Hi hun I didnt see the message I have switched off the news because its all too sad for me.. But yes they were very close and she supported him through the allegations... If you notice, this his new crop of so called friends havnt spoken to him for yearsquote:Originally posted by Miss_S:quote:Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
They all abandoned him when the going was tough I think only Elizabeth Taylor risked her career and stood by him... I commend her for that the other can stick it where the sun dont shine...
I don't know whether you saw the Larry King show broadcast today in which he read out a statment from Elizabeth Taylor.
It was very moving - she had so much affection for him and is so completely grief stricken.
Not having followed MJ's career particularly over the years, I had no idea the two of them were so close.

Hypocrites if they said all these kind words to him and didnt alienate him, he probably would still be alive today...