quote:Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:quote:Originally posted by watcher1:quote:Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie puts a high value on friendship. That's an admirable quality in anyone, not just Freddie.
That may be true but I guess that I'd like my friend to be honest enough to tell me (sensitvely) if I'm out of order. I'd value that more as it takes a genuine friend to take a risk like that. I may not like it initially but would admire them once I'd had time to think.
hi watcher. I'm not sure if you are referring to the Freddie/Marcus friendship in your post, or the fact that Freddie told Bea off thereby putting their friendship at risk. But I suspect you may mean the former. Freddie did have a chat with Marcus about his behaviour the other night. Bea poked her beak into that chat as well, but Freddie made it clear to Marcus that he had his support. Freddie is quite diplomatic and he doesn't always voice his support but he implies it rather, by just giving Marcus the time to open up, and to listen. In short, Freddie took the time to listen, sympathise, and comfort Marcus when he was down, way down in the dumps. Just like a real friend does ....
Thanks for this objective post Twee. Really helpful.