quote:Originally posted by Suzi-Q:quote:Originally posted by The Secretary:quote:Originally posted by Suzi-Q:quote:Originally posted by The Secretary:quote:Originally posted by Suzi-Q:quote:Originally posted by cinderella123:quote:You know what, Trev? I don't really care. You're quick enough to jump on others, yet can't handle when someone calls you up on your posts.
Go back to your private forum and point and laugh at me and others who feel strongly about respect given to those who deserve respect for what they have contributed. I'm not really bothered.
Respect given to those who deserve respect? Fine, if you think they do, also fine is some dont think they do. That is the crux of the matter is it not?
I think it goes beyond that though. Why ridicule those who think MJ deserve respect? Whatever you think about me or my posts, I have always TRIED (sometimes failed) to treat others with dignity and respect. There are numerous threads that I don't go into because I'm simply not interested. I don't go in to find the ONE post that tells me I MUST support so and so, or I MUST respect so and so.
The crux of the matter is, whether or not you like Michael Jackson or thought he was a total prat, there are many others who thought he was worthy of respect. Why belittle those people?
Still waiting for examples of the belittling, Suzi...
Your opening post, Trev. You took a comment that one poster made about how everyone should respect MJ and ran with it. I felt that you were belittling anyone who was sad at his demise.
"Get over it" were your words, not mine.
Get over the fact that I don't respect Micheal Jackson.
That didn't belittle anyone.
And it wasn't just ONE poster. It was all over the forum this morning and all day yesterday.
So what you 'felt' was wrong.
So, my feelings are wrong but yours are right? OK. I get it now.
No, what you 'felt' about the intentions of my post are wrong.