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Good evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry your night was not good, i have trouble sleeping as i cant seem to stop thinking of things to keep me awake, i cant count sheep as i dont have any to count.

The Mac and cheese was ok but i thought the cheese was too thin and uninteresting so i was a bit disappointed, had another M&S Spsg Bol, wow, fantastic, put Parmesan cheese on.

I was on a BT chat this afternoon trying to find out why i get spam emails from senders i blocked and domains i blocked but all i ended up with was advice to email BT and ask them to stop the blocked emails, what, i shouldn't be getting them to start with.

If i still get blocked ones i will have to email BT.

I have been making toast in the air fryer using the Toast setting and turning the setting up to 5 for frozen and 4 for normal, and it toasts the underside, hot sure how as the bottom 2 heat bars are so far away from the bread.

I've stopped the coffee mate again as i was getting too much mucus in my throat which is so annoying, i might try the oat milk, but was only using that for cereals for brekkie at times.

For brekkie i had a big burger bun, halved and toasted with butter, bacon and eggs, wow, no that is nice.

For tea tomorrow i am going to try the     1 M&S Oakham Gold Chicken Wings Β£1.65, i didnt separate them in the pack so hope its not one big block.

Hope Mollie had a good Sunday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast , but not quite as cold here today . A so so night , but I went for my walk first thing . Aside from that I’ve not done a lot , except a load of washing , cleaned the kitchen , fed the wildlife ( no sign of Cyril today ) , and rescued the bin . I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Tuesday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well ….and that Dolly is behaving herself .My Dolly socks are very cosy ….and wash well.I reckon teatime club is going to be fun this week…..although I reckon last nights CDWM is going to get annoying! Hicky , I didn’t know you could do toast with an air fryer . Can you do fried bred as well ? If so I might consider one . It’s darn annoying getting spam emails when you’ve already blocked them .

Well it’s another full evenings viewing for me ….GBM , Ben Fogle , and LI . (Although I’m not enjoying the All Stars LI as much as the normal one ! ) Anyway , I hope you both have a good evening , and take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Pleased to hear your night was not too bad and you got a wal in.

I've not done much, put the rubbish bags out to the wheelie bin, did a couple of eggs to put on a big seeded batch for brekkie.

This fab air fryer will do anything i'm pretty sure, i do the toast on the toast setting, if i put a round of frozen Hovis thick sliced on the oven rack in level 2 down and set the time to 6 it is perfect.

I dont know which method you use to make your fried bread Baz, i will do an experiment to do it in the air fryer, i will butter both sides of a round of thick white bread and set the mode to toast and select a time of 5 and see what results i get, you can do whatever you want in it, you just have to select what mode to use and then alter the temperature and time to your desire.

I am still getting the spam emails but so far havent had one that was already blocked so thats good, if i get a pre-blocked one i will email BT to see what they say, i have turned off images from emails so that the sender doesnt get told i have read the email, it of course stops the pictures on the ads from Ocado, but thats ok as i cant see/read them anyway.

Hope Mollie is having a good Tuesday.


both x


that is good you got your walk in, despite your so so night. At least we have been having a dry spell lately, even if its rather cold.

Wonder if Cyril has hibernated for the winter now its got so cold?

Dolly is pleased that her socks wash well and are nice and cosy.

Looks like both of our Club shows are going to be good this week.

Glad to see you have an evenings tv  all planned already. Shame your LI isn't quite as good. Wonder what is on instead of LI next week?


Did you do the eggs in the air fryer? I saw on FB that you can cook eggs by various methods in air fryers.

I love fried bread, so will have to try it in the air fryer.

Those spam emails are such a nuisance and are time wasters As are these flippen spam phone calls.

Went for tea at the carvary with MrM today. Very nice, and as I only have veg, it was only Β£7. Lots of choice of veg and 2 big Yorkshire puds too. MrM had gammon and turkey with his, so his costs Β£2 more. Still good value for what you get though.

Also went to the farm to collect the milk. The milk machine run out, just as we finished, so I rang the farmer. I could hardly hear what he was saying about the MOO'ing  noises from the cows. The fresh milk from the farm is delicous. Wonder if you could get milk straight from the farm delivered Hicky? As it might stop you getting that phlegm in your throat?  Its non homogonised direct from the farm.

Dull day but at least it was dry.

Time to sort my washing out. Its never ending,

Will watch Dog Behaving Badly tonight, as it has been a new series. Graham is really good with the dogs, but its the owners he has to teach.

Have a good evening both xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

To save doing the eggs in the air fryer this morning, i have a 6" round aluminium foil dish which i put 6mm of veg oil in and heat to medium heat, i beat 2 eggs in a small dish and tip the eggs into the hot oil, in a few minutes it is cooked so i take a 2" wide spatulat to remove in one piece, its fantastic.

I didn't know it was ok to drink milk direct from the farm unpasteurised, and not sure if it would be any different from shop milk, theres no farms by me, and i only deal with Ocado.

Yes, i record Dogs behaving badly, its usually the owners who are too blame, of course it is, how do they expect the dogs to know what to do.

The carvery sounded lovely, one of the best meals you can rely on.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Still overcast and cold here , but I had a better night , so I went for a long walk this morning cos I needed to go to a shop that is quite far away .Aside from that , I’ve done two loads of washing , fed the wildlife, bought a new summer duvet cover ( cos it was on sale ) , and that’s the sum total of my exciting Thursday .I hope everyone else’s day is more enthralling than mine .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I hope yours , and Dollys Thursday is going well .Our teatime club has been good this week , but I’m hoping neither of the nasty couples in FIAB win! I agree about the never ending washing …mine never seems to stop , and there’s only me . Glad you had a nice carvery meal….Mr B used to love a carvery .Hicky, hope you’ve sorted the spam mail now ! Glad the fried bread in the air fryer worked .Im not sure I’d risk unpasteurised milk at my age , but I know it’s quite a popular trend nowadays .

