I saw this list published and was pleased to say I know most and seen some of the films on the list.
I do have a question mark over Citizen Kane.
"Citizen Kane is regularly at the top of critics greatest films. It is an exceptional film but there is nothing to like about it."
I've seen it once and immediately thought, why do people rate this film. I have got to re-visit CK and do some additional reading, because I just don't see it. I've spoken with people who enjoy film and no one can give me a reason or reasons as to why. Anyway as I say, more research and reviewing needed.
I do like number 6, number 8 and I think I liked number 7 but it was a long time ago I saw it.
I really want to see 3, 4 and 10.
I have seen 9 under different circumstances to normal viewing.