Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by hal:
I would like to believe he is innocent...and was being set up by money hungry folks.
But what was he thinking? Anyone with a shred of common sense would know to keep away from young children that are not of their own..erring on the safe side
There is an innocence about him that is so sad imo, he was bestowed with a tremendous talent but lot less in other depts.
I find it amazing that any MJ fan thinks it was acceptable for him to share his bed with young boys. I wonder if they would have let their child sleep in the same bed with him.
Had this conversation yesterday. Some family member think it was all innocent (I think I tend to go along those lines - even if I do believe it was misguided at best) but when asked 'Would you let your child/grandchild do it' the overwhelming response was 'I wouldn't let a child of mine near him'.
I think if MJ had been found guilty each and every parent who let their child share his bed should have been charged too.