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Afternoon  Mollie and Hicky  Not feeling 100% today , but , as it is sunny, I did go for a short walk first thing , and did a bit of trimming in the front garden ….so I got some fresh air. Aside from that I’ve not done much , just some washing , and hoovering …now I’m firmly ensconced on the sofa for the rest of the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying some sunshine , and having a good Monday .

Mollie , I hope your leg improved last night and you managed to get a decent sleep.Im looking forward to another week of teatime club….wonder what wallies we will get to see .Hicky , crikey those cream eggs will keep you going for a while .I get an order every week…plus one from Sainsbury’s .i have the bacon chops with M&S buttery mash for lunch .

Tonight is the Bake Off final , and then it will be HGTV .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear your not 100% today Baz, o am ok, still restless in bed, could be the old bed or the temperature maybe.

I'll look into that mash, i used to get some a few years ago so havent had any for a while, i'm testing some of the meals i got Friday, most i probably wont get again as i dont think they are woth the money,

I have only had one of the creme eggs, i will probably just have a few each week, after evening meal, they are just so yummy.

I'm just watching HGTV now, i flick through to see what is worth watching each hour, hard to find what i havent seen yet.

My next appointments are in September, feet, teeth and Urology.

Oh, got to order my Meds on MyGp now, while i remember.

Hope Mollie is all rested, pain free and having a good day.


both x


Aaaww sorry you are not feeling too good today. Hope it improves soon. You did well managing to go for a walk and doing a bit of gardening.

Wonder what we will end up watching on Tea time club this week? its alpacas on tomorrow C4 show, so that will be nice too if we decide Benidorm doesn;t look so good.


Thanks for the toaster piccie, it looks like a good one. Hope you are pleased with it.

And thank you for your Ocado list. Very interesting, a few ideas for me to copy there.

I had to look up kimchi, as I didn't know what it was. Did you enjoy it? The viva dip sounds yummy, think I will give it a go. What do you dip in Nachos or carrots?

I too have a delivery every week, and buy bits and pieces when I go out to other places, eg. hope to go to Icleand tomorrow. But no one beats Ocado for the choice of food.

Your creme eggs should last you awhile now.

How nice you got out to Parkgate for an enjoyable lunch with your son.

I thought you might be enjoying your F1 this weekend.

MrM took me to see a friend who was staying in a camper van and awning on Saturday and we went to the roadside cafe for brekkie. It was really rough with wind and rain on the Friday night, so her and her hubby were concerned the awning might blow away. Luckily it was noisy blowing in the wind, but stayed in tact. It was a nice little campsite, not far from the seafront. We saw the donkeys getting saddled up ready to go and work with the kiddies on the beach, as they lived in the next field to the campsite. They are so cute.

Didn't go out yesterday, but sat in garden and caught up with washing.

My knee was very painfull last night, but improved thankfully tonight. Don't know why, it is so unpredictable.

Not sure what I am watching tonight. Might just watch a recording. I have been recording the new series of 4 In a Bed, then watching it when I get chance, as I enjoy watching that.

Another cool day, but at least it was dry until about 6pm. Prefer it to being too hot though.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Another rough night for me , but I got a walk first thing , in fact I got a bliddy long one , cos I got to the local shop , couldn’t find my card , so paid cash ….which meant I then had to walk to another shop to get some cash back , cos I like to keep enough cash in my purse in case I need to get a taxi anywhere .  So in the end I walked well over 2 miles, and I found my darn card in my coat pocket  ! Aside from that I’ve done a bit of weeding and tidying up in the garden , some washing and dusting ….so I’ve been a busy Baz today .I hope everyone else is having a more relaxing day than me.

Oh and I keep forgetting  to say , the other day , when I was on my walk , I got attacked by a bliddy dachshund. It tried to take a nibble out of my leg , but luckily,I had my jeans on , so no damage done ….except for a very embarrassed dog owner .

Mollie , I enjoyed the alpacas yesterday ….they are so cute , eh.I think we will be back in Benidorm today ….unless there is you know what on it.I hope your day is going ok , and that your knee is behaving itself .Hicky , I really like the M&S buttered mash ….its a bit expensive , but is just the right size for one , and only takes a few minutes in the microwave.You sound like you are going to have a busy September with your medical appointments.

Well it’s Sewing Bee and Love Island for me tonight….the latter is really shaping up nicely ….its like BB on steroids .I hope you both have a good evening , take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I have had Kimchi a few times before, i sometimes just eat it on its own, its pretty unique and can be added to almost any meals, i love it, usuall eaten cold, but can be added to soups etc, shouldnt really be cooked so if added to a meal add it after the meal is cooked, i just eat it with a knife and fork.

With the dips, if i havent got any Nacho's etc in i dip my Walkers crisps, but dont sprinkle with the salt.

Love Ocado, i typed in Lemonade and got about 90 options, and Beer and got so many options it was eye watering, going to get them as i fancy shandy in the summer.

I love the potato salad, and am addicted to the Fanta Zero, i got 4 x 2L bottles last week for £4.20 thats good.

