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Reply to "Where is Kris's Cock..?"

I've always mused about willy size. Men always seem to know their 'ultimate' size in inches, and I'm utterly at a loss to know how they measure it.

Don't get me wrong..I was spewed forth into this void as a bloke, and possess one of those dangly bits. But when it 'lives up to expectations' I just have no eye for detail.

What do you do..?? Buy one of those rulers you used in Maths as a kid and hold it alongside..?

I played with the idea of a tape measure, but the recoil on those things is simply too hazardous to seriously contemplate. I'd sooner use a bread knife alongside it for reasons of cowardice; but then I dunno how long a flippin' breadknife is Frowner

Kind women say size doesn't matter. Explains why I always buy cutlery for girlfriends Glance