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DAY 75


Later today Housemates will nominate for their 11th time. Last week Big Brother changed the rules and Housemates are now permitted to discuss nominations openly with each other.

Yesterday Bea was upset following the messages from home each Housemate received. In the Garden, Lisa asks Bea how she is feeling today and Bea responds "I think I might go home". She elaborates "I reckon I'm going on Friday anyway". Bea goes inside, and Lisa says to David "Any of us could be up at anytime, but we don't go home. I don't know if she's looking for a sympathy vote".

Sophie and Siavash are in the Bedroom. Sophie asks Siavash if Bea is alright, and he tells her that she is just upset 'because she knows she'll be up'.

Bea is in the Diary Room. Bea says that she 'feels like sh*t' adding that she wants to go home. She says she feels she will be going on Friday anyway and that Housemates are nominating with 'excuses and not reasons' and that her outburst yesterday will give them an excuse to nominate her. Big Brother then reassures Bea that her mother has said that she is 'incredibly proud' or her, and a tearful Bea tells Big Brother she appreciates hearing this. In the Bedroom, Charlie hugs Bea and she says she feels 'loads better'.


Bea, Charlie and Rodrigo are in the Bedroom. Bea says that it is good that no one has been talking about nominations this week, despite being allowed to. Bea then mentions that if you have disagreements with people they are more likely to nominate you, however she adds that she doesn't work like this. Rodrigo says that it is natural to have disagreements and that this shouldn't necessarily affect nominations.

Bea joins Marcus by the pool and tells him she doesn't know what to do about nominations. She tells him "I'm going to be up", and he answers "Hmm. Probably", but that it might not mean she is going home. Marcus advises her to "do what she thinks is right", but she says she doesn't know what the right thing is.

Bea tells Marcus she will ask what Siavash thinks. In the Sitting Room she tells Siavash "I'm thinking about not nominating". Siavash warns her that if she doesn't there is a chance she could be up, adding "Which part of this game don't you understand?"


Bea is the first Housemate to nominate and is in the Diary Room. She nominates Rodrigo and David.

Lisa, David and Sophie are in the Bedroom. Sophie comments that Bea has been ages in the Diary Room nominating. Lisa says that 'she loves it', and David adds that she makes it out that she doesn't, saying "I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that Diary Room".


Housemates have been nominating for one hour and four minutes. Charlie nominated Marcus and Siavash. David is the third housemate to nominate and chooses Marcus and Siavash.

Siavash and Marcus are by the pool. Marcus asks Siavash if he is going to vote today. Siavash says he is not going to and asks Marcus what he thinks the punishment might be. Marcus suggests it might be him and Bea that go up if he doesn't nominate. Siavash says that Bea is a negative person, and that she is the same person she was last week and talks about how she plays a game "She put you and Freddie in a corner. Put Bea in a corner".


Lisa was the fourth Housemate to nominate and she nominated Bea and Marcus.

Earlier today, Bea nominated Rodrigo and David. Bea, David and Charlie are in the Kitchen. Charlie says that despite being allowed to talk about nominations, he's not one for telling people. David then asks Bea if she nominated him and she lies 'No'. David comments that "We've come a long way".

Marcus is then called to the Dairy Room and nominates Bea and David.


Lisa, David and Charlie are in the Bedroom. In the Bedroom David asks Lisa if she thinks he is effeminate. Lisa says that he is not but that he is 'just camp'. David seems shocked, adding 'I'm not! Not loads like you're making out". Lisa jokes that he wiggles his hips when he walks and does a theatrical impression of David asking if anybody wants tea. David laughs, and asks Lisa "How can I be more masculine, like you?"

Marcus and Bea are in the Sitting Room. In the Sitting Room Bea is explaining to Marcus about who she nominated, but how she told them that she did not nominate them. Bea then tells Marcus that she did not nominate him because she didn't want him to go.

Rodrigo is the 6th Housemate to nominate. He nominated Bea and David.

Siavash is the next Housemate to nominate. In the Diary Room, Siavash says that he is blaming the game, not the players and that this is his reason for not nominating. Big Brother reminds him that it is a fundamental rule to nominate, and that if he does not there will be consequences. He chooses to stay with his decision not to nominate. Siavash is unaware that as a punishment for refusing to nominate Big Brother will automatically nominate the first two Housemates he comes into physical contact with.

In the Bedroom, Sophie asks Siavash how his nominations went. Confused, he tells her 'I'm not sure what the f*ck is going on'. In the Sitting Room, Siavash tells Bea and Marcus that he thinks something 'really bad is going to happen'. Marcus laughs, saying "What have you done now?" Siavash is vague with his answers, but that he has done 'something weird. I think I've outdone myself, if that's possible'. Siavash is unaware that he has nominated Bea and Sophie.

5.35 pm

Siavash is called to the Diary Room, and Big Brother tells him that he has now nominated Bea and Sophie.

In the Living Room, Siavash tells Sophie that he has nominated by proxy, and tells of who he has now nominated due to his rule break. Marcus adds that he now wishes he did the same.

In the Diary Room Sophie tells Big Brother that she too does not want to nominate. She says that everybody is 'friends now' and that it is too hard to find reasons to nominate people. Big Brother reminds her that it is a fundamental rule to nominate, however she still chooses not to. Big Brother tells her that she has nominated and asks her to leave the Diary Room.

