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OMG! I really wish I hadnt said that!

Eeker Frowner Only this VERY morning I was saying on a thread, how I hoped they "wouldnt put that woman in the house who looks quite a bit like The Queen" Blush And then what happens?! I mean, its quite obvious to most British people that its not her, but it would be easy for Rodrigo to be convinced Nod When she first came through the door, I thought he was gonna realise, but apparantly not, unless he was a bit suspicious but never dared to say anything incase he was wrong??! When he stood up and saluted to the national anthem and started singing! Oh bless his heart. I hope that if one of the hms tells him before he gets out which is very likely, they do it carefully, else he could be very upset and feel a fool. He is in another country and Im sure if roles were reversed anyone could be taken in. Well, possibly! I agree it was a good idea for BB but I just hope Rodrigo doesnt take it too badly. Bless him Hug
Little Miss Spurs
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