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Reply to "Why aren't the SNP Branded Racist the same way UKIP are wrongly accused?"

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Dianne Abbott now says UKIP are  racist because of today's little Fandango from Farage.

So, putting aside the 'racist/not racist' you REALLY want to be associated with such a bunch of 'foot-in-mouth'ers?

Fluffy, all the other party's are guilty of far more serious

crimes than Mr Farage not making it clear that what he meant

is - would we want a family of romanian (gypsies or criminals) etc

which there are (undeniably) many of, living next door to us, I

wouldn't & I bet you wouldn't if you were asked to be honest

about it, the fact is that the Romanians are the most guilty of ATM

theft & pick pocketing in London, that's a fact, we aren't getting

the good stuff from these country's, we are getting mainly cheap

labour, beggars & thieves ( FACT ) I don't know where you live?

but I live in London & it's an absolute disaster what has happened

here in London since Tony Blair opened up the borders & all the 

cheap labour, beggars & thieves came swarming into this tiny

Island of ours, a lot came to London, me & many other's

livelihoods were destroyed by cheap labour so don't bother

trying to put me off UKIP by saying - do I want to be associated

with such foot in mouther's etc cos you can bet your last pound

that I support UKIP 100% because they are the only party fighting

my corner, nothing you say will sway me Fluffy so let's just agree

to disagree.


