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Saw it many years ago! very chilling indeed!
[John Hurts daddy officiated at my wedding] My claim to fame Laugh Laugh Love,just absolutely love his genius as an actor who can ever forget his Calligla[sp] or..blimey his brilliant portrayal of... the name escapes me..on the tip of my tongue...ah got it! Quentin Crisp Clapping Clapping
To get back to the point......never,never, should hanging/execution be brought back! to many terrible injustices/ mistakes have been made!
I remember the last women to be hanged ,Ruth Ellis... she was not hanged because she shot her philandering boyfriend but because of the po face of society that had judged her as a 'loose women'.
Oooo I've got all serious here! but then we all have to stand up and be counted sometimes!
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by fz:
Thumbs Up Thanks I love that as much as you can kind of way. One for the pro capital punishment brigade to watch.

A brilliant, superb film but sadly one the pro capital punishment brigade likely to latch on to and IMO nothing ever, EVER justifies capital punishment.

You've not seen Dalziel and Pascoe?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I seen the Derek Bentley and Christopher Craig film at school also not long after, now that is a very good film indeed Nod.

Absolutely - "Let Him have It". Christopher Ecclestone as brilliant as ever.

Nothing justifies capital punishment. Ever.

Did anyone see the Dr Crippen documentary that established the bones of his wife in the cellar were actually male? That was the whole crux of the conviction...
Originally posted by carotino:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by fz:
Thumbs Up Thanks I love that as much as you can kind of way. One for the pro capital punishment brigade to watch.

A brilliant, superb film but sadly one the pro capital punishment brigade likely to latch on to and IMO nothing ever, EVER justifies capital punishment.

You've not seen Dalziel and Pascoe?

Naaah...I did catch the last 20 minutes of Midsomer Murders once....

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