Well it’s another full evening viewing ….GBM , Apprentice , and LI .I hope you both have a good evening . Look after yourself.


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was better Baz, and you did a good walk, i take it that you didnt see what was said on the BBC one morning about how often you need to wash certain items etc. ie, how many wear before a wash, not counting undergarments of course.

I assumed you already had a summer duvet from last summer, i have the 3 sizes but have never used the winter one as the autumn/spring one is really too hot anyway.

I am still getting spam emails but so far none that have previously been blocked, so thats ok

Yes, i thought there was cetain conditions on drinking unpasteurised cow's milk, but i dont drink cows milk anyway, and have started drinking coffee and tea black for now, so much easier.

I had the other cheese and onion pir, but this time i heated it in the air fryer, it was ok, but i prefer a stronger flavour.

For brekkie i did a round of toast, covered in a pot of baked beans, then covered in grated cheese and put in the air fryer on Broil mode, very nice, tonight i am having a mini corn cob then slicing a chicken breast up and making a pot of chip chop curry from the granules and heating a pack of Bens egg fried rice, then combine chicken and curry and pour over the microwaved rice, hope it ok, should be.

I've got the darts to watch tonight from Glasgow, night-2 of 16 so happy about that.

My meds arrived this morning, sent the request Monday, never had it take 4 days before, i know one item has to be specially ordered though, one that helps mend the heart wall, not sure why they cant hold it in stock its Entresto 24mg/26mg.

I will order my next Ocado delivery on the 19th for delivery on the 21st, this way it gives me 3 weeks to build the order online and 3 weeks to use up some of my stocks otherwise food stays in the freezer and cupboards and doesnt keep moving, i like to keep certain stocks so i can never run out of having meals to hand, mainly in the cupboards as packets or tins.

Hope Mollie has has a good Thursday.


both x


glad you had a better tonight and got a long walk in too.

Your Dunelm sale purchase sounds good. Will take a browse roung there myself tomorrow.

After tonight's 4IAB, I am hopefull the nice lads will win. Let's hope so. And as usual, they are all bonkers on CDWM.


Its good you have plenty darts matches to come. Did you used to play darts yourself?

You have certainly got a varied diet to try with your air fryer. Hope you enjoy your chicken curry tonight.

The farm we use is pasteurised to make sure bacteria are killed, but it is unhomognised, so avoids the highly processed homogenisation process, which is not good.  Most  supermarkets homogenise now  since they bought that idea over from America, (to make more money) but you lose a lot of the goodness from the milk , it is harder to digest when homogenised, and can lead to other illnesses and allergies.  Remeber before our milk did used to be homogenised, we had the cream at the top, but now its highly processed to be spread throughout the milk. .

Ocaod do sell a choice of nice non homogenised, eg..I get the Berkeley Farm Organic Whole milk as we can't get to the farm very often. Its really nice. The following webpage and paragraph tells you about homogenised milk.

Why you should not be consuming Homogenised milk?

Homogenized milk makes the fat in the milk nearly indigestible. This could likely contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic disorders, as well as allergies, largely by boosting the absorbability of an enzyme in milk called Xanthine Oxidase  XO instead of being excreted. The higher blood levels of XO could contribute to disease-promoting inflammatory processes in our bodies.

Your air fryer egg method sounds interesting. Do they come out like fried eggs? Where do you get the foil dishes from? We only have ordinary foil or paper dishes for the air fryer?

We get Ocado every week. I am so pleased with their choice. All of the family seem to find just what they need. I only add to it via Costco for items I buy in bulk, eg. cheese and chicken portions. Think I will stick to the Goats cheese pie, if the cheese and onlon one you had was not too tasty. The Goats cheese one is quite strong.

We had to have plumber out today. The valve inside the toilet was not fully closing so it was leaking water all the time into the toilet and MrM could not get at it, to fix it himself. The plumber couldn't either, so ended up having to take the whole toilet out to fix it. This house has one of those annoying water meters, so we knew it would cost us, the longer it dripped. Luckily we only had to wait a few days for the plumber to come out.

Cold here too, only 4 degrees in the day and the wind was very cold. But my washing has been drying quite well as it is so dry. Thank goodness for my electric blanket when I get into bed.

Many thanks Baz for suggesting one, I love it. And many thanks to Baz for also suggesting Ocado to us. You are so clever Baz.

Have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Good evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes Mollie, always played darts when young as all the pubs had a dart board, and you just put your name on a chalk board to play in the queue, i always had a dart board at home and one in the garage, didn't play for a team but i used to play chess for a team.

Oh, i see, didn't realise the milk was pasteurised, that's ok, i used to love the cream on the milk whan i was young, wondered where it had gone, didnt reallise they hae spread it through the milk.

I will show you the foil dishes you can use, i use 20cm x 20cm but you can buy any size you want, i also use my enamel oven trays, they all work fine.

At least water is pretty cheap it used to be Β£2 for 1,000 Litres, or 1 cubic meter, but you still dont want to waste it, my lad had the same problem trying to get my toilet water to stop running as i have a narrow unit and to get the works out you have to turn it 90 deg but it couldn't turn as part of the unit was stopping it, so my lad got a chisel and chopped the bit off so it could turn, he sorted it anyway.

The daytime temperature goes up a bit from the 20th anyway.

I will look into that milk, i wouldn't mind trying it to see if it affects me the same as the general milk, that seems to bring quite a few problems i see.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°It’s rained most of the day here , but I did manage to get a walk in between showers , so go me .🀣🀣Aside from that , I’ve kept busy all morning….I have done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing , hoovered upstairs and down, cleaned kitchen , and fed the wildlife . Both my robin, and my Cyril have visited , so a happy day chez Baz .🀣It must be Cyril’s bath day , cos he spent ages washing himself .🀣I hope everyone else is having a nice Saturday too.

