@Dame_Ann_Average posted:this is Yorkshire
The teacake is the perfect shape for making chip butties. What could be simpler than that? Not the teacake. For a start, it can edge towards cake when currants and a glaze are added and it becomes a currant teacake. The misinformed in some regions think a currant teacake is a teacake. It is not. It is a teacake with added currants. Try those at Bettys Café in Harrogate, York and Ilkley and you’ll begin to understand. If a sandwich is your ultimate goal, do not, whatever you do, use the word Tunnock with teacake. The Tunnock Teacake is a chocolate-coated marshmallow biscuity thing, a national treasure in Scotland, the confectionary equivalent of Mordor
dameee that's a bap or barmcake love it