Those heck sausages are lovely as well, will get them from now on.

The salt & shake Walkers crisps a great, so many ears since i had them, didnt know you could get them till my lad told me.

Hope Baz has had a good night and day.


Afternoon  Mollie and Hicky  A much better day  here , weather wise . I had a better night , but I’m not feeling great today , however I did manage a nice walk first thing . …it does help a bit . Aside from that I’ve done a large load of washing , cleaned kitchen and bathroom , and fed wildlife . If I can stir myself this afternoon I might do a bit in the back garden ….but it’s a big IF .I hope everyone else is having an enjoyable Friday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well , and that you had a decent sleep , and your knee is behaving itself . I’m looking forward to teatime club tonight …and the FIAB payment day.Hicky, ooooo I didn’t know Ocado did salt and shake crisps ….like you  it’s decades since I’ve had those , so I’ll be ordering them next week too .Im so glad you are happy with Ocado ….i think they are brilliant too .

Well , it’s Botched , Gogglebox and Love Island for me tonight …so lots of trashy tv .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you slept better Baz but pity your still not 100%, i have been ok, still tossing and turning inn bed, not really a problem.

I got my lad to change the porch and hall lighting as the dusk to dawn sensor in the porch doesnt really work as i'd like because indoors the level of light is just below what is needed, the sensors are probably for outside, i have disconnected it now as i have override switches anyway, i bought a remote control socket and have a small table with an LED table lamp on which i can turn on and off from my office / bedroom using the remote control, handy.

Yes, the walkers: Walkers Salt & Shake Multipack Crisps : are super, you get 6 packs in the bag and i love the little blue salt sachet.

Ocado has a bigger range of produce and other items than any other supermarket, it really is incredible.

I've got darts from tomorrow 13th starting at night then day and night till the 21st on Sky Sports 426/427 so happy about that.

I rang the gardener, oh dear, he has just gone away for a weeks holiday.

Hope Mollie has had a good day and her knee is not so painful.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast again today , and we have a yellow rain warning for tomorrow ….so no sign of summer yet ! A so so night , but I did manage a walk first thing . Apart from that I’ve done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing , hoovered up and down stairs , and fed wildlife , so not a totally wasted morning .I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday .

Mollie , I hope your son, and your eyes are better today ….or at least no worse .Im looking forward to the coming week of Teatime club .Hicky , I’ve ordered those crisps on my Ocado delivery , which is due tomorrow . I have those battery operated sensor lights on the stairs , landing and bathroom ….saves having to turn the big lights at night . Sorry your gardener has gone on his hols , but hopefully ,as it’s only a week ,things won’t get too out of hand .

Not sure what I am watching tonight ….but it certainly won’t be the football.Have a good evening both, and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Dul here today with rain earlier, havent been outside, will have to take the rubbish to the wheelie tomorrow, neighbour puts it out Thursday for me.

Put the dishwasher on earlier, usually do it sunday wut had a short dizzy spell yestrday while watching the tv which was strange, been ok today so will have to be careful.

Just watching the darts, almost finished so i'm off to bed in a mo.

Had a vid call from my lad in Cornwall, his Mrs is away with a school outing in Asia for a month.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Very wet overnight , and most of the morning , so no walk today , but once the rain stopped I did pop up the local shop , and have done a little bit of tidying up in the garden ….so at least I have had a bit of fresh air. Aside from that I’ve done some washing , cleaned the kitchen , done some general tidying up , and fed wildlife ….so not a totally wasted day. I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday .

Mollie , I hope your son s much better today , and that your knees are behaving themselves too .I enjoyed our extended teatime club yesterday …but I’m praying that dreadful woman doesn’t win . Hicky, my bins were collected this morning ….they came at 6.45 ….i hope they don’t make a habit of that !Wow , that’s some school outing your daughter in law has gone on…..we were lucky to get a trip to the local zoo.

Well I think it’s Yorkshire Vet and Love Island for us tonight . I hope you both have a good evening , whatever you watch .Take care of yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Yes, lots of rain here, its ok now though, put the rubbish stuff into the wheelie round by the back gate earlier in case it rains again.

A person for british gas called yesterday to see the gas meter, i told them months ago that it wasnt talking to my smart display, he said it was dead and i need to ring them, he said he sands in a report as well, i rang them and told them it was dead, the battery probably gone but think they have to change the meter, they gave me a date of Mon 29th in the afternoon for a service engineer to call, so i should get it sorted as they just estimate my bills which they have done for so long.

Hope Mollie is having a good day, darts on tv tonight for me.


both x


hope that rain stopped for you today to get your walk in. It did here. Sounds like we are in for a bit of a heatwave to come, but hope it doesn't get too hot!

Enjoyed our double Teatime club, especially now we know that horrible woman can't win!

Can you remember if it was Sept/Oct BB it started last year?

Glad to see Hicky discovered those enjoyable crisps for you. I have never had a bag of crisps where you add your own salt. I do enjoy reading Hicky's shopping lists for ideas of new things to order. So thank you Hicky.


