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Originally posted by Dave - GaGa:
Spongebob, there is a place on the LiveCloud support forums to post feature suggestions. If that one is not already posted (Zaphod might have already) then please post it. If that's already been posted just drop in a reply that you're in agreement. User suggestions are VERY HEAVILY considered.

thanks dave.....i'll toddle off and do that.....cheers for your is appreciated xx
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by Tequila:

aww ok then Big Grin


Still catching up after the phone call then? Big Grin

PMSL you know me.........farming.......watching LF......whilst at same time working at the widget rest for the wicked Big Grin Valentine

LF! Eeker Forgot about that. Laugh
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
I'm a bit distressed.... I have just put LF on... and lisa really really needs to nivea her hands!

So does Siavash Eeker

What does it all mean... what is going on!

See, we are now completely out of the BB loop!

I really am. Laugh I've hardly read a thread all day.
Can i just throw my 10p's worth in.. after reading Dave's post about making suggestions, I went over to LiveCloud and left a post in the Suggestions part of the forum, basically what it boils down to is that there is a drop down menu on our control pages which is currently set to LiveCloud only, I have asked if the Eve system can be added for forum use as many people feel comfortable with this system.

Don't know if we will have any luck with this, but thought it was worth a try..

If anyone agrees with me, then please put your views as well, the LiveCloud system is ok, but it would be nice to have the option if it is at all available.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Can i just throw my 10p's worth in.. after reading Dave's post about making suggestions, I went over to LiveCloud and left a post in the Suggestions part of the forum, basically what it boils down to is that there is a drop down menu on our control pages which is currently set to LiveCloud only, I have asked if the Eve system can be added for forum use as many people feel comfortable with this system.

Don't know if we will have any luck with this, but thought it was worth a try..

If anyone agrees with me, then please put your views as well, the LiveCloud system is ok, but it would be nice to have the option if it is at all available.

It sounds a good suggestion but I can't do this as I can't log-in to the cloudy place. You can say I agree with you if you like.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Can i just throw my 10p's worth in.. after reading Dave's post about making suggestions, I went over to LiveCloud and left a post in the Suggestions part of the forum, basically what it boils down to is that there is a drop down menu on our control pages which is currently set to LiveCloud only, I have asked if the Eve system can be added for forum use as many people feel comfortable with this system.

Don't know if we will have any luck with this, but thought it was worth a try..

If anyone agrees with me, then please put your views as well, the LiveCloud system is ok, but it would be nice to have the option if it is at all available.

It sounds a good suggestion but I can't do this as I can't log-in to the cloudy place. You can say I agree with you if you like.

Sure hun no problem at all.. will do in the morning though, off to bed soon.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by profile:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

I guess some were not "transferred" over, for want of a better word.

At least we can all help each other get there. If we keep threads like this going, there is always going to be someone who can help Thumbs Up

Absolutely... though I think a better thread title is called for.

"The hour of The Apocalypse is upon us"?

I'm liking you Profile..... you HAVE registered haven't you? Wink

Oh gawd Ducky, don't be encouraging him Roll Eyes There'll be no getting rid Big Grin
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by porto:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Why do I get the feeling that just a few short weeks after we climbed on board this is all going to turn out to be such a disappointment.

I have read every thread on it. We liked the format when we signed up. It looked just like C4, it felt just like C4. And I have gone along with the change and signed up to Live Cloud but I am not liking the look of the proposed forum and I can just see it being like the end of the C4 thing all over again with everyone not knowing which way to jump.

Hope I'm wrong.

I have a gut feeling you are right squiggle and i agree with you Hug

So do I.