Mollie , I hope your day is going well ok , and that your son is better today .It was a good week in teatime club , although the woman that won CDWM was very annoying ! I’m looking forward to DOI tomorrow .Hicky, I don’t drink milk either , and only ever have a dash of it in my tea ( I don’t drink coffee) ….although I am partial to a cream cake .My meds always take about 4 days to be delivered  β€¦.from ordering via nhs website .

Well not sure what we are watching tonight , but no doubt we will find something .I hope you both have a good weekend , and look after yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Not done much, put the dishwasher on last night to clean some bowls and a pan, also cutlery etc and cutting boards, dont use plates that need washing now.

Strange yesterday as i had an Amazon delivery of some bigger foil trays to try in the air fryer, anyway, the driver managed to drop the box off by my front steps without triggering the Ring motion detector on the doorbell, and when i looked through the can that i assume was used to deliver it i couldnt find the driver on the front camera footage either, so strange, and they didnt even ring the bell, just sent a message saying they had delivered and left the parcel on the step.

The Podiatrist came this morning to sort my toe nails out, so thats a good job done, get them done every 8 weeks.

I have ordered some of that milk, the pasteurised to see if its better for me as i do love milk, but it seems there are plenty of problems with the homogenised stuff.

Will be doing a wash load and dryer load in the morning as i should be free.

I'm now trying to use more of my food stocks as i have 6 days till my next delivery, i need to organise the American freezer better so i can see what i have and put it in an order for eating to make life a bit easier.

I had a 1/4 Pizza for brekkie and am having Sushi for tea.

I was telling my lad in Cornwall about eh canoeist who found himself in the huge mouth of a whale, who toom him and his bout under the waves and spit them both out as it was a Plankton eater, lucky feller, all caught on camera by his dad in a boat behind him, my lad and Family were just going surfing, i said, keep you eye open for whales.

Hope Mollie and Family are having a good weekend.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°Cold , but sunny here today . I wasn’t very well last night , but once I got to sleep I slept quite well, so I did manage a walk this morning . Aside from that I’ve not really done much , just some washing and general tidying up . I’ve also put the bin out ready for tomorrow , and fed the wildlife , but no sign of Cyril’s yet !πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£I hope everyone else is having a good start to their week .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy DOI yesterday .😞Hopefully , it will be a good week of teatime club though .🀣My new bedding arrived today , and for Β£14 it’s really nice .🀣πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°Hicky, how strange about your Amazon delivery .😱I wonder how he managed to dodge the Ring camera!  I saw the clip about the guy that got spat out by the whale .😱He was some lucky guy! Glad your toenails are now beautiful .🀣πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Well it’s Ben Fogle and the LI final for me tonight .🀣I hope you both have a nice evening , and look after yourselves .πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you weren't so good last night Baz, its a wonder you managed to get to sleep, glad you did though, and a walk, thats good.

I've not done much either, just sorted the freezer shelves out with what to get eaten before next Ocado delivery, i have gathered the ongoing food stuffs, like a pack of small potatoes in skins, a bag of burgers, pieces of Pizza, some hot dog buns.

I now have 5 shelves for new food, either frozen or to be frozen, its hard to not buy items, but as the cost of my list goes up i try to knock items off that can wait till my next list.

Did a wash earlier, all done dried and put away, was going to do it yesterday but ran out of time, just got to de-fluff the dryer unit and empty the water catcher, i forgot to put the washer capsule in, hope it didnt matter that much, didnt really want to start all over again, i think next time i will put it in the machine before the clothes.

The saga with the Amazon delivery, i think the camera motion detection zone has defaulted to a zone that could miss a person walking close to the house wall and not coming onto my front step area, i have a feeling that when i update my iphone it might reset certain apps, so maybe it resets my Ring app as i havent changed zones, but when i had a different chime going off and checked a couple of weeks ago i found the chimes had defaulted so my barking dogs for when the doorbell is pressed didnt happen so i had to go into the app and change the settings.

I started to watch my recordings of DOI, but it is so annoying listening to their comments, and after every dance they go to adverts, and next we will have stupit film events etc and judges stuff that has to be done, i dont think i will even finish the first week, i will probably scrap the whole series as its just so boring, a 90 second skate and 10 minutes of yapping.

I am having my tea and coffee black just now, but wondering if i might just as well drink water, i have my Fant or Tango in the fridge which i have when in the kitchen, its certainly better tasty that plain water.

I had a pasty for bekkie, they are so uninteresting i am trying to get rid of them, didnt want to bin them, i'm having another Spag Bol for tea with some Parmesan over it, its a microwave one and is pretty yummy.

Hope Mollie is having a good Monday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  A crap night ….nightmares….and a crap start to my day , but it’s got a bit better now . I did go for a short walk this morning , but it started raining , so I had to turn back! Consequently , I’ve not done much today , just some washing , cleaned kitchen and fed wildlife . I hope everyone else is having a better day day than me.

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . Thanks for the heads up about Asda …I ordered a couple of things .Im thoroughly enjoying teatime club this week…..what a bunch of nutters in both programmes …great fun . Hicky , I cleared out my freezer a little while ago ….several items were out of date .i tend to forget about my frozen stuff .Glad you’ve sorted out your Ring camera .

It’s GBM , and George for me tonight .Roll on MAFS , Love Triangle, and Celeb BB .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Oh dear Baz, nightmares, so scary, i think i told you about one i had some 5 years ago or so when i was dreaming someone had there arms around my neck, i usually sleep with the bed covers around my neck, anyway, the one way i know to get someone who is behind you with an arm around your neck is to throw them over your shoulder, well, i did that, and threw myself out of bed and i got wedged between the wall and the bed upside down, that was a shock, probably the imaginary arm was the bed clothes, i also had thrown the bed clothes out as well so i had a soft landing, it shows how real dreams can be.

