Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by sciencewasrobbed:
The grandparents will in all likelihood bring up the kids now... Great

They did such a good job the first time...
Whatever happened to the mother? Debbie someone, wasn't it?
I think she was paid off and handed the kids to Jackson after they were born. There were noises that she wanted custody now, but think she is being paid off again..
Are they even his kids, Sub? That's the thing... not one of them look like him..
I've only seen one pic of them without the veils. You do have a point. Who knows? (Well, he and Debbie do).
Just incase you wanted to see sub,
Blimey, they really don't look like him, do they? They do have a look of each other though.
Thanks for that SWR.
The older tow are siblings and look the spit of each other it seems.. the little lad has a diff mum.. nothing is known of her.