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Reply to "some of the posts on here are so judgemental and nasty"

the problem is if you're unhappy with your weight and it gives you confidence issues/self esteem issues then become embroiled in the vicious circle of comfort're unhappy so you know you shouldn't but it's your comfort's hard to break the circle........i think josie was aware that the other girls in there were alot slimmer than her from the beginning......she kept saying 'i'm doing it for the big girls'..........then dave made the massive man mistake of guessing her dress size wrong.......and i think that knocked her even she ate for comfort cos in her head it would 'make her feel better'.......then she feels then she eats again......

i personally don't think there's anything wrong with her size.....its a bit sad i think when you see pics in the paper or magazines of celebs ...particularly women with the caption of ....'so and so balloons to a size 14' followed by some other wonder  so many girls have eating disorders when they're constantly told that anything over a size 10-12 is huge and unattractive

oooo i had my serious head on there!!