I have ordered my Ocado delivery for Friday at 11am, so thats sorted, Β£155 but it is for 3 weeks as that gives me time to get food eaten from stock,

Just cooking the other half of my Poussin, will have it with 2 of the (Bannisters Farm 6 Little Jacket Potatoes Β£2.75) as they are very nice and so easy to reheat.

Its getting so hard to find programmes i havent seen, it seems other channels start to show a series and just start an old one again at the start, and some of the game shows are so pointless, they only put them on to get the money from the adverts.

Hope Mollie is having a good Wednesday.


both x


sorry you had a bad night and not a good morning.  Shame the the rain cut short  your walk. 

Hope Bonkers Tea Time Club cheered you up a bit, and you sleep better tonight.

Yes it is such a good week of tv at the Club so far. Tomorrowls payday is going to be good, and hope today's lad wins CDWM.

I agree, I am looking forward to MAFS OZ again. Are you going to watch it this time? I remember now that you said you had other things to watch last time, so didn't bother. It was really good though, even better than ours, so hope it is again this year.

And I hope we have some good Celebs on CBB.

Glad you are pleased with your bargain bedding. I was pleased too with my Dunelm sales stuff. Let's hope our Asda sales stuff is good too. I also ordered a dress from Peacocks sale for Β£16 (see photo below)  and a nice looking jumper for Β£10 for son.

Womens Green Velvet Asymmetrical Dress

I don't usually wear green, so might have to return if it doesn't suit me.


Hopefully your Ring is all sorted now.

I just ordered my Ocado for Monday, but will probably change it a dozen times by then.   Your Β£155 for 3 weeks is not bad at all. Mine is every week and usually about Β£120, and we get stuff like cheese, tissues, toilet rolls in addition from Costco. But there is 4 of us. Luckily our little dog doesn't eat much at all. I get her a few packs of  Lily's Ktichen dog food from Ocado and she has our veg with it, so it goes a long way. This week she has Cottage Pie, Fishy Fish Pie, and Wild Campfire Stew. Her favourite is the Organic Lamb Supper.

I too need to sort my freezer out. Stuff often gets knocked to the back and I forget about it.

That is so annoying how many repeats they put on tv, especially when you start watching then realise you have seen it before.

I too have gone off DOI. Not sure if I will bother watching it this week, as it is hard for me to rush around to find all that free time on a Sunday, just to watch it for for a few minutes each of skating. Also, there is no one that really stands out for me this year, and the 80's theme last week did not impress me at all. 

Been busy sorting out the bathrooms. They all need updating but too expensive for us to do all 3 of them at once, so will start on the small downstairs cloakroom. We had a plumber out to fix the toilet it the other day and that cost us Β£100, so we think its time to upgrade. Found a Plumbers Warehouse to select what we want to buy. Now we just have to wait for some more quotes for the work to come in. MrM will do some of it, eg. flooring and decorating but he doesn't like messing with anything that involves drains or water, so need a plumber for that.

Went out for tea yesterday at the pub, as son had to go to have an ingrowing toenail sorted and his toe was sore, so he didn't feel like cooking. I had a mac cheese jacket potato. Very nice.

Its has been too cold lately to go to the seafront, and now its milder but too wet! So havent been far lately.

Hope we get some Spring sunshine soon.

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I have ordered more of the small cooked jacket spuds, they heat in the micro in minutes and with some butter or anything on them they are super, i had a small pack of butter mash tonight with a small pot of beans and grated cheese over it then to melt the cheese put it in the air fryer for a few minutes, wow, that was so tasty, i went back in to edit the costco order as i realised i hadnt ticked the grated cheese and the hot dog rolls (Hovis Premium Hot Dog Rolls Β£1.60) these are super filled with sausages or bacon for brekkie.

You need to know what is in the freezer and where it is, i have 5 shelves, a big puul out drawer underneath and a small draw at the bottom, i had 2 plastic bowls that i kept on 2 shelves but have taken them out now, just going to organise the foods different and keep the top shelf for the next meal or 2, but if i can see what is on the shelves it will be a help.

I notice some of the programmes on the tv now are shows i used to watch so long ago but have all come back again, obviously to save money, as it must be cheaper to pay for a series from the past than to pay to create a new series.

I have ordered that pasteurised milk, to try in my tea or coffee as i've been having the drinks black so will try and see how it goes, i like the Oat milk on my Corn flakes and instant porridge but if the fresh milk is ok i might stop the Oat drink.

I find cutting, trimming etc my finger nails a nightmare, such a pity that my podiatrist doesnt do them, and i dont really want to go to a nail bar etc, dont even know if they do them for men, i have the grit files and a glass file that podiatrist suggested but its harder to do my right hand when i am right-handed of course.

Its taken me all these years to find out that you can store 25 items of text Pics etc on the clipboard and call them up later and select which you want, just highlight and copy, then highlight more and copy, then when you press the Windows key and V you get a list of what is saved on the clipboard, just click the one you want, but place the curser where you want to paste the info before you click the text on the clipboard.

Hope Baz had a good night.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie  It’s been blowing a gale all day here ….and it’s rained intermittently, so the furthest I’ve been today is up to the shop at the top of the road for some birdseed . So  I’ve spent the day catching up on housework ….washed bedspread, done two loads of laundry, cleaned bathroom , hoovered,  and nearly got blown away feeding the wildlife and emptying the bin . I hope everyone else is having a peaceful  Friday .

