quote:Originally posted by Mentalist:quote:Originally posted by Daniel J*:quote:Originally posted by Mentalist:
Sorry that wasn't my intention, it was bugging me that people were getting so heated over this. I'm afraid I don't have the skills with words that you have, I just couldn't see why everyone couldn't agree to disagree. I admit I don't get the respecting celebrity thing, but I do respect peoples right to do so. If I offended it was not what I set out to do.
Tone often gets lost in the written word but if you read it in a scolding parent's voice then it sounds that way. That's perhaps not the right voice to read it in though, I accept. I'm just explaining, really. I then felt I couldn't go into that thread - I didn't know it existed before that - because it would have seemed insincere. Doh. I wasn't actually offended by the reference to the thread although I confess I cringed a bit. I don't get offended as a rule by forum stuff. It just shows how different people are though as I would have hated that other thread to have even been posted. I don't doubt the good intentions of the poster and it might have been the right thing for the forum member but not for me. I don't tend to share those events.
When you put it that way I see what you mean, if anyone had gone in after that it could look as if they were only there because of what I said. That didn't even cross my mind. Perhaps I need to put my brain in gear before I post, I forget sometimes that how thing are construed in real life comes across very differently when put in the written word. My apologies to anyone who thought that is what I meant.
Bless ya