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Originally posted by Azure:
I've said all along everyone is entitled to their own opinions. None of us will like the same HMs but it really is tedious the way the OP goes on, and on, and on!!!

the OP has her opinions as well and is entitled to post them. I hope the winner has,nt entered yet as the rest ar,nt worthy of winning and as for Freddy none of you would give him a second glance outside the house as he is a total bore and a liar to boot, he did hear the bunny discussion he was,nt in the loo as he said he was. Freddie was nominated week 1 by most of them and every week till this week which has to mean something, even Siavash has nominated him at least twice.
You are missing the point. It's the fact that he/she keeps posting the SAME stuff evry day and sometimes puts different threads on, on the same day, with the SAME STUFF contained in it. (ie; constantly praising KRIS and berating somene else, usually Freddie!!!) THAT is what is getting under peoples' skin, But maybe that is why they are doing it . Moreover, he/she hardly EVER posts about anything else on here which suggests he/she is a WUM! Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
OP I can't believe you're still hurting that Halfwit stayed over Kris.

Not just Kris.

Sophia, Angel, Sree, all casualties of the GBPs determination to keep Halfwit in and more entertaining than Halfwit imo

If you want to blame anyone, blame Team Lisa, for putting him up week after week.Smiler
Originally posted by joyron:
Originally posted by Shiver:
Originally posted by joyron:
Originally posted by Shiver:
Originally posted by joyron:
Originally posted by Shiver:
Joyron...Your veiws bore me rigid. Sleepy

You are entitled to say whatever you like and I accept that but perhaps you might then also be able to understand how I feel about this constant thread making.

Oh..Now everyone listen to joyron...thread making on a forum...whatever next. Laugh

There is no need to be so rude. You know exactly what I meant; or at least I hope so!!!

I tend to spk to people the way they spk to others Wave

And no, I don't know what you mean.

I was not going to say this but I will now. If you don't know what I meant then you must be really thick. I have never spoken to others the way you have spoken to me. Don't bother responding. I won't be speaking with you or Kris is Bliss from now on.

I am so pleased you called me thick before posting about not spking to others the way i have spoken to you.

Forum insults are such a let down these days.. Crying
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I am bailing out of this thread now, and not responding to anything else that is posted by Kriss is bliss as I truly believe he/she is a wind up merchant and he/she is DEFINATELY spamming. Nod Bye all Wave

bye pixie.

I have just been looking at your last 5 threads.

One about IVF
one about Jeremy Kyle
One about This morning
One slagging Kriss and his relationship with sophie which was actually a link to ds
And one praising Freddie's face.

It could be said you Spam the boards with O'T threads and try and wind up kriss is bliss by posting against Kriss.
  /ˌɛntərˈteɩn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [en-ter-teyn] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably; divert; amuse.
2. to have as a guest; provide food, lodging, etc., for; show hospitality to.
3. to admit into the mind; consider: He never entertained such ideas.
4. to hold in the mind; harbor; cherish: They secretly entertained thoughts of revenge.
5. Archaic. to maintain or keep up.
6. Obsolete. to give admittance or reception to; receive.

Yeah, I don't see Kris described anywhere there.
Originally posted by disley21:
  /ˌɛntərˈteɩn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [en-ter-teyn] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably; divert; amuse.
2. to have as a guest; provide food, lodging, etc., for; show hospitality to.
3. to admit into the mind; consider: He never entertained such ideas.
4. to hold in the mind; harbor; cherish: They secretly entertained thoughts of revenge.
5. Archaic. to maintain or keep up.
6. Obsolete. to give admittance or reception to; receive.

Yeah, I don't see Kris described anywhere there.
Nice one Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Shiver:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I am bailing out of this thread now, and not responding to anything else that is posted by Kriss is bliss as I truly believe he/she is a wind up merchant and he/she is DEFINATELY spamming. Nod Bye all Wave

bye pixie.

I have just been looking at your last 5 threads.

One about IVF
one about Jeremy Kyle
One about This morning
One slagging Kriss and his relationship with sophie which was actually a link to ds
And one praising Freddie's face.

It could be said you Spam the boards with O'T threads and try and wind up kriss is bliss by posting against Kriss.

You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and slag me off Shiver Laugh Is it coz people are finally figuring you out and who you really are Laugh

I would love to stay and see these threads continue now you have been rumbled but I really have to go! Shame Smiler
Originally posted by Shiver:
Just saying it how i see it pixie..not really having a go at all..just trying to make you see how daft you're being about this whole\ kriss is bliss thing.

Enjoy your day.

