Guess what? I don't like Ruby either. She really annoyed me when she said 'Mel.. i need a talking to' when Mel was helping Francis. Why not say what you mean? 'Mel.. I need the attention back on me'
Glad Glen went - I think he was a bit of a tw@t tbh. Telling Paul he's got a better way of making pastry then putting the crap up and saying 'I think there's enough there to make sure I go through.
I liked Kimberley up until recently, but I think she's getting smug 'I don't know why they panic.. it's quite simple' Yeah, ok..
I like all the other three. Becca seems to have least disasters, but i think she's also had less stand out winners. I love Francis's designs.. but she's not always the best baker. Christine has had a few disasters but I do think she might be the best baker. I also think these three are the nicest people.. they're genuinely happy for people who get praise, but Kimberley wanted to punch Ruby who, in turn, wanted to knife Christine.
I totally agree Kaffy