Mollie , your dress looks very nice .I hope you are having a good day , and I’m really looking forward to payment day this afternoon …I reckon it will be a bloodbath .Ros and I are looking forward to MAFS ….and yes , I think we will be watching this year .Im looking forward to the MAFS uk reunion on Monday too .Hicky , wow , that’s some nightmare .Its a wonder you didn’t hurt yourself ! How come the podiatrist won’t do your finger nails ….seems a bit strange .My Ocado came today , and they’ve finally restocked with M&S bacon chops ….theyve been out of stock for weeks ….so I bought three packs , just in case .

I hope you both have a good evening …’s Ben Fogle and Gogglebox for us . Take care of yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

13c and sunny here today, quite nice really, not that i have been out.

My Ocado came today, i even got an extra box of chicken soup sachets, not sure how, the order was for 4 and 5 turned up, am still a bit confused about how the items get put into the bags / boxes for delivery, the driver seems to spend so much time in the van outside, if the items were in the bags and the bags in the boxes it wouldnt take a minute to take my 3 boxes out of the van, but as some of my items were frozen that bag couldnt be in a box, and when i checked the empty bags i dont have one that says frozen, i have 3 that says Fridge and 6 that say Cupboard, when the weather gets better i will go out to the van and see what is going on, and i also get a text saying we are outside unpacking your order now, not sure who the we is as i'm sure the driver was on his own.

It took me ages to repack food items for freezing, have still got some to do, a good job i organised the freezer or i wouldnt be able to get it all in.

I assumed podiatrists just do toe nails, i did ask her but i suppose its a completely different course.

I have some of the Pasteurised milk in my coffee, it seems fine so far.

I might get some more of those Bacon chops as they will cook very easy in my air fryer as i grill it using the Broil setting.

Will be having the (1 M&S Chilli Crab Linguine Β£5.25) as it says unsuitable for freezing.

I will post the Ocado list when i post this, hope Mollie has had a good Friday.


delivery 21 Feb
    1 Hovis Premium Hot Dog Rolls Β£1.60
    1 Fyffes Rainforest Alliance Bananas Β£0.80
    4 Batchelors Cup a Soup Chicken Β£3.50
    1 Betty Crocker Chocolate Chunk Muffin Mix Β£3.00
    2 Cadbury Roses Chocolate Gift Carton Β£10.00
    2 Epicure Peach Slices in Syrup Β£2.70
    2 Graal Sprats Fish in Tomato Sauce Β£3.00
    1 Heinz 4 Baked Beans Snap Pots Β£3.00
    1 x 500g KTC Butter Ghee Β£7.50
    3 Maynards Bassetts Jelly Babies Sweets Bag Β£4.05
    1 McVitie's Jaffa Cakes Original Triple Pack Biscuits Β£4.25
    2 Princes Pineapple Slices in Juice Β£2.80
    1 Quality Street Matchmakers Cool Mint Β£2.00
    3 Walkers Salt & Vinegar Multipack Crisps Β£4.65
    2 Cawoods Skinless & Boneless Saltfish Β£6.50
    1 M&S Lemon & Lime High Juice Β£1.90
    2 Tango Orange Sugar Free 2L  Β£3.00
    1 x 3 Colgate 360 Max White Teeth Whitening Manual Toothbrush's Β£5.00
    1 Cillit Bang Burnt on Degreaser Trigger Β£3.00
    2 Harpic Active Fresh Pink Blossom Toilet Cleaner Gel Β£2.50
1 M&S British Mature Grated Cheddar Β£2.80
    3 x 1L Berkeley Farm Dairy Organic Guernsey Whole Milk  Β£5.85
    2 x 12 Ocado Large Free Range Eggs Β£6.30
    1 Ocado Tomatoes Β£1.00
    1 Parmareggio Parmigiano Reggiano Organic Grated Β£2.00
    1 M&S Chilli Crab Linguine Β£5.25
To be Frozen
    2 Hovis Soft White Thick sliced Loaf Β£2.80
    1 x 6 M&S Luxury Hot Cross Buns Β£2.00
    2 x 6 M&S Ultimate Crumpets Β£3.00
    2 Ocado Large Seeded Burger Buns Β£1.80
    3 Denny 8 Gold Medal Pork Sausages Β£4.20
    1 M&S Oakham Gold Chicken Wings Β£1.65
    1 M&S Pancetta Carbonara Β£5.00
    3 M&S Spaghetti Bolognese Β£9.00
    1 Pukka Pies All Steak Β£2.00
    1 M&S Chocolate Swiss Roll Β£4.50
    2 allplants Golden Laksa with Sweet Potato for 1 Β£14.00
    1 Bannisters Farm 6 Little Jacket Potatoes Β£2.75
    3 Goodfella's Beef Lasagne Ready Meal Β£9.00




It was windy here today but has calmed down now. And rained on and off most of the day, but good weather is promised tomorrow. At least you managed a little walk down the shop and certainly sounded busy with all your house jobs.

That is good your Ocado have a new stock of chops for you. Very wise to stock up just in case. They ran out of my Goats cheese/onion cheese cake for awhile, but that too is back again.

4IAB was certainly different this week, with such an od mix of characters, and the hugest underpayments ever!

Shame our faves on both shows just missed out on taking the 1st place.

Yes the MAFS reunion should be interesting, as there were so many on/off couples.

I am happy to say my green dress fitted perfectly, and the colour was fine for a winter dress, after all. Luckily I already had a nice necklace and bracelet that matched the colour perfectly.

Did you buy clothes in the Asda sale or houseware?  We needed a new microwave, so I bought one with Β£20 off in their sale, as well as the clothes I bought.


That's great to see your shopping list again, thank you.

We too get the M and S Ultimate Crumpets. MrM especially likes the 5 grain ones, but son has the plain ones.

That is handy you got an extra soup. Hope you enjoy the non Berkeley Farm non-homogonised milk.

