I regret staying in Care Work - it's poorly paid and the demands are ludicrous. It's also rife with abuse of power and rule breaking. So here's mine . . .
1 Cabin Crew - I would have loved to travel the world even if I'd just seen it for a short time during shifts.
2 University Porter - I loved my Uni days and miss them, I'd love to see all those students beginning their courses every year. I would love to transfer to USA colleges too.
3 Bus Driver (tour operator) - get paid taking people on holiday by bus cos I love driving anyway so . . .
4 Train driver (is a theme developing?) I'm a bit of a train geek and go to train stations when I can just to have a coffee to see the people and the smell and that noise!!
5 Barista - always fancied owning a coffee shop somewhere swish, Paris, LA or London cos I love the coffee culture of kicking back and watching the world go by, meeting loads of people and earning a living doing it.
As an extra . . . maybe tour guide of wonderful cities like Rome etc . . .