I agree the choice of food in Ocado is incredible compared to anywhere else. MrM was reading they are originally an IT company, so they must use some up- to- date software to get such a range of things from different suppliers.

The dip you mentioned is lovely for nachos. I will get some of those Heck sausages for the family when I have my Linda Mcartney veggie ones. We like them with mash, veg and gravy.

I hope the gas people can sort your meter out, as if it is estimated, you can never be sure of who owes, who what!

As Baz said, that is some school outing going all the way to Asia for a whole month!

Hope you haven't had another dizzy spell. Do you think you needed to eat or drink something at that time?

Pity you can't get hold of your gardener for a week. I am surprised he has taken a week off mid summer, because that must be their busiest period for work. Let's hope he can fit you in when he gets back.

Son was working away all last week on a film set (so with lots of people!). He ended up spending all weekend just lying in bed with a streaming cold and hardly ate a thing all weekend. I just kept sending up manuka honey (Ocado have the very best one!), mixed with fresh lemon, lime and grape juice. Luckily he started to improve by Monday. Today he was still not well enough to go to work, but ate well and worked from home. So he will be back in work tomorrow. The rest of the family kept well away from him and I opened all the windows, so hope no one else in the house gets it. It had to be nasty to confine him to bed all weekend.

I am finding it hard to post here with a mischief puppy around, so have to wait until her bedtime to post here. Luckily, she is a good sleeper. I can manage short posts, as I can throw her ball inbetween, or just stroke her. But if I try to do much on my lappy, she jumps on my lap and closes the lid on my machine, or if texting, puts her paw over it. She is just so sweet and affectionate though. It is lovely the amount of people who stop to stroke her when we go out. We still have to be really carefull with what she puts in her mouth though. I never did bring myself to ask my aunt for another replacement for the puppy chewed cheque!

Going for brekkie with my friend and her grandson tomorrow, which I always enjoy as a good way to start the day.

Think I will order my Ocado now for delivery this weekend. I expect I will edit by adding on several times before the actual delivery though.

Have a good evening both xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Yes, Daughter in law will be going to many places while away, she started in Bangkok and almost every day or so travels to another area, it will be an experience of a lifetime, its what hubby always wanted to do, he is talking about doing similar in a couple of years for a birthday treat as she will actually have her beirthday while away at the end of the month.

The gas engineer should be able to sort the smart gas meter out, as long as he brings another one, its annoying when it doesnt show on my diplay, which is now on my desk, at least i can see the electric, but now and again even that loses contact but then reconnects.

I havent had another dizzy spell which is good so far, its probably my meds / heart as 1 tablet is to slow my heart down and i was feeling my hands and feet cold so have turned the heating back on and set it to 22c, its warm out and the evergy display is saying 24c which is good, i eat and drin plenty really so it shouldnt be that, and i keep trying different types of socks so trying the hospital ones again, but noticed my ankles swolen the other day so have cut the elastic like i have to in all socks as i havent got the blood pressure to defeat gravity to get the water back up my legs, one thing says, careful how much i drink and other things say drink plenty for my kidneys, catch 22.

Sorry to hear your son was ill all weekend, wonder what he had caught, a virus i assume, so nasty, hope he's ok now.

I think you should send the puppy for training, she is controlling your life and that not good for you or her, you are creating a rod for your back, as the saying goes, she is needing too much attention because she is on her own.

Enjoy your brekkie out tomorrow Mollie, my next Ocado order is about finished, its up to £160 so far, will order tomorrow for friday or saturday delivery.

Hope Baz had a good night and a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Quite warm today , but I managed to get a walk in early this morning ….before it got too warm . Not looking forward to tomorrows heat though !Aside from that I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , done two loads of washing , cleaned bathroom and fed the wildlife . ..and that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying some sunshine .

Mollie , I hope your son is continuing to improve , and that none of the rest of you catch it.It was nice seeing Ant yesterday , eh …..and so glad the Cardiff woman ain’t going to win ….although I’m not keen on that guy with the dreadful hair either !Looking forward to New Life today too.Hicky , I hope you’ve not had any more dizzy spells .Ive had a couple lately too….but I think mine are due to the neck disc problem I have . Sounds like your daughter in law is having a whale of a time .

Well it’s Camping , George and Love Island for us tonight …so a fun trashy night .Have a good one both and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in today Baz, all o've done is cook food and book the Ocado delivery for Saturday.

Havent had a dizzy spell again, so far and pleased about that, its a bit worrying really.

From what my lad said, his mrs in asia is very tired as the schedule is so busy although they are split into 2 groups of teachers and pupils, they never stop all day, and she has another 21 days yet.

I've got darts to watch tonight, day 6 quarter finals from Blackpooj.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Hoping you both had a good night an are enjoying the weekend.

Got my Ocado delivery ok, all correct so very happy, didnt order much on the meal side as i have stocks, gave the driver 10 bags back and a bag of jelly babies, total cost £147 which isnt too bad as most items are for stock, or just to try so i constantly adjust the favourites list, that makes it so easy to make the next order out, i've put 1 of the loaves in the freezer as 1 doesnt  last 2 weeks, the hot cross buns freeze lovely, i wrap eaxh in clingfilm to freeze, like to keep a stock.

