Words cannot describe these creatures - tthey're the lowest of the low
Fortunately, such people are a very small minority.One of my patients was discharged recently; Like Matthew Weston, he was severaly injured in Afghanistan; he lost a leg, and an arm up to the elbow, and has still to regain full use of his other arm. He is 19.
When he was discharged, my team decided that we would take him out for a drink; he'd been a frequent visitor to our theatre because of the nature of the surgery he needed, and we'd all grown very fond of him, and he was suffering quite badly psychologically.
When we took him into the club we'd chosen, there were a lot of stares and uncomfortable silences from the other customers; but as soon as people learned how he'd been injured, everything changed, and the respect he received was heartwarming. Several people came up just to shake his hand and offer him a drink. By the end of the evening, he was fighting back tears (he wasn't the only one) and his self-esteem was soaring.
Personally, I'm a pacifist - I hate wars, and particularly the pointless waste of life that is the war in Afghanistan; but I wouldn't stand by and see anyone disrespect the brave men (and women) who risk so much for what they believe in.