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Reply to "When did it become compulsory to respect Michael Jackson?"

Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
I dont know much about his relations with his family... Maybe he didnt want their intrusion.. He led a lonely life because he was probably paranoid of people taking advantage of him like he had become accoustomed to...

Another Doctor said these Hollywood doctors like the power they have over stars and they control them through prescription medication... No one knows the truth and its just so sad.. I hope the toxicology results show what happens to him...

Well hopefully it will show that there was no foul play although it does seem likely that the prescription drugs exascerbated an existing underlying heart problem. Or so they think.

I have to say that although I've never bought a single MJ album his music certainly brings back memories of my teenage years in the Eighties.

Hearing all his songs played virtually back to back on TV and radio in the past couple of days
has made me realise that whether you were a fan or not, he was part of growing up and of my generation. Smiler