quote:Originally posted by Clipboard:
He's back in the game thank goodness. I waivered in my support for him when he wouldn't nominate.
I don't see him as attention seeking, he is very caring to everyone in there and doesn't like to get involved in bitching so he tends to listen then walk away. He keeps most of his opnions to himself.
I'm wondering about Sophie now cos I was starting to really like her but after reading last night's comments I'm not sure.
Siavash to win for me definitely
Roddy second
He keeps his opinions to himself as he wants to fly under the radar, just like other people like Rodrigo. Siavash is not that funny as well. How many good quotes has he come up with?
He has deliberately put himself up for eviction in the past because he felt it would in some way vindicate some point he had made in the house (silly tactic). Then he wanted to make out he was some kind of victim after he had stabbed his ally Marcus in the back. He makes himself a victim over the fact that he dumped his GF as well. He has also stirred things up, such as the rabbit issue and the can he said Tom stole. He is more a follower and that's why he tends to keep off the radar. By mumbling over things he smooths things over by not really saying anything.
Sophie has been bitching from the start of the show, I don't know why some people haven't seen that.