Love the HECK sausages, & dairy free, and they freeze super, love them 85% British Pork Shoulder, that will do me, I'll post the order list, i move stuff around for my convenience and on my copy i add comments about the item and before my next order i add this list to my Ocado text file as i keep a text record of all the orders in one file.

I'll post in separate post, i've got darts and F1 so my viewing is sorted.


         20th July
    1 Awfully Posh Sea Salt Pork Crackling £1.75
    2 Snaffling Pig Perfectly Salted Pork Crackling Packets £2.70
    1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Crunchie Chocolate Bar £2.50
    4 Haribo Jelly Babies Sweets Sharing Bag £5.00
    2 Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate Truffles £12.60
    1 M&S Collection Hot Smoked Peppered Mackerel £2.20
    1 M&S Cured Ox Tongue £4.00
    1 M&S Honey Cured Ham £2.50
    2 Epicure Manzanilla Olives Stuffed with Pimiento £3.14
    1 M&S Mandarin Orange Segments in Grape Juice £1.10
    1 M&S Rhubarb Chunks £1.30
    1 M&S Wild Alaskan Red Salmon £3.65
    2 Walkers Salt & Shake Multipack Crisps £3.25
    1 Ocado Hot Cross Buns £1.15
    2 Warburtons Toastie Thick Sliced White Bread £2.80
    1 Alpro Oat Long Life Drink £2.10
    1 Coffee Mate Original £5.00
    2 Kenco Cappuccino Instant Coffee Sachets £3.78
    1 Robinsons Fruit Cordials Lime & Mint £2.50
    1 Rose's Lime Juice Cordial £3.00
    1 Schweppes Original Lemonade £4.50
    1 Budweiser Lager Beer Cans £9.00
    1 Ocado Regular Soft Tissues £1.45
    1 Bacofoil 2 in 1 Parchment & Foil £3.60
    1 Nicky Elite 3 Ply Quilted Toilet Tissue £12.00
    1 Regina Blitz Household Towel  £4.75

To be frozen
    1 Heck  Gluten Free Family Favourite Sausages £5.25
    2 M&S Buttery Mash Potato £5.00
    1 M&S Our Best Ever Sausage Roll £5.00
    1 M&S Roast Chicken Thighs £4.25
    1 Elmlea Double Alternative to Cream £1.10
    2 Happy Monkey Strawberry & Banana Kids Smoothie £4.60
    1 M&S British Cherries Extra Large Pack £5.00
    1 M&S British Medium Cheddar 10 Slices £2.80
    1 M&S Fruit Trifles £3.00
    3 M&S Full English Breakfast £12.00
    2 M&S Traditional Potato Salad £2.60
    1 Ocado Cherries £2.81
    1 Ocado Mixed Weight Free Range Eggs £3.25
    1 Ocado Small Ripe & Ready Hass Avocados £2.65
    2 Tropicana Pure Orange Fruit Juice with Extra Juicy Bits £6.00


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Cooler today , but still very muggy ….we definitely need a storm to clear the air ! A better night for me though , so I went for my daily walk first thing . Aside from that I’ve done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing and some more tidying up in the garden …so not a totally wasted Saturday chez Baz .I hope everyone else is having a good day .

Mollie , Hope you managed to get some sleep last night , and that Dolly ( and your son) is more comfortable today .It was a fun week in teatime club this week eh, wonder what next week will bring .Hicky , that’s some list .Funnily enough I’m hooked on pork scratching at the moment .Im glad you haven’t had any more dizzy spells .I can imagine that it’s very tiring for your dil , given the heat and humidity where she is travelling .

Not sure what we are watching tonight , but sure we will find some thing .I hope you both have a good evening . Take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok and you got a walk in Baz, i had the Ocado booked for 11 - 12 am and he came at 11:10 which was handy, i am always finding new foods to test then dlete from my faves if i wont reorder it, i am going to test the crackling to see its not too hard on my teeth as it could break some before i get them sorted in September.

I have separated all the sausages & wrapped to gom in the freezer, same with the buns, i got some of those full english brekkies to try, i think one was leaking as i had something in the bag that got on some of the other stuff, not happy with the way they fill the bags, might give them a ring, maybe the bag is ok untill the driver gets it from the box and that would bunch it all into a heap.


By the way , I forgot to say I’m sporting three very bruised toes …..a full tub of lurpak decided to jump out of the fridge door this morning and landed fair and square on my foot !🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Oh dear, sorry to hear about you sore foot, jumping Lurpak is very dangerous.

I had one of the M&S full english brekkies for brekkie, very nice, it says, Not suitable for freezing, but i am freezing one for later next week and may have the other one tomorrow.

My shopping came in 11 bags this week, 10 last week, just as well they buy them back.

The cordial is rather lovely as i have the cold water  / ice maker builot into the freezer door, so might as well use it.