Have you tried the Bannister Farm potato skins? I see they do bacon and cheese and cheese and onion etc.

I have noticed it takes awhile for the Ocado delivery drivers to put things together from the van. I will be interested to hear the result of your research when you next get your delivery.   I assumed it just took them awhile, as the fridge, cupboard and frozen are kept in different areas, but the food is aready packed in the carrier bags, but not put into the boxes.

I think the "we" bit refers to the Ocado company  in general, rather than the delivery person. 

Your mash/beans/cheese sounds a good idea for a quick tasty meal.

What a shame your podistrist does not do your finger nails. Wonder if you could find a nail technician who does home visits?

Went to B and Q with MrM to get a socket thing to go behind the tv, so we can plug in our new blossom trees we bought. Doggie loves sitting quietly on her blanket in the trolley and just looking around the store.

Had sweet potato chips for tea with my Goats cheese cheesecake, very nice.

Have you tried them Hicky? They come up lovely in the air fryer.

Strong Roots Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Have a good evening both. Not sure if I am watching Gogglebox. Didn't enjoy it much last week, as it got a bit political. But will probably watch the next episodle of Traitors USA, that has just hit iplayer, as that is brillaint.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I havent tried the potato skins, will look into them

I think you are right about the Ocado delivery, they must take the bags from a rack or something and put 3 bags in each box, but it doesnt explain why my Frozen items was just mixed in the Fridge bags.

I might try the sweet potato chips, but they take a lot of room up.

I will start making my next Ocado order tomorrow.

The milk is very nice, i just bought 3 x 1L as i was going to try and freeze a couple but i might just drink them.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°A decent night , but I’m not feeling 100%, and it’s wet and windy , so no walk for me today . I’ve not really done much at all , just some washing , hoovering , emptied bins , and fed wildlife . The rest of the time I’ve been sat on my butt ! 🀣🀣🀣I hope everyone else are having a nice relaxing Sunday too .πŸ˜€

Mollie , I hope your are having a good day , and not getting washed away down there .😱🀣It was lovely weather yesterday ….even got out and did a bit of weeding cos the spring bulbs are all coming through ….the mini daffs look very pretty and springlike .Glad you are pleased with all your Asda bargains .πŸ‘πŸ»I’m looking forward to teatime club, although I think it will take a lot to beat last weeks nutty contestants l 🀣🀣πŸ₯°πŸ₯°Hicky, surely cutting toenails and fingernails requires the same skill? The M&S bacon chops are very nice , and about Β£3 a pack of two. I’ve bought the Denny sausages before too ..very reasonably priced.πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Well it’s a full  viewing schedule for me today , DOI, Pottery , and a posh hotel programme . 🀣Have a good evening both. Take care.πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


Good evening Mollie & Baz.

Pity you couldnt get your walk in, nasty here as well.

I did a dishwasher full earlier to clean the chopping boards and some cutlery and pyrex bowls.

I had that (1 M&S Pancetta Carbonara Β£5.00), it was ok, you get plenty but i was fed up with chewing before i reached the end.

I am enjoying the Milk (3 x 1L Berkeley Farm Dairy Organic Guernsey Whole Milk  Β£5.85) that is very nice indeed.

I've put the bacon chops on my next Ocado order, i bought the Ghee as it has such a high smoke point, not sure what to do with it yet, i got it for frying of course.

Those eggs i get are so good, bought an extra dozen this time so i can go mad and not run out.

Hope Mollie had a good Sunday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It was a lovely sunny morning , although it’s clouded over now . A so so night , and still not feeling 100% , but dragged myself out for a walk mid morning , once two deliveries had arrived . Apart from that I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , fed the wildlife and rescued the bin ….so another exciting day chez Baz .I hope everyone else are enjoying their Tuesday .

Mollie , I hope you ( and Dolly)  are enjoying some sun today .Looks like it’s going to be another good week in teatime club ….will be interesting to see who the game-players turn out to be lDid you enjoy MAFS reunion ? Hicky , I hope you enjoy the bacon chops ….i have just had some for lunch . I’ve never had a dishwasher …always wanted one ….but when we had the room we never had the money , and when we had the money we never had the space !

Well it’s GBM , Ben Fogle and some First Dates we’ve recorded . I hope you both have a nice evening , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry you still arent 100% Baz, i can tell the weather is a bit warmer by the readings on my Smartmeter display showing the gas cost for today so far.

Do you have 2 of those bacon chops for 1 meal Baz, i had saltfish, bacon and eggs for brekkie, so nice that. for tea i just had one of the small baked spuds with butter and cheese, pretty tasty, mind you i should have grilled it after i put the grated cheese on really, next time, as i have loads of those spuds, butter and grated cheese.

My lad called in this morning, but after he had hoovered the floors and reset the toilet seat he got a call as he was on call and had come on his way home from the last call, so he will come back in a couple of days when he finishes work.

I've been watching 3 shows with Henry Cole in, he hosts and directs some of his shows, he's a great bloke, Fi, Fi, Fi, Shed & Buried, and The Motorbike Show.

Hope Mollie had a good Tuesday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   I’ve tried  to post this three times, but for some reason it keeps clearing ! Sunny, but quite chilly here today . Not a bad night , so I did manage a walk first thing ….blew a few cobwebs away .Aside from that I’ve not really done much , just some washing ,fed wildlife , and some general tidying up . I hope everyone else are enjoying their Thursday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well and Dolly is behaving herself .This weeks bunch of teatime nutters are nearly as bad as last weeks bunch.I reckon payment day will be interesting , cos I reckon the nasty couple in FIAB will kick off when they get their payments . Hicky , yes, I have two bacon chops per meal . I liked Henry Cole too …sad he died …..and today it’s Gene Hackman . It’s definitely getting warmer cos all my spring bulbs are up now .

