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Reply to "More Empirical falsifications of Anthropic Global Warming"

Suricat, I think you need to do some basic research on the nature of politics.

Of course the UN is a political organisation - by its nature, politics is the means by which science (and other areas) is translated into action (policy). Until we have a mechanism whereby scientists can reach consensus and enact it on their own, we are stuck with bodies like governments and the UN, I'm afraid. Would you rather that a body was formed that had no mandate from the human population? At least most governments receive such a mandate from their people. Those that don't rarely seem to pay much attention to the UN!

Politics is a necessary part of the way in which our civilisation operates. On the whole, the UN's aim is to look after the interests of the people on this planet - which is why they are so concerned about global warming.

Businesses, on the other hand, are only interested in their bottom line - in the interest of their shareholders. They are only indirectly linked to the rest of the human population.

The martins are wheeling above my head, but none have nested here this year. Market forces dictated that the sparrows got all the best nesting sites (again).