My hardest problem is choosing what to eat next.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, i am fine with F1 and dart with the mens & womens final tonight.


both x


Can't believe that your foot took the full whack of a tub of Lurpak! Must've been so painfull when you did it.

Like you, I am so glad that hot uncomfy weather didn't last long. Dolly is too. It was a beautfiul day here today with a nice cooling breeze.

Glad you have been managing to get your walks in, even when it was a hot day.

What a good week we had at Teatime Club, even though we had some repeats. I didn't mind watching that Ant episode again, but don't think any of the others are worth watching twice, so we did right to go elsewhere. Didn't mind watching that CDWM again either, as they were all bonkers. Wonder what is on this week for us?


Glad you haven't had another dizzy spell. Let's hope it is just a one off.

Thank you for your Ocado list. You sound well organised with your past order records and comments too.

There is certainly lots of food for us to try there. A frozen full English brekkie sounds a good idea. I am watching a show now where they compare supermarkets own food to the main brands and Warburtons was one of them. The loaf you bought easily beat all of the supermarket's own ones. I like the lime cordial you bought. If we go to a pub, my fave drink with a meal, is soda water and lime (and cheaper than many other drinks in a pub). I will have to get some cherries, looks like they are in season. They

Our Ocado came this morning and we tried is delicous on toast if you like something a bit salty. (and I know this type of salt is good for you).President French Butter with Sea Salt Crystals | Ocado

Our pup has already done puppy classes and her behaviour there was one of the best in the class She is very sociable and the trainer suggested she might be the sort to take into old peoples homes when she is older, as she is so friendly. We take her to cafe areas where dogs are allowed and she just sits quietly and waits for her treat when we have finished eating.

But trying to get our attention is normal behaviour for a pup her age. And when we took a tiny pup in, we knew it would be hard work, but so rewarding.  I am writing this whilst she is watching MrM cook her chicken. She has a chicken breast every night.

Gosh your DIL's holiday sounds hard work, especialy in such a hot place. But what an adventure for her.

Went to garden centre today. Pup got lots of people stroking her, so she loved it. And have been twice to B and Q. MrM has bought some wheels to put on our old dining room table to make it easier for him to work with his tools.

Got lots of washing dried today, as got behind with all that rain yesterday.

Son feeling a lot better now, ,but still coughing. But as usual, I guess its the cough thats the last to go. The rest of the family have kept away from him when he got home from work, so I hope none of us get it! It was probably covid.

Luckily it was so nice today, we have been out in the garden most of the day.

Are you growing any produce this year Hicky?

MrM said his tomatoes aren't going so well this year complared to last, but it might have been due to it being a cooler summer so far. He has had a few strawberries, but not many so far.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast , and breezy , but at least it’s dry !I had a decent night , and went for my walk this morning . Aside from that I’ve not done a lot , just two loads of washing , dusted , fed wildlife and put the bin out ready for the collection tomorrow . I also did a bit more tidying up in the garden . I hope everyone else’s week has started well.

Mollie, ooooo I might try that butter ….I usually have lurpak….and have the toes to prove it .Glad your son is better now , and glad none of the rest of the family seem to have caught it .Im looking forward to teatime club this week, but we won’t be watching Benidorm today , cos I’ve read the blurb .Hicky, yes, jumping butter is definitely not recommended.Have you tried any of the M&S buttered mash yet ? Glad you are enjoying your sport.

Not sure what we are watching tonight , but it will probably include some hgtv .I hope you both have a good evening , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

My lad No.#3 son came and we went to the fish & chip place at Parkgate, wow, so good, then he hoovered the place and mopped the floors then dried them, did the bathroom and kitchen so that was good, such a help.

Got the window cleaners tomorrow as they send a message when they are coming so the back gates can be opened for them.

I recorded the womens matchplay darts last night, went to watch it tonight and found it was the mes final that i saw last night, so no idea what happened as it wasnt even on the same channel but was at the same time, but the heading said Womens final, so annoyed.

I havent tried the mash yet Baz, i have put them in the freezer so probably later in the week when i decide what to have with it.

I havent had that butter, i usually get any, as long as its butter, will look as i am down to my last block in the fridge, i keep 1 block in a dish on the worktop as its such a pain taking from the fridge to use.

Glad you son is feeling better Mollie, hope the cough goes soon as well, i havent grown any veg this year as noone came to take me out to get some and i had decided not to order from online as they send you 50% of rubbish, cant blame them but they send plants that you would never buy if they were in a garden centre, fallen for that too many times, also the way they pack them is not good either.

I turned all the outside watering off long ago as the outside trees will just have to manage with the rain, its a bit sporadic but we'll see if anything survives.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a great night , but the weather isn’t as hot as forecast , so I’ll take that as a win .I went for a long walk this morning ….nearly 2 miles …so go me .Aside from that I’ve changed the sheet and pillow cases , done a load of washing , popped up the shop , fed the wildlife and watered the bedding plants …so not a bad day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Wednesday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , it was nice to see Ant yesterday , eh I think we will give it a miss tonight though …so back to New Life .I hope your day is going well and that your son is loads better now .Hicky , I’ve never frozen the mash ….but hope you like it when you try it ….like I say I find it really handy , and just the right size for me .i had M&S battered cod for lunch today , it was nice .Will you be watching the Olympics ?

