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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"



OK - don't believe me - but that's what the martins were screaming: "The teeth! The teeth!"

You don't speak Swallow, do you! When Martins get stressed they fly around screaming "ip weeeeh, ip weeeeh", much like the Blackbird struts around shrieking "tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck". It's just a comms message to relatives of impending local danger because a predator (often human) is present. I hope this falsifies your claim that Martins speak English. Big Grin Hug

However, people also have this reflex action and only to often it just starts out with a scream, or a gasp, but - as within the animal population - the scenario plays itself out within the host through a progression of hormonal responses within the subject. Only ending with the neutralisation of the remnants of the hormones that were originally released by the "fight - flight event" that caused the hormone release and imbalance to begin with.

This brings me back to scientists, engineers and architects. Within a human society, the main architect is the government. I'm just happy that, in a democracy, a government can be removed by scientists, engineers and the general populace every few years. Perhaps a good indicator of the reason for my relief can be seen on More 4, Sep 1 @ 22:00 hrs (perhaps not). Here's some info on the upcoming transmission:

Best regards, suricat.