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Reply to "some of the posts on here are so judgemental and nasty"

Reference:Cockney Chick
So I know it's not nice for people to comment on Josie's size, but she has gotten lazy and slovenly, and is always stuffing her face as if food is going out of fashion, and people ARE going to comment and judge: that's life. (unfortunately...) I'm sure someone will accuse me of being pious, judgemental, full-of-myself or whatever (for mentioning my weight loss and saying I notice fat people and greediness more now,) but I'm just putting my honest views and aren't setting out to upset anyone or piss anyone off...
Cockney Chick, I love what you've written.  Well said and anyone who would consider you pious, needs their bumps feeling. You have eloquently put how I feel about Joise, for me its not even her weight, but her slovenly ways. It's just off-putting and in fact, sad to see how she has let her self go (IMO) I congratulate you on loosing your weight, I'm sure it wasn't easy, but you have done it and I genuinely hope you're enjoying life at your personal best Well done