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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by electric6:
Didn't Deegs work there once upon a time?

I dunno...



Nope. I did a 2-year stint in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. MUCH stricter!! Eeker I wasn't even allowed to drive out there.

I've visited Dubai a few times, as we had friends living out there. Very lush & opulent facade, hiding some shite, tbh. From what I know of the place, it's now rapidly going off the boil in terms of des res places to live and work. I'm hearing about a lot of very bored & frustrated ex-pats drinking themselves into a stupor, as they watch their property values & business interests plummet.

On the plus side, the duty-free shopping's great, the manufactured beaches & facilities are good and salaries for imported labour/skills are still lucrative enough to make a killing in the short term.

A year out there is very do-able, I would think. Just try and negotiate accomodation on the Palm Cool I might fly out for a visit and drag you round the fabulous Souks, then maybe cocktails at the Burj Laugh
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
DanielJ...thanks for that, it was a long read but very interesting! Thumbs Up

I have a Friend who's been working out there for around 6 months, she works for an American Company and is a Scientist....she is well provided for and likes it so far...but as i say, she works for an American Company so that may be better???Big Grin

Thanks D. I suppose it does depend how long you are there for and whether you are taken care of.. *licks pencil, makes note*
Originally posted by tupps:
deegs.. Valentine

It'd be a stint rather than a full on move. I don't think I could do a full on move out there... it looks a bit 'too' if you know what I mean. Not really the tupps style. I get annoyed with wanky fat-tied city boys here so I can imagine it'd be no good for my BP.

shopping you say.. cocktails you say.. *licks pencil*

tupps, the cocktails at the place she suggested are served so far up you are closer to the birds than the ground, its not good to get squiffy when that high up.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by tupps:
deegs.. Valentine

It'd be a stint rather than a full on move. I don't think I could do a full on move out there... it looks a bit 'too' if you know what I mean. Not really the tupps style. I get annoyed with wanky fat-tied city boys here so I can imagine it'd be no good for my BP.

shopping you say.. cocktails you say.. *licks pencil*

tupps, the cocktails at the place she suggested are served so far up you are closer to the birds than the ground, its not good to get squiffy when that high up.

a bit like the CN Tower then.. cool.. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by tupps:
deegs.. Valentine

It'd be a stint rather than a full on move. I don't think I could do a full on move out there... it looks a bit 'too' if you know what I mean. Not really the tupps style. I get annoyed with wanky fat-tied city boys here so I can imagine it'd be no good for my BP.

shopping you say.. cocktails you say.. *licks pencil*

tupps, the cocktails at the place she suggested are served so far up you are closer to the birds than the ground, its not good to get squiffy when that high up.

Sorry, but who said anything about getting squiffy? Laugh Vertigo aside, though, the views are breathtaking..........
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by tupps:
deegs.. Valentine

It'd be a stint rather than a full on move. I don't think I could do a full on move out there... it looks a bit 'too' if you know what I mean. Not really the tupps style. I get annoyed with wanky fat-tied city boys here so I can imagine it'd be no good for my BP.

shopping you say.. cocktails you say.. *licks pencil*

tupps, the cocktails at the place she suggested are served so far up you are closer to the birds than the ground, its not good to get squiffy when that high up.

a bit like the CN Tower then.. cool.. Thumbs Up

dunno about that but its very high and out at sea.
Originally posted by Deegs: is a "bit too" Nod.....but a short-term stint out there could work.

All part of life's experiences, innit?

I'm not good with a 'bit too'. I hate wankydom like that. Don't get me wrong I can tote a Mulberry with the best of them.. but I'm not into that fat-tied, no talent, promoted beyond your age and experience yet not two braincells to rub together type person. Sometimes, while I am tootling along the South Bank, I want to throw myself into the Thames when I see 'em drinking their Mo-hey.
Originally posted by Deegs:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by tupps:
deegs.. Valentine

It'd be a stint rather than a full on move. I don't think I could do a full on move out there... it looks a bit 'too' if you know what I mean. Not really the tupps style. I get annoyed with wanky fat-tied city boys here so I can imagine it'd be no good for my BP.

shopping you say.. cocktails you say.. *licks pencil*

tupps, the cocktails at the place she suggested are served so far up you are closer to the birds than the ground, its not good to get squiffy when that high up.

Sorry, but who said anything about getting squiffy? Laugh Vertigo aside, though, the views are breathtaking..........

thats true, but this is tupps, think of those poor fountains in the atrium once shes had a few Wink
Originally posted by tupps:
Anyone lived/worked there or know anyone who is living/working there.. what's it like.. Ninja

Friend of mine lived there and hated it. Her hubby is now working somewhere else in the Middle East but she is staying in England this time.

I know a Greek woman married to an Arab and they live in Dubai except for July and August when she goes to live in Greece to cool down because Dubai is too hot. It's 41 degrees in Athens in July/August.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Friend of mine lived there and hated it. Her hubby is now working somewhere else in the Middle East but she is staying in England this time.

I know a Greek woman married to an Arab and they live in Dubai except for July and August when she goes to live in Greece to cool down because Dubai is too hot. It's 41 degrees in Athens in July/August.

I'm ok with heat as long as it is dry.. it is humidity I can't be doing with.

