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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"



Suricat, I think you need to do some basic research on the nature of politics.

Not interested. Nature, yes. Policy, no. Does this make me a renegade?

All I'm interested in is the way that things work. I am an engineer after all!

Market forces dictated that the sparrows got all the best nesting sites (again).

With all due respect! These are not "Market forces". They form part of the "might is right" scenario for any conceptualisation of the natural progression of a species. This mimics fascism more than democracy.

Nothing to do with policy, or politics. Only survival of the species, thus, its all down to the survivability of conflict for each ethnic species and their adaptability in the face of an altered circumstance (though I'm sure you'll disagree).

Best regards, suricat.