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Reply to "Shoot to Kill policy"

Originally posted by jessejay:
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
Dear lord arming the general public is an appaling idea. I would leave this country if any feck witt was aloud to carry a gun ... knife crime would turn to gun crime.

I dont like the police having guns but sometimes they have to and an old man waving a gun about is just as dangerous as a 15 year old boy.

I do wonder why they couldn't have just wounded him to render him non dangerous Confused

I think you may have been watching to much television.
If you are going to shoot somebody from further than 3 feet you have to aim at the largest part of the body.
Guns are not that acurate and except for a very few highly trained people with special rifles the chance of deliberatley wounding someone on purpose is extremely small.