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9.49 am

As punishment for Siavash, Marcus and Halfwit breaking the Big Brother rules, Big Brother yesterday removed housemates' luxury foods and replaced them with basic items.

Today, housemates will nominate for the tenth time. Some of the housemates are in the garden talking about Halfwit. Lisa says 'what goes around comes around', whilst Charlie suggests 'he singles people out'.

Siavash, Halfwit and Dogface are in the bedroom. Dogface folds clothes as Halfwit apologises for incurring punishment on the group. Halfwit then enters the garden and casually asks those housemates present 'How are you guys?' to which Rodrigo responds 'I go to the kitchen, there's no food'. Halfwit admits 'I messed up yesterday', but Rodrigo says his regret is a change of heart from the previous day when Halfwit was 'making fun and laughing'. Lisa also tells Halfwit she was upset in his certainty that she would be evicted last week: 'I never laughed at you when you were up for four evictions'.


Marcus, Halfwit and Siavash are in the garden. Halfwit asks Siavash how his earlier conversation with Bea went. Siavash replies 'We didn't talk. Right now I'm thinking - f*cking bitch'. As Siavash continues to explain how Bea has disappointed him in the way she spoke to Halfwit last night, Halfwit is energised, adding 'Yeah! What the f*ck?!' Siavash, commenting on Bea's disloyalty, says 'I have been thrown to the wolves, but that's nothing compared to this'.


In the garden Halfwit tells Siavash 'I'm so glad you're here' and goes to the bedroom. Marcus follows him in and sets about explaining his theory that Siavash is scheming against Halfwit. Marcus believes Siavash is purposefully feeding Halfwit's paranoia for his own gain. Halfwit questions this, but Marcus warns him "Don' f*cking trust anyone…. apart from me"


Bea and Halfwit are in the bedroom. Halfwit starts a conversation with Bea about last night's events. He asks 'Did you really think I was picking on Lisa?' Bea puts it to him that he is being negative for the third day in a row. She insists that, in actual fact, she was defending Halfwit during yesterday's drama. She warns him 'stop causing trouble' and 'honestly this is really upsetting me'. Halfwit leaves the bedroom as Bea tells him to "P*ss off".


Halfwit is in the diary room. Halfwit explains that Bea has had a negative effect on him. He talks about influential housemates, which prompts Big Brother to ask 'Are you an influential housemate?' Halfwit begins to say the he tries to be a positive influence every day but breaks into tears.

Marcus and Bea are in the living room. Bea tells Marcus that '[Halfwit] has turned on me'. But Marcus advises her to 'Give [Halfwit] a break'. He tries to explain to her that his paranoia stems from the very real opinions people had of him at the start of the show as well as his strong feelings for her.

Back in the diary room, Big Brother asks Halfwit is he has taken enough time to compose himself. Halfwit replies 'It's nice to get out of the house a bit'.

12.49 pm

Big Brother has gathered all the housemates in the living room. At the dinning table, housemates receive the announcement that due to constant nomination rule breaks, rules regarding nominations have changed. Housemates are now free to discuss past, present and future nominations. Marcus laughs with glee and Halfwit calls the change 'brilliant' suggesting it will reduce the paranoia in the house. David pledges not to participate in any nomination talk.

Housemates begin confessing their previous nominations to each other. Siavash tells Halfwit that he has nominated him on one occasion and that he has since regretted it. Charlie tells Rodrigo he nominated him after one of their big fights. Rodrigo says that he knew.

At the bus stop Lisa says to David 'I know who I'm nominating do you?' He replies that he does but does not want to say. 'It's [the rule change] taken the fun out of it for me. I wanna go home. It's not a not a nice place to be' he says.

In the diary room, Rodrigo is also voicing his concern over the rule change.

Bea approaches Lisa and David at the bus stop. She confesses that she did nominate them both last week fearing they would nominate her. Lisa admits she exactly the same thing. Bea then reveals that this week she plans to nominate Halfwit and Marcus. Lisa has the same idea


Some of the housemates are in the bedroom. Looking for advice regarding her nominations, Bea wonders if she should vote for Dogface, assuming no one else will. Charlie tells her it is best not to say anything until afterwards so as not to influence others.