Well it’s the Sewing Bee final tonight , plus LI , so a nice trashy nights viewing .Have a lovely evening , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

At least you got a nice walk in even if the night wasnt too good.

I'll order some of that butter as i need another pack soon, the gardener turned up yesterday so that was a good job done, such a lot of growth all round, he spent over 2 hours cutting back growth from over and under the fences, he will come back to do more weeding in the front and side driveway.

I freeze as much as possible, but it doesnt tell me if its freezable before i buy it, well i dont think so, never noticed it, with ordering every 2 weeks of course i cant keep much food in the fridge as i only get a couple of days on most items.

I'll take the M&S full brekkie out for morning to see if it was ok freezing it when it said its not, they should change their recipe so it can be frozen as i imagine they would sell a lot more, i would buy more anyway, so i'll see.

My DIL is back home, they offered to let some of the teachers the chance to fly home if they wanted, and their son broke up from school so she took the opportunity to come home.

I bought the small mash rather than the bigger option as its just for me, so more convenience.

I've had those M&S battered cod, they are very nice, i try to stay away from breaded items, must prefer battered.

Hope Molliw had a good Wednesday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a good day . I had a dreadful night ….goodness knows why ….but I went for a long walk first thing , and it helped a bit . In addition to that I’ve done two loads of washing , cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, and fed the wildlife . Plus my gardener came to give the lawns an extra cut ….so I’m a happy bunny .

Mollie , I hope your legs settled down last night and you got a decent nights rest . I enjoyed both teatime club , and last nights viewing ….especially George .I wonder what tonight’s teatime club will bring. I only buy the individual portions of M&S buttered mash ….they come in a little tub …and I just microwave them .Awww I’m glad your daughter in law is home safe and sound . My gardener came today too ….I had requested an extra lawn cut ( it’s usually every two weeks) , but it seemed to have grown quickly this time , so…..

I think Ros may pop on the forum again tonight , even though she is on holiday …if she does we are going to watch My Lottery Dream Home on hgtv .Have a lovely evening ….and Mollie I hope you have a lovely break on Sunday . Take care both


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I wonder why you had such a bad night Baz, at least you got a good walk in, i still just toss and turn.

The mash i saw had 2 sizes, i chose the small one, will try it tomorrow, the brekkie that i froze i had yesterday, it was fine.

I have tried both types of Pork Crackling now, the: Awfully Posh Sea Salt Pork Crackling : is by far superior, loved it.

I've got F1 today and all weekend so fine with that.

I wont be ordering too much food on my next order as i have plenty of stocks so going to work on reducing those as i run out of space.

Hope Mollie has had a good friday and her aches and pains have eased.


both xx


Enjoyed our Tea time club this week. So good to see Ant being his usual bonkers self, even if we had seen it before. It still made me laugh...

I won't be watching the Olympics, I am not sporty at all. But am looking forward to MAFS in Sept and BB, whenever that starts, (hopefully soon after).

Sorry you had a bad night last night. Hope you fare better tonight.

That is good your garden has been done. Do you sit out in the garden at all? I love sitting out in the garden. (when I get chance).


Bet your garden looks nice after the gardener spent so long on it.

That is lovely your son and partner came and took you out to Parkgate for food, and also helped with the cleaning.

I like the M and S mash, so hopefully you should be pleased with it.

And me and MrM really like that French butter.

Don't blame you not ordering plants online as you don't know what you are getting. Some of the plants aren't well looked after in the stores too. We tend to go to a local garden centre as theirs are in good conditon. MrM did buy some he hopes to revive in the Homebase sale for £1 though.

Glad you have the F1 to enjoy watching this weekend.

MrM is taking me to see my aunt and uncle on Sunday for 2 nights. We are staying in a hotel near to them, as its dog friendly. So pup is going in her 1st holiday. She is strapped in her booster seat in the back seat, so is nice and secure and can see out of the window, so loves going out in the car. Think she will have more luggage than us, what with her play pen to sleep in, her doggie bed and doggie bowels. We will take some cooked chicken and potato and doggie biccies for her food. Its a long 3 hour drive, which I dont' fancy, but never mind, at least we are there 2 nights.

Went and sat on seafront today. Lots of families enjoying themselves and plenty of them surfing today. Good to see the sun after a couple of rainy days. Have been trying to catch up on my washing.

Pup went to groomers of bath and trim today. Costs us £34, but its worth it, as it takes the groomer a good hour and half to do. Pup is a ball of fluff now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I am having the mash for tea tonight with a tin of M&S soulfully simplechicken casserole, it should be a good test for the mash.

Yes, i suggest that anyone that wants veg plants etc to select what they want from a garden centre of nursery, as long as you can see what you are buying you cant go wrong.

