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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"



Run both sides of the argument up against these tests and see how badly AGW [both 'pro & con'] scans out!?!?
I think that we're being led a merry dance on Global warming and which ever way it pans out 'You' will end up losing!!

I concur absolutely! The UK has been lulled into the acceptance of EU mandates irrespective of the UK electorate’s decision (e.g.. no referendum on the subject of a positive EU agenda). The carbon trading agreements of the EU are grossly detrimental to the UK.

Whereas two decades ago I proffered the UK as a platform between the USA and Europe as a way forward, I now see this as a hindrance with the UN in its quest towards a world governance. All it has achieved is to alienate worldly cultures! We need a spiritually conjoining thread of understanding to overcome this.


maybe its time to stop picking sides and start fighting oppression!!?!

I hope you don’t really expect me to pick a side in a science debate, but the ‘oppression’ side of things is definitively political.

Vivre la liberté!

Best regards, suricat.
