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Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Sorry Shar, I have obviously got the wrong end of the stick, but at least you can see why I found it upsetting, my fault, not yours Hug

Yeah I can definately understand you being upset thinking I meant that. But honestly I really wouldn't. It didn't cross my mind, I really couldn't understand why you found the comment offensive, I was thinking of all the nasty things I had seen posted why was my comment so offensive. When you said you thought I meant suicide I am absolutely mortified. I really am sorry, have been affected by a family friends suicide myself and would never purposely post anything relating to it.

Hope you will forgive me Shar and say we're still friends Valentine

Nothing to forgive. Silly misunderstanding Hug

hug for shar and squiggle Hug
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:

I do. The circus beckons.

Can I be your agent? We`ll make a fortune. Big Grin

What cut of my take are you after?

And do you look anything like Joey's agent in Friends?

1. I`m looking at 75% atm. I`ll have to employ others to pull your head out. It could get messy. I`m willing to negotiate.

2. Yes

Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
there you go again flossie insulting people.
its sad to get your point across you have to resort to this,

I am upfront and clear in my comments and I believe I do not try and misrepresent posts made by others, so I get very agitated with people that try various underhand tricks in a debate, such as misrepresenting an opposing position, to bolster their argument.

Videostar almost always tries to avoid the points made to him as his posts in this thread show. He might be misrepresenting what other people say because he isn't very bright, but I suspect he mostly does it deliberately in an attempt to obfuscate and confuse, which is objectionable.

You suffer from unjustified intellectual snobbery. Your analytical skills do not match your writing skills.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by lessa:
iqs of hms
128 Sophia
125 Freddie
122 Marcus
99 Siavash
97 Charlie
94 Angel
92 Kris
92 Cairon
80 Noirin
89 Rodrigo
79 Karly
74 Sree
69 Saffia
60 Sophie
55 Lisa

Some of those scores look very low.

We all know Lisa is thick, but 55? That is almost remedial, and Sree, while also stupid, he did make it to a university and 74 is in the terminally stupid zone and I can't believe his poor English was entirely to blame as I have no doubt they would have tried to do some culture-free test. I am also amazed Noirin is so low.

I wonder what Bea's score is? I bet it is bloody high.

George on BBLB said that these results had room for a margin of error, also because those for whom English is not a first language would have been at a disadvantage.

Thus we should allow that Siavash, Angel, Rodrigo and Sree would have comparatively higher IQs than this, on this particular test.

If Lisa really does have an IQ of around 55, this would suggest learning difficulties.

An IQ of 120+ belongs to the top two per cent of the population. Below 100 is below average.
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by charmer:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
love freddie for being who he is.

any person that can stick the Bullying and abuse he took and still be there gets my vote everytime..i admire him for handling it the way he did, because if it had been me id have been in pieces.
i hate bullys and people who seem to think its fine to take the piss out of someone different.

he's certainly put up with some stick from some of the HMs
youve got to admire him for his 'water off a ducks back' attitude
but he's a bit frasier crane-he over analyses EVERYTHING

I'm afraid that's what highly intelligent people do.

Maybe thats why a lot of them end up having breakdowns.

What a strange comment to make.
Originally posted by jennywren:

An IQ of 120+ belongs to the top two per cent of the population. Below 100 is below average.

I think that's innacurate Jenny, The top 2 1/2 % are over 130 (more than 2 standard deviations from the mean) and the starting line for Mensa is somewhere around the 145 level I believe.

Freddy may be bright, but he's nowhere near the genius level some people on here would suggest Roll Eyes....he comes across like most undergraduates do..bright, yet with a tendency to waffle bollocks Laugh....nothing special though.

It's interesting that he and Marcus are virtually the same IQ wise, yet Marcus, despite being able to put up an excellent argument when he wants, never gets raved about for his "genius"

I wonder if people are getting taken in by Freddy's posh accent Laugh
Originally posted by Baz:
Freddie has been a huge disappointment in my book. In the early weeks I was impressed with the way he handled Team Lisa and the nominations, but since then I think he has gone right downhill. He has become quite manipulative and baitchy, and now, it appears, he is happily allowing himself to be used by Queen Bea.

Quite right, l wish she would hurry up and move onto Siavash, so he could save himself.
Freddie made another huge error of judgement in the bea/david argument...walking in half way through, admitting he never heard the argument and then telling david he had obviously upset bea because she was upset.... Big Grin

Rabbitgate repeated....he defended the wrong person both times. Big Grin

His popularity stems from him being ostracized....he has now become second in command to bea, who is trying that very tactic on who she percieves as the weaker housemates.

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