quote:*may edit this*
I wouldn’t blame you. If I’d made that post it would’ve consisted of the first two lines, only.
The UN is ‘culpable’ simply by virtue of its ‘mandate’ and ‘agenda’! Surely these are the two reasons that hinder the progress of the UN in many spheres.
Here’s another falsification of IPCC claims that Himalayan glaciers are calving towards their extinction (yep, its Doug again);
This doesn’t mention any UV effect, but I still maintain that UV is a potent mediator of ‘glacial slippage’ for glaciers with little debris content and is also a warming factor for glaciers with a lot of debris content. Though the current low sunspot manifestation is a negative for glacial slippage (etc.) and a positive towards UV’s effect in this area (due to low UV and low ‘glacial slippage’/’ice melt&rsquo.
Best regards, suricat.