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Carmarthen isnt that big, but Wales is bigger than some think lol
Years ago, I someone from a Manchester University department rang me at the office and asked me for a photograph of Cardiff. Fine, I said, what sort of aspect of it are you interested in? The shopping areas? The parks? The bay? The business centres? The sports grounds? Residential?

No, she said, just a picture of Cardiff.

All of it? I said. Yes, she said. Right, I said. An aerial shot, then. No, she said. Just a picture from the ground showing all of Cardiff.

Ummm, I said. I think you'll find it won't all fit into one picture from ground level. Really? she said. Yes, I said. It's a capital city, not one street with a coal tip at the end. Tell you what, you go away and have a think, then ring me back when you've decided what you want. OK?

She didn't!

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