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Reply to "some of the posts on here are so judgemental and nasty"

Karma has sorted that, by making them fatter than me now!
Ohhhhh you can always count on Karma to right them wrongs no matter how long it takes 

Cockney Chick - I think I love you! Brilliant post from you my dear And well bloody done on losing the weight, I know you dont want congrats but you're gonna get em so put up and shuddup

My weight goes up and down like a whore's draws, losing weight at the mo but the lils are getting bigger and I hate it. Thank feck I didn't get a tattoo of a swallow on my boob when I was younger cos it would look like a nuclear missile by now .
I'm banned from exercise right now but even if I was allowed you would NOT see me pounding the pavements doing marathons at 6am for the good of my health. There are just some things I wouldn't even do for charity.

The thing to remember is size 8 and perfect doesn't suit everyone. Look at the state of Victoria Beckham ffs. I've seen Jordan a few times and the only reason her top half looks ok is cos of her fake lils. The bottom half of her looks anorexic. I'd rather have my footballers legs ta very much!