No one's in the public eye's going to go anywhere near her now (or at least they won't be seen anywhere near her), so her usefulness (at least in the short term) is rather limited...
She'll get a nice big 'go away and disassociate yourself from me and my corporation' cheque from Murdoch so she'll live quite comfortably. I still think she's got shit loads on the Murdochs and they've paid her off to try and repair some of the damage. Seems by her departure and Murdoch's apology today (and blanket media apology tomorrow), he's trying to shift all the blame on to her without actually saying so.
I just don't see why he is so deluded that he thinks this will all quieten down if he's being seen to do 'the right thing'. He might be able to buy Judges and Lawyers to sway things in his favour but his brands are useless without the support (revenue) of the public. Twunt.