How can they get away with this being a British Circus...and shame on anyone that gives these people money by going to see the shower of shite.

I'm so so so so so ANGRY about this that I cried. Mad Mad Mad

Sorry if someone has posted about this, I did look to see but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone else find this disturbing?

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Mad Crying Mad Mad

cant decide which i feel the most

i once went to a circus that had camped up nearby and asked if i could go and see their elephants and see the conditions they are kept in - they said the only way i could see the elephants is to buy a ticket to the circus - i asked what they had to hide Frowner they wouldnt let me in Frowner

it is a disgrace that animals can be abused in this way for so called entertainment Mad Crying
This sort of thing makes me sick. It's animal cruelty dresses up as entertainment. I'm always doing stuff for animal rights charities. I feel sometimes though that I'm a lone voice as so many friends/family etc voice their opinions to me then do nothing. What's the point in that?

I don't go out on protests but I do protest in my own way. Petitions, emailing those responsible and the people who COULD change things, donating by DD each month to animal charities etc.

Having read countless threads similar to this on here and ch4 over the years I only hope that everyone who hates this sort of thing voices thier concern to someone other than us on here Hug
Originally posted by Lacey:
Has anyone seen the video footage of those sick circus trainers hitting the poor elephants on Sky News? The ****ing thing screamed out in pain. Mad

How can they get away with this being a British Circus...and shame on anyone that gives these people money by going to see the shower of shite.

I'm so so so so so ANGRY about this that I cried. Mad Mad Mad

Sorry if someone has posted about this, I did look to see but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone else find this disturbing?

What diff does it being a british circus make? Confused
because the uk is supposed to protect animal rights and welfare thats why. other countries laws around what's acceptable and what's not concerning animal welfare are shocking to say the least.

in my opinion as it was a british circus the RSPCA have failed miserably and I am seriously disapponted in them considering I donate each month.

I hope thus explains Confused

I've typed this on
me phone so sorry if it's full of spelling mistakes!
I've seen so much of it Lacey during all the years I spent doing animal rights and demonstrating outside circus's etc.

The government were supposed to be banning the use of wild animals in this way etc but of course it was another of their pie crust promises - easily made and easily broken.

You can get lots of info from CAPS among others on how to campaign and get your local authority to ban circus's with animals

Click here
Originally posted by Lacey:
because the uk is supposed to protect animal rights and welfare thats why. other countries laws around what's acceptable and what's not concerning animal welfare are shocking to say the least.

in my opinion as it was a british circus the RSPCA have failed miserably and I am seriously disapponted in them considering I donate each month.

I hope thus explains Confused

I've typed this on
me phone so sorry if it's full of spelling mistakes!

Oh now I get you. Well done for the typing!!
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
I've seen so much of it Lacey during all the years I spent doing animal rights and demonstrating outside circus's etc.

The government were supposed to be banning the use of wild animals in this way etc but of course it was another of their pie crust promises - easily made and easily broken.

You can get lots of info from CAPS among others on how to campaign and get your local authority to ban circus's with animals

Click here
thanks for this veggie. I've a bit if free time on my hands at the moment and would really like to get more involved with protesting. this subject is something I feel very passionate about.

thanks for the link and if you ever need any support on demos etc pm me please, I'll be there like a shot. seriosly.
I can't read the whole thread Lacey because stuff like this makes me ill and I can't get the details/images out of my head for ages. Frowner

I would never ever go to a circus which uses animals ever! Mad

Our school does a whole school trip at the end of every year and often it's to Flamingo Land and I point blank refuse to go because they have animals in captivity there surrounded by all that noise and chaos. I raise objections with the head every time but he says it's because it's one of the nearer theme parks and somewhere else would be too far and therefore make the day unfeasible.

No excuse as far as I'm concerned, we should do something else with kids.
Originally posted by Butter$:
Originally posted by Lacey:
because the uk is supposed to protect animal rights and welfare thats why. other countries laws around what's acceptable and what's not concerning animal welfare are shocking to say the least.

in my opinion as it was a british circus the RSPCA have failed miserably and I am seriously disapponted in them considering I donate each month.

I hope thus explains Confused

I've typed this on
me phone so sorry if it's full of spelling mistakes!

Oh now I get you. Well done for the typing!!

ta!! quoting is a nightmare!! Tehe! i'm in the garden enjoying the sun!! Big Grin
Originally posted by Lacey:
Has anyone seen the video footage of those sick circus trainers hitting the poor elephants on Sky News? The ****ing thing screamed out in pain. Mad

How can they get away with this being a British Circus...and shame on anyone that gives these people money by going to see the shower of shite.

I'm so so so so so ANGRY about this that I cried. Mad Mad Mad

Sorry if someone has posted about this, I did look to see but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone else find this disturbing?

I'm glad to say I've not seen this as it's far too disturbing just reading your post, Lacey.

I don't go to circuses, and this is good enough reason to continue to avoid them. I thought they'd banned the use of animals long ago, but obviously not. Frowner
Originally posted by skive:
I can't read the whole thread Lacey because stuff like this makes me ill and I can't get the details/images out of my head for ages. Frowner

I would never ever go to a circus which uses animals ever! Mad

Our school does a whole school trip at the end of every year and often it's to Flamingo Land and I point blank refuse to go because they have animals in captivity there surrounded by all that noise and chaos. I raise objections with the head every time but he says it's because it's one of the nearer theme parks and somewhere else would be too far and therefore make the day unfeasible.

No excuse as far as I'm concerned, we should do something else with kids.

Skive Hug Valentine xx

Flamingo land is just up the road from me.

My kids are always asking to go but I won't take them and I don't do Zoo's either. If they go with the school or want to go with freinds I won't say no because I think they need to make their own minds up when they are older.

But the circus thing was disgraceful. Frowner O can't understand anyone that would want to be cruel to a defenseless animal? It makes me so upset. Frowner
Originally posted by Pengy:
Poor elephants cried out in pain Frowner I know what I'd do if I got my hands on the pitchfork and the so called keeper Mad and I don't believe in violence

there doesn't seem to be any mention of the RSPCA taking action against them unless I read it wrong on the site Frowner

no they didn't Pengy the circus tried to defend him but then they sacked him instead.

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