Thank you Shiver but I think there are some FMs who will never forgive me for having a different opinion than those widely held on the forum.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Biscuits:
Shiver`s been a busy girl defending Beso and Kriss today mmmm Laugh Laugh
Wonder why? LOL! Laugh

Also, I think there is a difference between posting off-topic stuff, as many many people on here do, and posting the same stuff repeatedly. There is no comparison whatsoever.

What kris-is-bliss is doing, (continually repeating the same text on almost every thread,) is not the same as merely posting off topic threads, and you know it. Shake Head
I for one am glad Freddie is not up this week firstly because he needs a break and secondly have to sort of agree with Kris Is Bliss there have been a few HMS sacrificed because of Freddie,who could have been more entertaining as I find Freddie pretty boring,when I read some of the threads on the forum I get the impression that by keeping Freddie in more to annoy team Lisa,I like him much better now than I did as he has changed he is not the airy fairy Freddie he was,but still dont find him entertaining in fact if I am being honest I dont find any of them entertaining I hope some good HMS go in with a personallity Laugh
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I for one am glad Freddie is not up this week firstly because he needs a break and secondly have to sort of agree with Kris Is Bliss there have been a few HMS sacrificed because of Freddie,who could have been more entertaining as I find Freddie pretty boring,when I read some of the threads on the forum I get the impression that by keeping Freddie in more to annoy team Lisa,I like him much better now than I did as he has changed he is not the airy fairy Freddie he was,but still dont find him entertaining in fact if I am being honest I dont find any of them entertaining I hope some good HMS go in with a personallity Laugh

Yes I wouldn't mind so much if we'd lost deadwood to Halfwit but no we've lost too many entertaining HMs from the house just to save Halfwit. I just don't think it was worth the cost.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
We have lost..

Sophia, Angel, Sree & Kris.

All far more entertaining HMs, is everyone on here convinced Halfwit is worthy of such sacrifice ?

I'd personally trade Halfwit for any of the HMs listed above, in fact I'd be happy to trade Halfwit for Scrabble Wink

once again you are totally wrong, we lost sophia, angel and sree because of kris and lisa and her gang that angel, sree and sophia were put up against the odds on favourite, simpl fact is if it wasnt for the pathological hatred of freddie by certain hm's then we may well have lost the likes of marcus and norrin instead, but even though an amoeba could have worked out that freddie was going nowhere they kept trying, problem was because of their tactics they were writing their own eviction notices and as soon as any are up they will go, kris last week, karly this week and lisa the first week she is up no matter who they are against.

they made their bed, now its time for them to lie in it.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
We have lost..

Sophia, Angel, Sree & Kris.

All far more entertaining HMs, is everyone on here convinced Halfwit is worthy of such sacrifice ?

I'd personally trade Halfwit for any of the HMs listed above, in fact I'd be happy to trade Halfwit for Scrabble Wink

once again you are totally wrong, we lost sophia, angel and sree because of kris and lisa and her gang that angel, sree and sophia were put up against the odds on favourite, simpl fact is if it wasnt for the pathological hatred of freddie by certain hm's then we may well have lost the likes of marcus and norrin instead, but even though an amoeba could have worked out that freddie was going nowhere they kept trying, problem was because of their tactics they were writing their own eviction notices and as soon as any are up they will go, kris last week, karly this week and lisa the first week she is up no matter who they are against.

they made their bed, now its time for them to lie in it.

And us too.

We get a boring house.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
We have lost..

Sophia, Angel, Sree & Kris.

All far more entertaining HMs, is everyone on here convinced Halfwit is worthy of such sacrifice ?

I'd personally trade Halfwit for any of the HMs listed above, in fact I'd be happy to trade Halfwit for Scrabble Wink

You're just peeved because Kris's treatment of Halfwit was the foundations of his own downfall.

Sophia wasn't entertaining. She was aggressive and rude. Sree had some comedic value, but he was losing the plot in the house. The house isn't suitable for everybody's frame of mind. Angel was interesting and I would have liked her to stay, but not at the expense of Freddie.

To some very young girls, Kris may have seemed hot. But he was no more than a pretty boy and not the slightest bit entertaining. Lisa drowned him out and he hit on Sophia far too early to let his own personality shine through. He made a mistake in allying himself with the wrong people too early.
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by joyron:
So now that the OP has finally finished spitting his/her dummy out because Kris got evicited we again have to suffer another load of threads against Freddie. I see three on the first page now. Just how many more does the OP feel he/she needs to make their point.

I've said all along everyone is entitled to their own opinions. None of us will like the same HMs but it really is tedious the way the OP goes on, and on, and on!!!
Not as tedious as you moaning about me using the forum.

No but it would be quite nice if you found a different subject to discuss. Your anger with Freddie being the downfall of Kris is getting tedious and a bit obvious.

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