The weather is so changeable, its hard to tell what to expect in the future, the Jet stream is going mad and what that does and where it moves to determines the weather in this country, with global warming the Jet Stram & the tidal one that controls the sea in many parts of the world is getting more erratic and unpredictable, the weather of the future is going to be a problem i think as this country isnt prepared for a monsoon, a heat wave of winds like tornado's and an ice age and i have a feeling it will be here in the not so distant future.

Hope Baz had a good night and day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Mostly sunny)  here today …and getting quite warm ….but Monday and Tuesday are forecast to be the hottest days .I didn’t have a bad night , and managed to get a walk , watered bedding plants , and did some tidying up in the garden ….all before 11 o’clock .Aside from that I’ve changed the sheets and pillowcase, done two loads of washing and done some dusting ….and now my rear is firmly placed on the sofa for the rest of the day .I hope everyone else is having a good Sunday .

Mollie , I hope you ( and Dolly) have a good journey and a lovely break with your relatives . I hope it doesn’t get too hot for you all. . I’ll see you for teatime club when you get back .Hicky, you could be right about the weather in future . The wildfires in Canada and California at the moment are dreadful ….and unimaginable.I haven’t tried the posh pork crackling yet , but will let you know what I think when I do.

I hope you both have a good evening . …and look after yourselves.


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok Baz and glad you got a walk in, i had the mash, very nice as well.

The walkers salt n shake crisps are just so good, the salt maybe damp in the blue bag, not sure but i dont want much salt anyway.

Having a smallpirce of sa;mon fillet for tea, the other night i had tinned salmon on fresh bread and butter with mayo and slices of pickled, wow so tasty.

I had 3 fried eggs on a toasted sandwich for brekkie, you cant beat that, with buying the 15 pack of eggs it means i always have loads, i havent even opened my last pack yet as i finished the previous pack this morning.

Yes, when you see places with record rain, heat, wind or snow it is no wonder people are getting worried about global warming, it is assumed that is the cause and until we know better we have little else to blame.

Hope Mollie has a good time while away for a few days.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰 Hot and muggy here today ….roll on the weekend .🤣🤣Not a bad night , so  I managed to get a walk in , and did a bit more in the garden before it got too hot . Aside from that , I’ve not done much , just changed sheets , and two loads of washing . That’s the sum total of my exciting Wednesday .🤣🤣I hope everyone else is having a more enjoyable day .🤣🤣

Welcome back Mollie ….bet you and Dolly are glad to be home again safe and sound .🤣🤣I hope you slept well last night , and haven’t been overdoing things today . It was nice to have you back for teatime club yesterday .😁🥰🥰Hicky, I had some M&S poached salmon for my lunch today ….its a bit expensive , but very yummy .🤣You are right , that posh pork crackling is yummy .🤣Have you tried your M&S mash yet ? 🥰🥰

Well I hope you are both managing to stay cool today . Take care of yourselves .🥰🥰


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok Baz, and a walk, yes, tried the mash, very nice so ordered more for this weeks delivery, such a vast choice of lovely stuff on Ocado, i havent tried the poached salmon, will look into that, for some reason i seem to prefer tinned salmon to fresh.

The British Gas Engineer came Monday, he did a total upgrade, so new gas and elecy meter and a new updated display so happy about that.

Had some fun this morning, got a message from the docs saying i'm due for a COPD checkup and to ring the surgery, i tried to ring for an hour and it didnt see, to ring the number or give an engaged tone, it seemed to just cut off, i looked on the web and found the number had changed, the surgery is in a group of 3 and a bigger surgery is now the main phone number so i rang that and got an appointment for the 13th, i will let them know when i go that the text message should have included the new phone number, i wonder how many people have been caught out by that?

I've ordered more posh poek crackling, so nice.

Hope Mollie enjoyed her days away and is settling back ok.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Dry , but cooler here today , thankfully . So I went for a long walk this morning , watered plants , hoovered , cleaned bathroom , did a load of washing and cleaned bathroom. I’ve also ordered some denim dungarees ….77 going on 17 … go me .I hope everyone else is having a nice Friday .

Mollie , we’ve spoken …..hope you are still giggling .Im so glad the hot weather seems to have subsided …’s much fresher here ….hope it is down there too . I am all ready to do some renovations at 5 .Hicky, glad you liked the mash . The poached salmon is quite expensive , but I treat myself once a week. Glad the engineer sorted everything out .I agree that the docs should have included the new number ….or at least sent everyone a text to say the number had changed !

Well it’s George at 8 tonight , then Million Pound Dream Homes .Ros and I were not happy with the winners of LI ….but hopefully the USA one will suit us better .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got your walk in Baz, i noticed it was a bit cooler today, binnies came so my household rubbish emptied and the garden bin was emptied as that was packed after garfener came.

Ocado came early but the driver rang me 1st, only 1 sub, the hot cross buns from Ocado to M&S which was fine, one or more of the M&S breakfast packs had leaked again, had ordered 3 as i was going to freeze 2 of them, i was going to ring them but i asked for a refund online, will see what happens, not sure what the answer is, apart from wrapping the pack in clingfilm or putting a cardboard shallow liner in the bottom of the bag not sure that they are interested.

