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Reply to "Where is Kris's Cock..?"

Originally posted by Betty Swallox:
Originally posted by Shiver:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by lucifer:
I've always mused about willy size. Men always seem to know their 'ultimate' size in inches, and I'm utterly at a loss to know how they measure it.

Don't get me wrong..I was spewed forth into this void as a bloke, and possess one of those dangly bits. But when it 'lives up to expectations' I just have no eye for detail.

What do you do..?? Buy one of those rulers you used in Maths as a kid and hold it alongside..?

I played with the idea of a tape measure, but the recoil on those things is simply too hazardous to seriously contemplate. I'd sooner use a bread knife alongside it for reasons of cowardice; but then I dunno how long a flippin' breadknife is Frowner

Kind women say size doesn't matter. Explains why I always buy cutlery for girlfriends Glance

no, no, no, no, you drag your scrotum down as far as you can measure from the underside with the measuring stick jammed into your groin as far as it will go, do people know nothing!


ouchouchouch EekerLaugh

theres nothing ouch about having your scrotum pulled down, infact the total opposite is true. Ninja

I know that Glance but...

you wouldnt ouch with a stick jammed in your groin then? Razzer

lies!111 Laugh