Well it’s GBM and the Apprentice for me tonight .Have a nice evening , and take care of yourselves .


both x


thats odd how it wouldn't post, but you got there in the end.

Good job the weather was kind enough for you to get a walk in. Looks like we have some dry weather to come. Love a bit of sunshine in winter/spring, as it can get too hot in the sun mid summer.

Yes our Club has been good this week. Both of the shows are so good. its amazing how they find all these nasty gameplayers for these shows.


That is nice your son came over to help out with a bit of cleaning. Shame he was called away though.

Glad you are enjoying the Berkeley Farm Dairy Organic Guernsey Whole Milk. All of my family enjoy it too, its so tasty. And of course we now know, its a lot better for you than the standard milk.

I asked my Ocado guy if the bags are already packed for them and he said yes.

So maybe your fridge stuff had fallen out of the bag, as it doesn't make sense other wise?

We have had 2 Ocado deliveries this week, as we are going away for a weekend to Devon tomorrow.

Just me and MrM and doggie, the lads aren't coming, so have made sure we have stocked up with food for them.

We saw the weather looked dry and we waited and waited for a good spell in weather last summer, that never came, so thought we would try a winter break. Its a lot cheaper too this time of year and I am not keen on it being too hot anyway. Staying in a 3 bed lodge. They charge Β£50 for the dog, but with our dog, you wont' even know she will have been there, as she is fully toilet trained and desont' shed hairs either. But I guess they have to charge to make sure its well cleaned for others, if you take a dog. So no complaints, from me, we are just glad glad we can take her.

I hope to watch "The Dog house" tonight where they rehome dogs.

Have a good evening both  xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Strange why you couldnt post Baz, glad your night was ok and you got your walk in.

Henry Cole hasnt died, he is pretty clever, he's a TV show Director, he owns a Motorcycle company and heaven knows what else, he also has his own Motorcycle show, as well as other tv shows, he is 60 yrs old.

I had an email from Ocado saying they have a new website that comes on line on the 4th March and if i have an order it needs to be ordered before then so i will have to sort it Sunday/Monday.

I have been busy with recordings as F1 is doing testing in Bahrain for 3 days 2 x 4hr sessions each day from Wed/Thu/Fri with 1 vehicle and can have 2 drivers, 1 for each session if they want.

I also had Darts last night from Exeter, and today for 3 days the UK Open from Brighton darts as well till Sunday.

My lad came last night and brought me fish and chips, wow, i love that.

Yes Mollie, that milk is super, it is Lactose free as well which will help a lot of people,

Hope your weekend away goes well Mollie, i bet doggie will love it.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night , although I woke up quite early ! I wasn’t feeling great , but, as it was a lovely sunny morning ,  I did go for a short walk first thing . Aside from that , I’ve changed the sheets , done two loads of washing , fed the wildlife , run the hoover over , and some dusting . I had a lovely delivery driver with my Sainsbury shop , he always remembers my name and passes the time of day while I am unpacking the shopping from the trays  β€¦wonder if he knows how much little things like that can brighten the day . I hope everyone else is having a nice Sunday too .

Mollie , I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend , and that Dolly has settled down now .I am looking forward to your return though .Hicky , silly me , I got hi, mixed up with Henry Kelly for some reason .But yes, I used to love watching Henry Cole in Fid it, Fix it , Flog it .Sounds like you’ve got a full weeks viewing coming up .

Well it’s a full evenings viewing for me today …DOI , Pottery , and Inside the Four Seasons Park Lane .I hope you’ve both have a good evening ….and good journey home tomorrow Mollie .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Henry Cole is in more programs than i even thought, just turned onto a program as i'm waiting for the evening's darts to start, its the semi-finals and finals tonight, I am watching Junk & Disorderly and its another Henry Cole program.

I have checked out my latest Ocado, for delivery 14th, it will be getting changed no doubt but didnt want to lose what i had on the order if the new website doesnt carry the item list over.

The Ocado drivers always bring my shopping into the dining room and put the bags on the table, i do ask them if they will, and give them a bag of Jelly babies.

I had quite a big brekkie today, 2 hash browns, 3 tomatoes, 4 Denny sausages, 2 fried eggs, it was delish.

Just had 2 baked spuds, cut up and buttered, air fryed and covered in grated cheese and grilled, wow, i enjoyed that.

Been so busy between F1 and darts, it ends tonight, the next darts is Thursday night.

Hope Mollie & Doggie enjoying their weekend away.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny again here today , and I had a decent night , so, even though I’m not feeling 100% ( it seems one good day, one bad) , I went for a short walk first thing . Just as well I wasn’t out too long , cos a delivery that wasn’t due until tomorrow arrived this morning . Apart from that , I’ve not done a lot , just a load of washing , fed wildlife , rescued the bin, and some general tidying up. I hope everyone else is enjoying their Tuesday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I’m glad you had a nice time , but I’m guessing Dolly is glad to be home .Teatime club looks promising this week, and MAFS is going to be a corker !Hicky, yes, Henry Cole is in several things .I used to enjoy Find it , Fix it ….but I think I’ve  seen all of them now .Yes, the delivery drivers always offer to bring mine in too , but I just have them put inside the front door .

Well it’s a full nights viewing for me tonight …GBM , Ben Fogle , and MAFS . I hope you both have a good evening , and take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok and you managed a walk Baz.

I've just been watching some Ocado vids i found online about the warehouses of foods etc, wow, never seen anything like it, 2000 robotic units on wheels going alond tracks about 50cm wide and next to each other, like a chess board that covers a football pitch, it seems the items are below, in 15000 boxes, i couldnt quite tell how the robotic unit got the items from boxes below, or how they got to the packing station, but some of the bag packing was done by humans but told what to do by robotic AI etc.