I don`t want to sound ungrateful but I`ll say it again. I don`t like the format of the new forum. It`s not user friendly. It`s less intimate than here. I like the cosiness of this forum. Disappointed

I won`t be around much if it stays that way. Disappointed

I do so agree Scotty. I tried many forums when C4 made us walk the plank. They were hopeless not to put too fine a point on it. This was the only one that felt right. I have seen the comments where people think I am over-reacting but I just get the feeling that we are being 'packaged and sold on as a community'. This $39 VIP thing, special offer. Well not many are going to sign up for this are they. I am not that naive that I don't see a whiff of commercialism here. I am voicing my worries while we still have time to do so.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Can i just throw my 10p's worth in.. after reading Dave's post about making suggestions, I went over to LiveCloud and left a post in the Suggestions part of the forum, basically what it boils down to is that there is a drop down menu on our control pages which is currently set to LiveCloud only, I have asked if the Eve system can be added for forum use as many people feel comfortable with this system.

Don't know if we will have any luck with this, but thought it was worth a try..

If anyone agrees with me, then please put your views as well, the LiveCloud system is ok, but it would be nice to have the option if it is at all available.

Thank you Pink Babes. This is the point I am trying to get across everyone.

There are likely to be changes to the forum we are using now. The reason we liked it is because it is just like the one on C4. I am not trying to be ungrateful to Gagajoyjoy but I know from trying other forums when C4 dropped us like a hot potato that MANY OTHER FORUM FORMATS WILL NOT SUIT MOST OF US.

The time for talking about it is NOW. Not when the change has been made. And although the Mods have been helpful about HOW TO REGISTER ON LIVE CLOUD that is not really the point. The point is how much will the way that the forum works change?

I have copied some of Dave GaGa's remarks on this thread

As I look at the forums over there I am seeing the name of the person that started the topic and the last post time. I don't expect that will change but I also don't speak for The Boss. Spongebob, there is a place on the LiveCloud support forums to post feature suggestions. If that one is not already posted (Zaphod might have already) then please post it. If that's already been posted just drop in a reply that you're in agreement. User suggestions are VERY HEAVILY considered.

So even Dave doesn't seem to have a clear idea HOW it will look. And if we want to have input and have the same format we are using now WE HAVE TO SAY SO.

Sorry for the capitals, peeps, and for going on but my instincts are screaming at me that if we don't act, as a group of people now, we could miss the boat and end up with something we hate so much that people will drop out all over the place.

Its because I care about us as a community that I am trying so hard. Hug
Originally posted by squiggle:
Why do I get the feeling that just a few short weeks after we climbed on board this is all going to turn out to be such a disappointment.

I have read every thread on it. We liked the format when we signed up. It looked just like C4, it felt just like C4. And I have gone along with the change and signed up to Live Cloud but I am not liking the look of the proposed forum and I can just see it being like the end of the C4 thing all over again with everyone not knowing which way to jump.

Hope I'm wrong.

I share you're fears squiggle Frowner. Not many of the regular forum members from the official C4 forum website have made it over here. There's loads of people I miss from there. Don't get me wrong, I like it here - I just think the 'community' is diminished and perhaps will be more so after this migration.

I guess its all down to cost - C4 could not afford to manage the wonderful C4 message boards, with web masters, mods etc and so shut it down. Now this is moving to the LiveCloud thing - which will be a commercial environment with adverts (there's actually a feature on LiveCloud where you can pay to not have the adverts!)and I dare say more heavy-handed mods Frowner . Ho-hum Roll Eyes
Unfortunately, this is the way of the world. They call it progress, in a way it is, but in alot of ways it isn't. We have a community here, albeit a small one, but it is a community nevertheless. I fear all this will be lost over there. It is too big, too commercial and too many things going on. I just want a forum, I can't be doing with all this blog, wall and the other stuff so I doubt I will be using those facilities. If I had wanted that, I would have stayed with FB.