Sophie is unaware that as a punishment for refusing to nominate, Big Brother will automatically nominate the first two Housemates she names after leaving the Diary Room. In the Living Room Sophie tells Housemates that she didn't nominate, and that Big Brother will tell her who she nominated. Charlie wonders if Big Brother will choose randomly. Sophie adds that all Housemates should have done the same as her and Siavash, and that this would be the fairest way. David is upset however saying that everyone knew the rules when they entered and that everyone should nominate. He calls the whole situation pathetic.

In the Bedroom Sophie asks Rodrigo if she thinks the other Housemates are upset now, and she now fears she could be up for nomination with Bea.

The first two Housemates mentioned and therefore nominated by Sophie are Rodrigo and Bea.
This week Bea received 5 nominations and will face the public vote along with Marcus and David who both received 3 nominations. Big Brother will inform the Housemates of the results on Tuesday.


Lisa, David and Charlie are at the Bus Stop talking about Siavash not nominating for the second time. David thinks that Siavash just wants everybody to go up, and Charlie adds 'Yeah, to make him look good" and they all conclude that it is selfish.

Sophie has been called to the Diary Room. In the Diary Room Sophie is told of her consequences for not nominating, and that she has now nominated Bea and Rodrigo. Sophie returns to the House and tells Housemates who she has nominated. Housemates speculate on how Big Brother chose Siavash's and Sophie's nominations. Siavash thinks that it is the people with the most votes, so therefore his and Sophie's nominations made no difference to the process. David continues to be annoyed with the situation, telling Siavash that he could have nominated just like everybody else. Siavash defends himself "You made your decision, I made mine" but David adds that it is not their decision, it is the show's. Rodrigo, also upset, says to Siavash "Do you want to be Jesus Christ, choosing our destiny?" Siavash responds comically "Something like that, yeah".

6.25 pm

In the Bedroom, Housemates are discussing Siavash's 'nominations' and Charlie gets annoyed with Siavash thinking that Big Brother has chosen his nominations at random. Siavash is trying to explain his theory but Charlie just calls him 'an idiot'.

Lisa and David are at the Bus Stop talking about Siavash. At the Bus Stop, Lisa and David are discussing why Siavash chooses not to nominate. Lisa says that "he could genuinely be finding it hard and not wanting to nominate". However David holds an opposite view, saying it's something they have to do as Housemates. "I don't want to pay council tax, but I still have to! What is the point in one person nominating and one not?" Bea joins Lisa and David and tells them that she decided to nominate in the end because she didn't want to risk punishing everyone else. David adds "That's because you think of other people, it's nice".


Rodrigo and Marcus are talking in the Living Room. Marcus tells Rodrigo that he has his 'equipment ready', and pulls out a packet of tissues from his pocket, saying that it is time for his 'graveyard shift'. Rodrigo laughs, and bids Marcus a good night, adding "Good Luck".

Rodrigo returns to the Bedroom and whispers to Sophie and Siavash "Marcus is going for a w*nk!" All three then leave the Bedroom and tip-toe to the Sitting Room. They run and burst open the Toilet door, before breaking down in hysterics. A red-faced Marcus curls up in his duvet, before leaving the toilet, belt undone.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think it's hilarious they are all getting their knickers in a twist about Siavash and Sophie.. I think Lisa has a soft spot for Siavash though.. I don't doubt Siavashs intentions are good, and sophie showed some balls not nominating... I know its a game and I know the rules are you have to nominate.. but you have to admit it spices things up a bit! and as it happens if they had have nominated Bea would still be up and going on Friday!
Siavash and sophie know they are going no where thats why they play god and get away it.

They are well aware now,that it is others get punished for rule breaking not the rulebreakers so they decide to do it knowing nothing happens to them

As usual they sit there on friday knowing safely they are going no where regardless if they are up,they put someone up or whatever,they play this card i dont want to nominate and i hate that,and it is fair everyone is up no its not fair because they both know they are going no where.
Thank you Darlo Valentine


Sophie came out of the DR
Sophie adds that all Housemates should have done the same as her and
and that this would be the fairest way.


In the Bedroom Sophie asks >>>>>>>>Rodrigo<<<<<<<<<
if she thinks the other Housemates are upset now,
and she now fears she could be up for nomination with Bea.

it says
The first two Housemates mentioned and therefore nominated by Sophie are >>>>>>>>>>>Rodrigo and Bea.

??????? SHOULDN'T SOPHIE'S nominations be
Devil SIAVASH Devil AND RODRIGO ????????

Siavash is an annoying conceited DULLARD
By repeatedly doing this rule break~and not feeling the consequences and churns out his pathetic
oohhh I am SOOOO SORRY GUYS Devil

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR BB ~ CHUCK this attention seeking ZLISTER WANNABE jerk out

SOPHIE AND SIAVASH Should have been the only ones up this week
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Originally posted by Marguerita:
Siavash and Sophie should have been up they go unpunished again BB is getting to be one big joke this year ,I love when they nominate in the diaryroom thats what BB is all about.

I agree with you Marguerita and i have to laugh at siavash omg i am so sorry etc etc,when everyone went up when he was rulebreaking,sorry my ass he done it again not knowing what would happen,so he has no excuse he knows hes going nowhere.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
It would be a bigger shock next week if they opened the door in the diaryroom and said bye Laugh

I tell you i would love that

If they were told you refuse to nominate again and you leave the bb house,or we show all your nominations over the weeks on plasma they would not do it again,like a kid they test the water realise nothing happens only to others,nice one do that again i will lol

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