Now Ocado has a new website, i rang them earlier as it wont let me sign in so i cant edit the last order, they said it might be that all the data hasnt been transferred yet so try again tomorrow.

I enjoyed the darts so much i have watched Luke Littlers game in the final 3 times with having it recorded but the recording has gone, not sure how.

Hope Mollie & doggie have recovered from weekend away.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , and quite warm here today …although rain is expected this evening . I had a good night , and managed a reasonable walk first thing …so go me . I worse my sweatshirt and exchanged my boots for sandals , so I’ve officially declared Spring , cue snow ! Aside from that I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , done a load of washing , dusted , emptied bins , and fed the wildlife ….so not a totally wasted day .I hope everyone else are enjoying their Thursday too.

Mollie , hope you and Dolly are enjoying some sunshine . I hope the teatime pub is going to be better than that place last night ! Are you enjoying Mafs ? Ros and I are .Hicky , wow , that’s interesting about Ocado warehouse ….but my Ocado website hasn’t changed ….or at least , if it has I’ve not had any problems …yet .Glad you are enjoying your darts .

Well it’s another full evenings viewing for me ….GBM, Apprentice and Mafs .I hope you both have a good evening . Take care of yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok, and a walk, are sandals ok for a walk, not really walking atire, hope they didnt rub anywhere.

The binnies came for the recycle today, the window cleaners came as well, have been worried that the last payment i sent them in Jan hadn't gone though, so i asked if they had been since Christmas, he said no the weather was too bad and the water pipes from the van kept freezing as they run along the floor, so the cleared that up.

I have just made 6 lovely (1 Betty Crocker Chocolate Chunk Muffin Mix Β£3.00) so quick and easy, did in my air fryer on Bake mode and put temp on 170c for 18 mins, perfect, will get some more packs, only had to add 130ml water, 15ml veg oil and 1 egg, it said medium but i only get large now.

There are darts to watch tonight, night 4 of 16, and with Luke winning last week, although i lost my recording i found it all o Youtube so have watched his last games about 3 times more.

Got the dentist in the morning for the 6-month check-up, was going to try and see some time ago but scared of all the viruses going around, i'll see what he says.

For tea i am going to cook 2 burgers, make some curry sauce and while simmering put the burgers in for a while and then while i'm doing that i'll put some oven chips in the air fryer to cook, should be a tasty meal.

Hope Mollie is having a good Thursday.

Last edited by Hicky

Good morning Mollie & Baz.

Very quiet in here, hope you are both well, the dentist went ok, he put a bit of stuff on one of the teeth that had come off, i thought it had but was scared to go out over winter with all the viruses around, but he did it under guarantee.

I got a taxi there and got him to wait for me as checkup appointments are only for 10 minutes but i was 15 minutes early, but the journey there and the ewait and the return was only Β£16 but i always give a tip for them having a card reader so Β£20 was fine with me.

My choc chip muffins are so yummy, will be getting more packs as i only eat 1 a day.

I have paid for a PDCTV subscription Β£50 for the year to watch all the darts that isnt on UK tv, so yesterday and all weekend i can watch the matches in Belgium, so very happy about that.

Still havent got to open Ocado site on Firefox yet, going to try another way later, i have an idea that might work.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Lovely sunny day here , and very warm for the time of year . Tomorrow looks like being the same , but then it’s going to get cooler again from Monday onwards ! A so so night for me , but I did go for quite a long walk first thing , and I did a bit more trimming in the back garden . Aside from that , I’ve done the duvet shuffle, and put the summer duvet cover on , but left my furry bedspread on , just in case lIve done two loads of washing , and had some nice lamb chops for lunch , and that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else are enjoying their Saturday too.

Mollie , I hope you and Dolly are relaxing in the sunshine .I enjoyed teatime club this week, but didn’t agree with the result of FIAB ! MAFS is good , and hopefully Love Triangle will be good next week too.Hicky , glad the dentist went ok. I’ve also been very wary with all the bugs going around over winter .It costs me the same in taxi fares to go to the doctors ….which I’ve got to go to on Friday ! What is PDCTV ? I use Safari for my Ocado ( and all other things) .

Well it’s Michael Portillo in Portugal for me tonight …then I think it’s Bad Boyfriends.I hope you both have a good evening , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, i havent been out again since the dentist, my teeth feel fine, i will just have to be careful of any hard items, need to steer clear really to preserve them.

I did a wash load yesterday, dried and put away, edited the Ocado order again, still cant get to log in on Firefox, tried everything, i might need to restart firefox, dont really want to use MS Edge.

PDCTV is the TV channel of the darts corporation PDC (Professional Darts Corporation) they have their own TV channel but its not on UK TV's so i had to pay for a prescription, Β£50 for the year, but i can get Darts on most days of the week somewhere in Europe, its on now, and Luke Littler is playing later, was watching all afternoon, so as i already see darts Thursday night, now i have Tuesday and Wednesday as well, and UK TV darts as well, and also F1 for 24 weekends this year.

Hope Mollie is having a good Saturday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a great night , but I feel a bit better today , and it was sunny first thing ( although it’s clouded over now ) , so I dragged myself out for a nice long walk first thing .I also changed the sheet and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , dusted , and cleaned the kitchen . I have also fed the wildlife , and put bins out ready for collection tomorrow . …so not a totally wasted day chez Baz .I hope your day is going well too.

Mollie , glad you had a nice time last night, despite the wardrobe dilemmas lI hope you are enjoying some sunshine today . I’m looking forward to another week of teatime club …especially as CDWM is in your area .Hicky , wow , I didn’t know there was a special darts channel .Im glad your teeth are ok ….but it’s very strange that Firefox won’t let you in to Ocado .

Well it’s a very trashy tv evening for me ….MAFS , Love Triangle , and GB .I hope you both have a good night , and take care.


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