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Reply to "Overnight news from channel 4 if anyones interested"

Originally posted by Fan of the girls:
Load of rubbish.
charlie was crying because he went up to sophie and rodrigo and told rodrigo that he has noticed that sometimes rodrigo pulls sophie away to do stuff and charlie sees that she tries to pull herself away because she doesn't want to go...they both told charlie this was not true and rodrigo told him he was just jealous because he and sophie were best friends.
thats why charlie was crying.

Yes that was the reason for his upset, the fact that Rods attaches himself to Sophie and blatently pulls her away from Charlie.
Also, the Sophie 'camera' drunk acting was the real reason for Rods waking, her screaming and falling all over him on the bed. Bea was squashed underneath her trying to get up, but the pathetic idiot was revelling in the chaos. Rodrigo got up and went over to Charlie in bed, and finger pointed to an inch of his face, telling him to "shut up and not say another word or he will do worse if he does!" Eeker He then went over to Charlie finger pointing again and was very threatening, I thought there was going to be a punch-up. BB called Rods to DR immediately, in the meantime, Sophie and Bea had suddening managed to get up off the bed Roll Eyes. Later Rodrigo threw water over Charlies bed and Bea, not being one to take any blame, kept saying to Rods "I was stuck underneath her". He said "I don't blame you Sophie, it is his fault!!!!!!"
I saw a very aggressive Rodrigo, almost like a father about to scold a naughty child for making noise after being put to bed! Eeker