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If this report is true, I would guess the scenario as Sree being emotionally distraught and perhaps scratching his wrists with something sharp.

Likelihood being that he needed to externalise his feelings so that others could "see" his distress. And perhaps in his case, with English not being his first language, it might be more understandable.

If he was taken to hospital by ambulance, it was probably in response to a call made by himself or a friend, and the hospital visit would be for further assessment of his mental state than for treatment of any wounds.

Given that he made a tv appearance soon after, he must have been deemed not to be a risk to himself (or others) when he was discharged from the care of the hospital.

Only my view, based on my work background, but my opinion is that it's sad when anyone deliberately self-harms in this way, regardless of the reasons behind it.
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
I really wonder how they can maintain that the potential hms are carefully screened by psychologists etc beforehand.

From what I have seen on the last several series of BB, if they do any screeing at all to identify people with mental health problems, it's so they can put them to the front of the suitable hms list
The comments Nick from BB1 a couple of weeks ago made about that very subject were quite eye opening.

Edit agree with you hyper not that i have much experience with it.
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
I really wonder how they can maintain that the potential hms are carefully screened by psychologists etc beforehand.

From what I have seen on the last several series of BB, if they do any screeing at all to identify people with mental health problems, it's so they can put them to the front of the suitable hms list
The comments Nick from BB1 a couple of weeks ago made about that very subject were quite eye opening.

Edit agree with you hyper not that i have much experience with it.

Having watched BB since series 1 I've often wondered about the integrity of the psychologists/psychiatrists that BB use.

For some years I've noticed BB have chosen HM's who clearly shouldn't have passed such tests but they've let them through. BB has no integrity as far as I'm concerned.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Having watched BB since series 1 I've often wondered about the integrity of the psychologists/psychiatrists that BB use.

For some years I've noticed BB have chosen HM's who clearly shouldn't have passed such tests but they've let them through. BB has no integrity as far as I'm concerned.

During the build-up to (I think) BB7, there was a story in the tabloids that a couple of potential contestants (one with a conviction for assault) had been deemed unsuitable for the show by C4, but Endemol was trying to get them included anyway.

At the time, I was tempted to assume it was either one of those infrequent, power-struggle spats between C4 and Endemol, or else merely a publicity exercise. However, having seen certain HMs since then (most notably Alex last year), I can't help wondering...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
i dont think its sad - it said there was no evidence of suicide- he's looking for attention now everyone's lost interest in him..sorry but thats what i think..

His repeatedly appearing in the BBBM audience (bizarre!) kind of confirms he isn't coping being out of the spotlight.

Perhaps no agency has signed him up so he has no Personal Appearances to do.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
i dont think its sad - it said there was no evidence of suicide- he's looking for attention now everyone's lost interest in him..sorry but thats what i think..

His repeatedly appearing in the BBBM audience (bizarre!) kind of confirms he isn't coping being out of the spotlight.

Was there ever any doubt of that, subby? Disappointed The guy is a petulantly demanding ego on legs.

No way was he ever going to easily accept being so prematurely shoved out of the spotlight.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Perhaps no agency has signed him up so he has no Personal Appearances to do.

That'll be it Nod

Sree has the attention span of a gnat. He's incapable of listening to instructions/advice or anything else. He certainly doesn't have the discipline to read an autocue or follow a script - his ego would always make him want to ad-lib & do his own thing.

Who would be prepared to take a chance on that? Eeker
Originally posted by Mathematics:
On Friday's BBBM, I did wonder why Davina didn't give Sree any mic time, especially on the Noirin/Siavash/Marcus discussion. It makes sense now. She probably knew about his wrist slashing and didn't wish to aggravate him.

Or perhaps she is just sick of the sight of him.

He is fastly becoming the new "Graham" of the BBBM audience.

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