Big Brother calls housemates to the diary room to nominate in alphabetical order.
Bea is the first housemate to nominate, choosing Marcus for his encouragement of negative behaviour. She feels the only time he gets involve in the group is to rebel. Bea's second nomination is for David.

3.59 pm

Housemates have been nominating for 48 minutes. Charlie nominated Halfwit and Marcus.

Marcus and Halfwit are in the bedroom. Halfwit hopes that Bea isn't up as it will cause more tension between the pair of them. Marcus is still unsure if he will nominate her or not.

David is the third housemate to nominate. His first nomination is Halfwit, as he uses his intelligence to show people up. He says 'you don't use your intelligence as a weapon'.
His second nomination is for Marcus.

Dogface nominates Marcus and Halfwit.

Halfwit nominates Marcus (who has asked Halfwit to do so) and David.

In the diary room Lisa nominates Halfwit and Marcus.

Marcus nominates Lisa and David, while Rodrigo chooses Halfwit and Marcus. Finally, Siavash nominates Bea and David.

Marcus has received seven nominations and Halfwit five nominations. As they are the two housemates with the most nominations they will face the public vote this week.


Bea and Halfwit are in the bedroom. Bea begins to move her bedding to another spot in the bedroom. As she does so she explains to Halfwit it is because he has really upset her. She reiterates that he is a negative person and she is dealing with his negativity, like she deals with all negative people, by getting as far away as possible. She says he is giving out a horrible vibe and that she doesn't 'want to be close to you'. During this exchange, Halfwit explains that he is feeling very anxious.


Halfwit is in the bedroom and Siavash walks in. There are tears from Halfwit as he reports to Siavash the events that occurred during the bed move. Halfwit says he feels "emotionally terrorised". Siavash says 'she [Bea] is not a nice person'. Halfwit says 'I see that now'.


Halfwit lies alone in bed, visibly upset. Some of the housemates are in the living room. Rodrigo takes Bea aside and asks her to try and talk with Halfwit, saying he feels sorry for him. Bea walks in to the bedroom and says to Halfwit "I didn't say the things that…with the same effect…as you were repeating them". Halfwit is infuriated and starts repeating some of the things she said earlier. Halfwit tells her to leave him alone, because 'your voice is literally giving me a panic attack'.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bea approaches Lisa and David at the bus stop. She confesses that she did nominate them both last week fearing they would nominate her. Lisa admits she exactly the same thing. Bea then reveals that this week she plans to nominate Halfwit and Marcus. Lisa has the same idea

Bea's second nomination is for David.

I hope they show the housemates who nominated who Big Grin
Originally posted by jackassfan:
Bea approaches Lisa and David at the bus stop. She confesses that she did nominate them both last week fearing they would nominate her. Lisa admits she exactly the same thing. Bea then reveals that this week she plans to nominate Halfwit and Marcus. Lisa has the same idea

Bea's second nomination is for David.

I hope they show the housemates who nominated who Big Grin

BBLB is only on for half an hour, so I don't think so unfortunately.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Then she mocks his distress, by talking about it to Lisa and David. Can't believe I ever liked her, she's mad, bad and dangerous! Mad

I feel the same tiddly. I thought she was a breath of fresh air. Frowner

Bad breath more like! She's horrible and I'm kicking my own arse, that she suckered me in! Story of my life actually. Disappointed
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Then she mocks his distress, by talking about it to Lisa and David. Can't believe I ever liked her, she's mad, bad and dangerous! Mad

i cant believe shes 24 shes evil, we loose freddie or marcus to keep that thing.

I wouldn't say Bea is evil, theres people out there who deserve that tag she doesn't, however she is mean, nasty, two faced and fake also a snake in the grass who has backstabbed the person closest to her in the house for another week there but the so called gang will turn on her eventually as Lisa wants her friends in the final so she's using Bea who will get chewed and spat out by them soon...
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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