I guess we just have to give it a go and see.
Hear hear Squiggs! Clapping Valentine
I think you speak for most of us,
who really care about the format and our unification as a forum community. Nod
The concerns expressed, aren't just the usual apprehensions normally felt with most transitions; there seem to be "signs" of substandard functions, and no real clarity in response to questions asked.
Which in turn, arouses uncertainty.
I'll be in and out when i can buddy Valentine
gotta go for now. Wave
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Unfortunately, this is the way of the world. They call it progress, in a way it is, but in alot of ways it isn't. We have a community here, albeit a small one, but it is a community nevertheless. I fear all this will be lost over there. It is too big, too commercial and too many things going on. I just want a forum, I can't be doing with all this blog, wall and the other stuff so I doubt I will be using those facilities. If I had wanted that, I would have stayed with FB.

I guess we just have to give it a go and see.

What this lady said Nod
Originally posted by ozzycam:
I just want to continue with the way things run on here, to be able to join in conversations as and when i like, im not used to all this new stuff like blogs and walls but i guess im not the only one...... Confused

No you're not on your own. I hate to be pessemistic but I can see a lot of FM's falling at the wayside. I'm having real probs's a shame. These las few months have been bloody great IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by kimota:
Has anyone actually contacted admin with our concerns? Some seem to be saying that this forum will change out of all recognition, others that we are all part of Cloud already and we don't need to use the 'Facebook' type features unless we want to, which is my understanding of it!

I PM'd Rosemary this morning with a general enquiry as to whether we could have a simple forum. Not speaking on behalf of anyone else just enquiring. I am waiting to hear.
Would someone check to see if I'm actually registered.

This morning when I tried to post on ga ga I was presented with a box re livecloud telling me I was registered. I put in my details and my post was accepted (on ga ga)

When I try to log into Live cloud it wont accept my details and keeps requesting that I fill in the registration page which I've already done.

I'm finding it incredibly frustrating and quite sad TBH - can't see myself persevering.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Would someone check to see if I'm actually registered.

This morning when I tried to post on ga ga I was presented with a box re livecloud telling me I was registered. I put in my details and my post was accepted (on ga ga)

When I try to log into Live cloud it wont accept my details and keeps requesting that I fill in the registration page which I've already done.

I'm finding it incredibly frustrating and quite sad TBH - can't see myself persevering.

Soozy I just checked. Went up and down the list twice, couldn't see you hun Hug
Soozy.. we had a conversation with Dave last night. Basically if you can login in here and post then you will be fine for the move over.

You only have to login over there now if you want to use the social network part (walls and blogs etc)...... for that you do need to fill in the profile page it keeps asking you for.

If you don't just ignore it...... if you do..... keep trying! It will work eventually. Big Grin Hug
Thank you peeps. I'm pretty sure I have filled in that form a while ago ........God only knows though as I appear to be registering for all sorts of stuff Laugh

Now when I try to fill in the form it keeps rejecting me .......i was thinking it's cos I'm maybe already registered.

Just an enquiry ......what date is the shut down on here?

And i will keep trying although I have to say I don't much like the look of it TBH.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Thank you peeps. I'm pretty sure I have filled in that form a while ago ........God only knows though as I appear to be registering for all sorts of stuff Laugh

Now when I try to fill in the form it keeps rejecting me .......i was thinking it's cos I'm maybe already registered.

Just an enquiry ......what date is the shut down on here?

And i will keep trying although I have to say I don't much like the look of it TBH.
You will have to 'LOG-IN' to the Live Cloud site then click on 'Sign-in' near the top right. if you have completed your profile successfuly then you will be asked to set some preferences (I think) and then will be free to play around.
If however, you have not successfuly completed your profile, then after logging-in and signing-in you will be asked to complete your profile again.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by kimota:
Has anyone actually contacted admin with our concerns? Some seem to be saying that this forum will change out of all recognition, others that we are all part of Cloud already and we don't need to use the 'Facebook' type features unless we want to, which is my understanding of it!

I PM'd Rosemary this morning with a general enquiry as to whether we could have a simple forum. Not speaking on behalf of anyone else just enquiring. I am waiting to hear.

Thanks Squiggle! Thumbs Up

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