suricat, I couldn't get into the new site for a while but I'm back now..don't ask me how?
High five SoM! We've not heard from you since page 10, I was beginning to think we'd need to send out a search party.

Have you caught up since then and looked at Doug Hoffman's site (African dust)?
Anyway This looks a pretty empirical falsification of the July "high" SST's ... another nail in the AGW coffin?
I've been trying to remember where I read that this data has been corrected (it was probably referenced by a blog comment somewhere) and if memory serves me correctly, there was a resignation at around the time of the anomalous incursion (though this is politics). But, yes I've seen this and it's probably related to this comment on CA:
However, I think it's more a nail in the coffin for trustworthy data processing than AGW. A good reason for an 'open' audit of all such data!
Best regards, suricat.
Edited to improve grammar and readability (good reason for an open audit).