I think i will get more tins of salmon as its so nice on fresh bread, i ordered plenty of the Walkers crisps.

The energy costs are crazy, the standing charged annoy me the elecy is £20 & gas £10 a month, so thats £30 before you even use any gas or elecy, so you would have to pay that even if you went on holiday for a month.

I love watching Battlebots from the US and even that is 5 years old, i find it strange watching programs when one of them has died.

I have watched some of the Olympics, i really admire them for what they are able to do, incredible really.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  😁😁🥰🥰Overcast here , and cool….which suits me fine .🤣🤣I went for a walk first thing , done two loads of washing , cleaned the kitchen , emptied the bins , and fed wildlife …and that’s me done for the day .🤣🤣I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday .🥰🥰🥰🥰

Mollie , I hope your day is going well , and that your sore throat has cleared up .Im looking forward to another week of teatime club …I wonder what it will bring .Hicky, I’ve had to request a refund from Ocado once or twice , I did it online , and it usually comes within a couple of days, I agree about the bliddy energy standing charges …so does Martin Lewis. I’ve been watching some of the Olympics too ….and like you say they are amazing .

Not sure what we are watching tonight….its a Dame night … but sure we will fine something lHave a good evening both , and take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, you do so much in the morning no wonder it wears you out, i'm worn out just reading it.

A bit overcast but thats ok as i dont go out, 22c inside anyway, had my washing in, its just in the dryer now, will put the dishwasher on tonight to give the weeks stuff a good clean.

Had one of the M&S breakfasts this morning, they are fine, just wish they could sort out how to get them to me without losing the tomato juice from the pack, i have requested a refund again so i'll see what they say, might have to ring to explain it again, i had sauce all over the trifles etc which cost me some sheets of kitchen towel to clear up, such a shame.

They subbed the Ocado hot cross buns for M&S, thats fine but they flattened the pack in the bag with heavy stuff on top, i will have to find out who and where they put the food in the bags as they couldnt do it whilst picking as the multi items are aometimes in different bags, so i have no idea how they make such a mess of the packing.

I see i wont get my winter fuel payment know as they have stopped it for me, the energy costs me £360 a year before i even use any, as thats just to supply it, surely they could add a small charge when you use it and not if you dont use any, crazy, its like sending me a bill for the busses because they stop at the end of the road, then saying, well we are supplying they service so you should use it.

Hope Mollie had a good weekend and pup behaving herself.


both x


Hope you got your walk in today and are feeling well.

Thankfully the sore throat has gone. I found the echanacea lozengers really helped.

Looking forward to a new week on Teatime club. At least we are adaptable with that.


That is good you finally got your meter sorted.

That mix up with your GP's surgery phone number was annoying!

We too like the M and S mash. But not keen on it from any other supermarket.

What a shame the brekkies are nice but the packets leak, and they are squashing items . They really need to sort that. I am lucky in that our packers are brilliant. Nothing ever squashed but they do tend to put things in seperate carrier bags, even if it means putting 1 item in a bag,. We can't lose out on that, as they refund bag charges. And they also don't put heavy items on softer items. Looks like your packers need to pack and separate more, and not put heavy items on top of soft items. Hope they listen to your complaint.

Its ridiculous stopping pensioners winter payments if they get over £12k. That is hardly penalising the rich. I agree the standing charges are ridiculous. I nag the lads not to waste electric and the house was quite cool in winter but the bills were still sky high.   People who voted Starmer will be going off him fast,  (not that I liked Sunak either!), its cruel to hit pensioners pockets in the winter.

Our couple of days was exhausting for us and the pup. The weather was far too hot, the roads far too busy when we got near busy motorways and cities. The only good thing was is that it was nice to see my aunt and uncle. The pup coped really well with such a long journey, as it took 5 hours there and 5 hours back. (we did stop twice though).  I could tell she was as relieved to be home, as we were though.

We had a takeaway meal last night, as I didn't feel like cooking. I had a voucher for Pizza Hut 50% off, so we got plenty to eat for 4 of us for £25. We had a large cheesy bites pizza, 14 cheese triangles, 6 halloumi fries and 6 chicken strips.

Have a good day both xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz

The M&S brekkie packet is leakproof but it has a lid sitting over it but isnt sealed to the base so if the box is tipped on its side the tomato sauce runs out, they say i am getting another refund for 1 of them, i will have to ring again and explain.

Its always great to get back home after being away but always goo0d to stop a few times to rest up etc.

I did another experiment today, i oiled the big cast iron frying pan with a brush then cut a sheet of parchment paper to go in the pan, then oiled that, i wanted to see if i could fry 3 eggs, it worked fine, and when cooked i removed all 3 with a wide spatular in 1 go so the idea seemed to work ok.

I bought 1 of the Pukka Just for 2 steak pies as they are pretty big and are only slight;y dearer than the normal ones. so will try 1 tomorrow for tea.

Hope Baz had a good night and day.


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