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After Bea's record breaking cryathon last night and the reaction of George Lamb on BBLB (he felt it was pure acting) I got to thinking how the charge of fake crying has often been levelled at various hms over the years with people swearing they never saw tears whereas others clearly saw them.

My own take on this is that some hms will do what actors do and tap into past hurts to make themselves cry. Hira demonstrated that she could do this and BB were obviously trying to insinuate that her tears at Rod's story were fake as well!
I think Bea does do this on some occasions, but on others like last night just works her existing levels of upset up and up as children do. Charlie and Rod also fit into this category I believe, although Charlie is also partial to a bit of am- dram as well.

Other people, I believe, unconciously tap the same resoviors of grief that the actors do deliberately. Because of this their reactions seem blown out of all proportion. Aisleyne was an example of this and later said she was shocked by how emotional she had got in BB7 and put it down to things in her past coming up.

Do other fms see things in a similar way, or are most tears in the bb house,( particularly by those hms we dislike) purely 'acting?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think some are very real emotions going on in there and some ott tears some fake tears,and some cry for effect,some cry over an incident but really it is to do with them losing control and everything going pear shape.

People i think would be genuinely emotinal seeing family on vt after 3 months.

Others cry for themselves,and some hold it all in.

Freddies tears were real his emotions were shot to pieces.

so a bit of a mix,will watch bea tonight although she has cried and not a tear in sight while putting on mascara what a woman Big Grin

Look at tough guy kenny he even cried,many say i would never cry in here then it all gets too much.

I seen marcus getting misty eyed and emotinal over what lisa said to him the other night,marcus protrays himself as tough guy,but he can hold the tears back
i have yet to see Bea shed genuine tears, last nights tears were probably real, but not for the reason she gave, if she were absolutely honest she was crying with frustration at her HMs and not because she was upset about not recieveing a message from her mother.

she should know her mum well enough to know that she was not capable of delivering a video message, so there for she would have been prepared for not getting one.

so her tears were real last night because the HMs didnt over do their oh poor Bea thing.
Originally posted by cup:
I think some are very real emotions going on in there and some ott tears some fake tears,and some cry for effect,some cry over an incident but really it is to do with them losing control and everything going pear shape.

People i think would be genuinely emotinal seeing family on vt after 3 months.

Others cry for themselves,and some hold it all in.

Freddies tears were real his emotions were shot to pieces.

so a bit of a mix,will watch bea tonight although she has cried and not a tear in sight while putting on mascara what a woman Big Grin

Look at tough guy kenny he even cried,many say i would never cry in here then it all gets too much.

I seen marcus getting misty eyed and emotinal over what lisa said to him the other night,marcus protrays himself as tough guy,but he can hold the tears back

Marcus doesn't really cry and that will probably be held against him as we move towards the end. Stupid that people think that is important really.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by cup:
I think some are very real emotions going on in there and some ott tears some fake tears,and some cry for effect,some cry over an incident but really it is to do with them losing control and everything going pear shape.

People i think would be genuinely emotinal seeing family on vt after 3 months.

Others cry for themselves,and some hold it all in.

Freddies tears were real his emotions were shot to pieces.

so a bit of a mix,will watch bea tonight although she has cried and not a tear in sight while putting on mascara what a woman Big Grin

Look at tough guy kenny he even cried,many say i would never cry in here then it all gets too much.

I seen marcus getting misty eyed and emotinal over what lisa said to him the other night,marcus protrays himself as tough guy,but he can hold the tears back

Marcus doesn't really cry and that will probably be held against him as we move towards the end. Stupid that people think that is important really.

I don't need to see people wibbling to like them though. I'd rather someone who kept a rein on it than someone who forces out tears for effect, like Charlie.
She reminded of a petulant child who did'nt get her own way. And maybe the HM's were less sympathic, because they have seen her do this time and time again.
I remember her sneering when she made David cry, and sneering at Freddie crying with Lisa and David.
LF was bloody ridiculous, Bea crying, doing the rounds to ensure that every HM were aware just HOW upset she was. The threw herself into bed with the covers over head, crying loudly. Stayed there for ages until the lights went out. Then came out and cried again to her audience, and said she was going home. I would think most people if truly upset, would not parade themselves around in that fashion, unless it was to get attention.
Different people react in different ways. A lot of what Bea's cried about would similarly upset me if I was in her position.

Quite often she's cried, IMO, out of frustration. Aisleyne crying before returning to the main house seemed more out of guilt. Usually, I believe stress, fatigue, paranoia etc are the main causes of the crying.

To be honest, I've never thought a HM's faked crying, even Chanelle during Violingate (even though it really annoyed me Wink)
Ruddy Rudy III
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Housemate is liked =emotion/crying is real
Housemate is disliked= emotion/crying is fake
Simples! Laugh

Most of the audience can't tell or don't even think about the difference between real/fake, or what is actually the thing provoking someone to cry.

Charlie and David will go up in popularity as they cried alot, same for some others like Sophie. Marcus didn't cry therefore he will not gain so much. It's silly but that's how it seems to work.
Free Thinking

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