Thanks for that jen.. Hug
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
On the plus side, it'd be good experience. I've been to some unpleasant places that really don't suit my liberal sensibilities but I'm glad I went all the same.

The only problem is I have now read that article and contrary to popular perception I am not a completely without conscience barsteward. Ninja
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
thats true, but this is tupps, think of those poor fountains in the atrium once shes had a few Wink

Oh my goodness.. I'll have you know I am famed for my camel bladder if not my decorum.. Eeker

its your decorum i was concerned about Big Grin

I think I could pull it off.. this lady malarkey.. but I'm thinking of one particular friend who has bothered Mothercare's entrance after a particularly wet evening and I'm now worried. Ninja
Originally posted by Deegs:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
On the plus side, it'd be good experience. I've been to some unpleasant places that really don't suit my liberal sensibilities but I'm glad I went all the same.

Why do I agree with pretty much all you say? And do you know how few people I can actually say that to? Laugh

Cos I'm nice, really. Smiler
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
On the plus side, it'd be good experience. I've been to some unpleasant places that really don't suit my liberal sensibilities but I'm glad I went all the same.

The only problem is I have now read that article and contrary to popular perception I am not a completely without conscience barsteward. Ninja

I used to go trekking lots in faraway places and it threw up lots of issues. For example, in Nepal the porters carry your stuff on organised treks - actually 3 people's stuff and about 40kg in total plus their own stuff. Some of the provate porters carry 60kg or more up the mountains, and the mountains are very, very steep. That gave me real ethical dilemmas when I first went because I wanted to carry my own stuff on principle. However, they're really keen to be porters for Westerns as they're paid well and it destroys a local industry if you carry your own stuff. I found a way around it, though. The porter company weigh the bags at the start and they're paid on that basis and then you quietly carry most of your own stuff on the trip anyway. Everyone's happy. Smiler
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Johann Hari wrote about Dubai a couple of months ago. It's a long article but worth reading if you're considering working over there. I've heard similar things elsewhere to many of the claims in the article.

Dubai, a Middle-Eastern Shangri-La?

Of course, one can't change the rest of the world but it's uncomfortable reading and I think worth knowing if only because it's out-the-corner-of-your-eye stuff.

Thanks for the link. I read the entire article. Dubai is an obscenity.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
On the plus side, it'd be good experience. I've been to some unpleasant places that really don't suit my liberal sensibilities but I'm glad I went all the same.

The only problem is I have now read that article and contrary to popular perception I am not a completely without conscience barsteward. Ninja

Interesting article. I can't decide what is worse about Dubai: the slavery, or the raw sewage and used sanitary towels in the sea.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
On the plus side, it'd be good experience. I've been to some unpleasant places that really don't suit my liberal sensibilities but I'm glad I went all the same.

The only problem is I have now read that article and contrary to popular perception I am not a completely without conscience barsteward. Ninja

I used to go trekking lots in faraway places and it threw up lots of issues. For example, in Nepal the porters carry your stuff on organised treks - actually 3 people's stuff and about 40kg in total plus their own stuff. Some of the provate porters carry 60kg or more up the mountains, and the mountains are very, very steep. That gave me real ethical dilemmas when I first went because I wanted to carry my own stuff on principle. However, they're really keen to be porters for Westerns as they're paid well and it destroys a local industry if you carry your own stuff. I found a way around it, though. The porter company weigh the bags at the start and they're paid on that basis and then you quietly carry most of your own stuff on the trip anyway. Everyone's happy. Smiler

awwwwwww... I'd do that too.. Ninja
My next door neighbours have been working in Dubai for 2 years. They hated it - far too hot to walk anywhere and such a huge divide between the rich and the poor. The indiginous people are treated appallingly by their "superiors".

I think it is the sort of place where what you see as a tourist is totally different from what you see if you live there.
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
My next door neighbours have been working in Dubai for 2 years. They hated it - far too hot to walk anywhere and such a huge divide between the rich and the poor. The indiginous people are treated appallingly by their "superiors".

I think it is the sort of place where what you see as a tourist is totally different from what you see if you live there.

Thanks jean...

Yeah.. I thought I'd ask because the tourist view is so very different to the view of the resident. I've heard that you walk nowhere.. very much like the US. Air conditioned home.. to air conditioned car.. to airconditioned office/mall/bar/restaurant.

That would probably do my head in more than the heat.
Slightly at a tangent, I'm proud to say I was among the very first visitors to post-war Vietnam, back in the late 80s.

I'd arrived there after staying in comparatively opulent luxury & excesses of Thailand & Hong Kong. The images of a Vietnam, with its newly opened borders to visitors, will stay in my memory for ever Frowner

The gorgeous & utterly fabulous locals must have thought royalty was visitng Eeker I was surreptitiously tipping everyone in sight. I gave away all my toileteries, all my perfumes, all my shoes and most of my clothes. I also found several inventive ways to make my "official guide's" life a little easier Nod
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by tupps:
I'm just reading the article Daniel posted. Frowner

Sorry. Frowner

As I say, one can't change the world. I don't think it should stop people going but it's not the shiny happy place it might appear.

Have to say, after reading that. That is one place on this earth l WON'T be going too. Even if was free, with free spending money. Thanks Daniel. Thumbs Up

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